Last Updated:6/23/06
U.S. Government Information: U.S. Officials Involved with Colombia Policy:
Executive Branch

White House

President: George W. Bush
The power of the executive branch is vested in the President, who also serves as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. The President appoints the Cabinet and oversees the various agencies and departments of the federal government.
(202) 456-1414

Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs: Stephen Hadley
Job Description: The National Security Advisor advises and assists the President on national security and foreign policies, and coordinates these policies among various government agencies.
(202) 456-9491


National Security Council
Senior Director for Inter-American Affairs:
Daniel W. Fisk
Job Description: The Inter-American Affairs Office advises and assists the President and the National Security Advisor on all aspects of U.S. foreign policy with respect to Latin America and the Caribbean.

(202) 456-9131

White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
Director: John Walters
Job Description: Also known as the "Drug Czar," the director of ONDCP is normally considered a member of the cabinet and is the principal administration spokesperson on drug policy. The office endeavors to coordinate the activities of the many U.S. government agencies with counter-drug responsibilities.
(202) 395-6700

Department of State

Secretary of State: Condoleezza Rice
Job Description: The Secretary of State is the President's chief adviser on matters that deal with foreign countries.
(202) 647-5291


U.S. Ambassador to Colombia: William B. Wood
Job Description: The Ambassador is charged with representing U.S. interests in Colombia and managing the U.S. embassy in Bogotá.
Other key embassy officials:
Milton Drucker (Deputy Chief of Mission), Jeffrey Delaurentis (Political Section), Liliana Ayalde (AID Mission), Julie G. Connor (Narcotics Affairs Section), Kevin Saderup (U.S. Military Group)
, Brian Butcher (Defense Attaché), David Gaddis (DEA)
+57 1 315-0811


Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs: Nicholas Burns
Job Description: The Under Secretary for Political Affairs is the State Department's crisis manager and is responsible for integrating political, economic, global, and security issues into the United States' bilateral relationships.
(202) 647-2471


Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs: Thomas Shannon
Job Description:
The Assistant Secretary responsible for managing and promoting U.S. interests in the region.
(202) 647-5780


Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs: Charles Shapiro
(202) 647-6755


Director, Office of Andean Affairs: Phillip C. French
(202) 647-1715


Deputy Director, Andean Affairs: David Henifin
(202) 647-1715


Senior Colombia Desk Officer: Stuart Lippe
(202) 647-4208


Colombia Desk Officer: Nan N. Fife
(202) 647-4173


Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs: Anne W. Patterson
Job Description:
The Assistant Secretary implements the International Narcotics Control (INC) element of the U.S. foreign assistance program.
(202) 647-8464


Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor: Barry F. Lowenkron
Job Description:
The Assistant Secretary coordinates U.S. foreign policy and programs that support the promotion and protection of human rights and democracy.
(202) 647-1337


Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor: Jonathan D. Farrar
(202) 647-2570


Program Officer, Democracy, Human Rights and Labor: Jenny Muñoz
(202) 647-1576


Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development: Randall L. Tobias
Job Description: The administrator manages U.S. economic and humanitarian assistance programs worldwide.
(202) 712-4040


Assistant Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development: Adolfo A. Franco
Job Description:
The assistant administrator manages U.S. economic and humanitarian assistance programs in the Western Hemisphere.
(202) 712-4800


USAID Desk Officer, Colombia: David Johnston
(202) 712-1527


USAID Desk Officer, Ecuador, Plan Colombia /
Andean Regional Initiative: Richard Steelman
(202) 712-0518

Department of Defense

Secretary of Defense: Donald H. Rumsfeld
Job Description: The Secretary is the principal defense policy adviser to the President and is responsible for the formulation of general defense policy.
(703) 695-5261


Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Southern Command: Gen. Bantz J. (John) Craddock
Job Description: The Southern Command is the body responsible for U.S. military activities in Latin America and the Caribbean (except Mexico).
(305) 437-1200


Undersecretary of Defense for Policy: Eric S. Edelman
Job Description:
The Undersecretary is the principal staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense for all matters concerning the formulation of national security and defense policy.

(703) 697-7200


Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs: Peter W. Rodman
Job Description: The Assistant Secretary is a principal advisor to the Secretary of Defense on the formulation and coordination of international security strategy and policy.

(703) 695-4351


Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere Affairs: Rogelio (Roger) Pardo-Maurer
Job Description: The Deputy Assistant Secretary is the senior political appointment in the Defense Department with responsibility for hemispheric affairs.

(703) 697-5884


Assistant Secretary of
Defense for Special
Operations and Low-Intensity
Thomas O'Connell
Job Description:
The Assistant Secretary coordinates policy for Special Operations Forces' activities and operations other than war.

(703) 693-2895


Deputy Assistant Secretary of
Defense for Counter-narcotics:
Richard J. Douglas
Job Description:
The Deputy Assistant Secretary oversees and controls the Department’s counternarcotics efforts in the United States and throughout the world.

(703) 697-3186

Department of Justice

Drug Enforcement Agency Administrator: Karen Tandy
Job Description: The Administrator is responsible for enforcing the United States' drug laws and for bringing to justice those involved in the trafficking of illegal drugs into the United States.
(202) 307-7363

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