Sites / U.S. Policy Toward Colombia | - Colombia
Week: a well-researched news summary, updated weekly in English
- U.S.
Office on Colombia:
site of a Washington-based network of NGOs
- Latin
America Working Group - Colombia:
site of a Washington-based network of NGOs focused on U.S. policy towards Latin
a resource for activism on U.S. policy toward Colombia, especially protection
of Colombia's peace communities
- Colombia
Journal: weekly postings, publications and links, with analysis of
political, social and economic issues and U.S. foreign policy
- Foreign
Policy in Focus - Colombia: brings
together some of the best thinking of citizen groups and analysts about U.S. policy
in the Andes and the war on drugs
- Colombia
Human Rights Network: urgent actions, links and "Colombia
Update" newsletter from national grassroots network
- Colombia
Support Network:
updates, analysis and alerts from national grassroots network based in Madison,
- [Español]
Consultoría para los Derechos Humanos y el
Desplazamiento (CODHES): frequently
updated website from a Colombian organization that monitors forced displacement
and plays a leading role in civil-society peace efforts
- [Español]
Escuela Colombia: a site
seeking to educate and encourage participation in public debates about Plan Colombia
and globalization
- Washington
Office on Latin America:
main page and Colombia
program page have publications and background information about human rights
and U.S. policy in Colombia
- [Español]
United Nations Development Program - Colombia:
be sure to read the UNDP's excellent 2003 National
Development Report for Colombia
- [Español]
y Colombia: diplomacia y sociedad civil:
a project of the Spain-based Centro de Investigación para la Paz (CIP-
- [Español]
Actualidad Colombiana:
a twice-monthly bulletin published by three Colombian organizations
- [Español]
Mama Coca: on-line academic
journal on complexity, conflict and drugs in the American Region
- [Español]
Vía Alterna: "space
for opinion and reflection," hosted by a political movement that includes
two former M-19 guerrillas who are now members of Colombia's Congress
- Witness
for Peace Colombia program:
alerts, background information and information about speaking tours and delegations
- [Español]
Seguridad y Democracia: research
on military strategy, doctrine, and prospects for peace
- America's
Forgotten War:
from victims of Colombia's violence, plus other background information.
- Wide
Angle - Colombia:
a briefing,
"handbook," photo essay and other resources accompanying an edition
of the PBS television program that aired in September 2004.
a national
coalition of organizations and individuals working to transform U.S. policy toward
Colombia and the Andean region.
- ColombiaWatch:
a site monitoring media coverage of Colombia from the Transnational Technical
- [Español]
links to alternative news stories about Colombia
Colombia Lens: news
links, features, and analysis from the Minneapolis-based Resource Center of the
- International
Crisis Group Colombia Project: research from a prominent multinational
- Beyond
Armed Actors: A Look at Civil Society: the spring 2003 issue of ReVista,
the Harvard Review of Latin America, dedicated entirely to Colombia
- Latinamerica
Press Colombia
articles, many availalbe for free, from a Peru-based alternative news service
- Colombia
Program, Center for Latin American Studies, Georgetown University: publications,
conference documents and analysis on peace, conflict, and governance in Colombia
- Embassy
of Colombia in Washington: includes links to news, press releases,
analyses and background information about Colombia
- Embassy
of the United States in Bogotá:
includes documents, background information, press releases and texts of recent
- Inter-American
Dialogue: Washington-based policy analysis center, occasionally publishes
articles about Colombia
- Locombia:
an internet forum about Colombia, its culture and the conflict; goal is
"to tell the truth about Colombia, the good and the bad"
- [Español]
Plan Nacional de Desarrollo
Alternativo (PLANTE):
the Colombian government's alternative-development agency
leaders and scientists caution that aerial fumigation of drug crops with chemical
herbicides could seriously threaten the health of Amazonian communities and ecosystems
- See also
along with killing coca plants, the toxic fungus may pose serious dangers to the
environment and human health
- ReliefWeb
- The Latest - Colombia:
an interesting collection of links to recent news and documents
- [Español]
de Medios Independientes - Colombia: frequently
updated activist site with news links and information about events
- [Español]
de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca:
a frequently updated site managed by the indigenous communities of northern
Cauca department
- Ecopetrol
- Tierras: a fascinating clickable map of oil exploration sites from
Colombia's state-run oil company
- Occidental
in Colombia: information about the oil company's activities and community
relations in northeastern Colombia
- Colombia: database
contains tens of thousands of documents on Colombia from over 950 organisations
working for social justice
a website maintained by relatives of Marc Gonsalves, one of three U.S. citizens,
working in Colombia on a Defense Department contract, who have been held by the
FARC since February 2003
- Inter-Religious
Task Force on Central America: a Cleveland, Ohio-based peace and human
rights group active on U.S. policy toward Colombia
