Last Updated:3/20/02
Peace Initiatives in Colombia:
Civil Society Peace Initiatives


  • Puerta del Cielo Agreement, 1998 (in cooperation with the ELN) [English | Español]
  • Nudo de Paramillo Agreement, 1998 (in cooperation with paramilitary groups) [English | Español]

Joint statements:

Asamblea Permanente de la Sociedad Civil por la Paz [Español]: a coalition of Colombian groups that seeks to strengthen the civil-society peace movement

Colombia en Paz: the central website of Colombia's premier civil society groups involved in the peace effort

Consultoria de Derechos Humanos y Desplazamiento (CODHES): frequently updated website from a Colombian organization that monitors forced displacement and plays a leading role in civil-society peace efforts

Instituto de Estudios por la Democracia, la Paz y la Convivencia en Colombia (DEPAZ) [Español]: develops studies on democracy, peace, aspects of violence, mutual tolerance and conflict resolution

Fundación Ideas para la Paz [Español]: a Colombian "think tank" founded by business leaders in 1999, includes numerous documents, analyses and links to news

Fundación Instituto para la Construcción de la Paz (Ficonpaz) [Español]: founded by the Archdiocese of Bogotá in an effort to build a cuture of peace

Mandato Ciudadano por la Paz, la Vida y la Libertad [Español]: Colombian group based on 1997 non-binding vote demanding a negotiated end to the war

Movimiento No Más [Español]: a citizen movement seeking an end to Colombia's war

Programa de Desarrollo y Paz del Magdalena Medio [Español]: Promotes sustainable human development and peace-building in the conflictive Magdalena Medio region

Pastoral Social Colombia [Español]: peace, development and human rights organization of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia's Catholic Church

Paz Colombia: a coalition of Colombian non-governmental organizations founded in 2000

"Is More Military Aid a Solution for Colombia?" by Jorge Rojas, Paz Colombia, January 15, 2002

Paz Colombia Proposal [English | Español]
Report on peace and human rights [English | Español]

Report on the social, economic, political and international implications of the fight against drug trafficking and shared responsibility [English | Español]

Report on the economic and social crisis in Colombia [English | Español]

Report on agrarian reform and rural development [English | Español]

Report on international cooperation and alternative development [English | Español]

Peace on the Table: a summary of demands and proposals for peace from the various actors in the Peace Process

Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Alternativo (PLANTE) [Español]: the Colombian government's alternative-development agency

Procesodepaz.com [Español]: peace process news, analysis and photos from Cali's El País newspaper

REDEPAZ: National civil-society peace group founded in 1993

  • [Español] El Proceso de Paz Requiere un Tercero, 9 de enero del 2002

Vía Alterna [Español]: "space for opinion and reflection," hosted by a political movement that includes two former M-19 guerrillas who are now members of Colombia's Congress

Viva la Ciudadanía [Español]: group of organizations that seeks to strengthen democracy and equality in Colombia

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