- Global
Exchange Colombia Campaign: background information, news updates, links
and action alerts from San Francisco-based grassroots group
Colombia page: ZNet's resource on the conflict in Colombia and the North American
- Church
World Service Colombia Page:
CWS urges that assistance to Colombia be supportive of, and not undermine, the
peace process
- War
on Drugs and Human Rights in Colombia:
site maintained by activist Paul Wolf
- Lutheran
Office on Government Affairs - Colombia:
action alerts and background papers
- Piedad
Córdoba Ruiz:
website of the maverick Liberal-Party senator
- Practicing
Peace, Living with War: Going Upriver in Colombia: an account of Colombia's
Urabá region by Kimberly Theidon of Stanford University's Center for Latin
American Studies, October 30, 2001
- Canada-Colombia
Solidarity Campaign: aims at engaging the Canadian public to participate,
learn and build active solidarity
- Plan
Colombia, de Vietnam al Amazonas:
left-of-center analyses from a site called
- Colombia
Peace Association:
information and analyses from a radical perspective
- Colombia
a few good maps from the University of Texas's Perry-Castañeda Library
map collection
- [Español]
Casa de Paz, website
of the civil-society initiative to provide a space for dialogue with the ELN guerrilla
- [Español]
Ideas para la Paz: a
Colombian "think tank" founded by business leaders in 1999, includes
numerous documents, analyses and links to news
- [Español]
de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Paz (Indepaz): Publications
and information from a Colombian research organization
- [Español]
Paz: Colombian
organization that seeks to integrate traditionally excluded sectors of society
into peace-building
- [Español]
Viva la Ciudadanía:
organization founded in 1990 to strengthen democratic reform
- [Español]
Paz Colombia: a coalition
of Colombian non-governmental organizations founded in 2000
- [Español]
Mandato Ciudadano por la
Paz, la Vida y la Libertad: Colombian group based on 1997 non-binding vote
demanding a negotiated end to the war
- [Español]
para la Paz:
group offering analysis of Colombia's conflict, peace process, and challenges
faced by the press
- [Español]
Programa de Desarrollo y Paz del Magdalena Medio:
Promotes sustainable human development and peace-building in the conflictive
Magdalena Medio region
- [Español]
Social Colombia:
peace, development and human rights organization of the Episcopal Conference of
Colombia's Catholic Church
- [Español]
Instituto para la Construcción de la Paz (Ficonpaz):
founded by the Archdiocese of Bogotá in an effort to build a cuture of
- [Español]
No Más: a citizen movement seeking an end to Colombia's war
- [Español]
de Estudios por la Democracia, la Paz y la Convivencia en Colombia (DEPAZ) :
develops studies on democracy, peace, aspects of violence, mutual tolerance and
conflict resolution
- [Español]
la Ciudadanía: group of organizations that seeks to strengthen democracy
and equality in Colombia
- [Español]
Comisionado para la Paz: office of the Colombian government's High Commissioner
for Peace, which negotiates with armed groups
- [Español]
Fondo de Inversión para la Paz:
Colombian government agency that finances projects and programs to "create
conditions of peace"
- [Español]
Audiencias Públicas: discussions
in the FARC demilitarized zone intended to be the Colombian public's means of
participating in the peace process
- [Español]
Diálogos, communiqués
and other peace-process information from the FARC web site
- [Español]
CM& - Paz: Peace news from Colombia's
CMI television network
- Collateral
a Hollywood overview of Colombia's conflict, from the site of the 2002 Arnold
Schwarzenegger movie (requires Macromedia Flash)
- Guerrillas
in Colombia
/ Colombian
Guerrillas: analysis of the conflict from a right-of-center perspective
- Rightist
documenting guerrilla (but not paramilitary) abuses, often highly critical of
peace process
- UN
Office on Drug Control and Crime Prevention:
UN office in charge of drug policy; produces annual report on Global Illicit Drug
- Andean
coca surveys page
- Colombia
Coca Survey for 2003 (Adobe Acrobat [.pdf]
format; Bolivia
and Peru
- Colombia
Coca Survey for 2002 (Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format)
- 2002
report (Adobe Acrobat [.pdf]
- 2001
report (Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format): English
| Español
- Map
(.jpg file): Coca cultivation in Colombia, 2001.
- 2000
report (Adobe Acrobat [.pdf]
- 1999
report (Adobe Acrobat [.pdf]
- [English
| Español]
Institute Drugs and Democracy Project:
seeks a reassessment of the conventional prohibitive and repressive drug policy
approaches; includes publications and links
- Inter-American
Drug Abuse Control Commission (OAS-CICAD): the drug-control office of the
Organization of American States
- Environmental
and Human Health Assessment of Aerial Spray Program in Colombia, April 2005 [Adobe
Acrobat (pdf) format: (Final
Report / Presentation)]
- Response
to this report from former Colombian government drug-policy advisor Alberto Rueda,
May 2005 [Spanish, Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
- Media
Awareness Project (MAP):
a project of DrugSense, provides information
relevant to drug policy, including a large database of news clippings
- Drug
Reform Coordination Network: a
national network of more than 21,000 activists and concerned citizens; includes
news, publications and an online "drug
- [Español]
verde, a
semi-monthly update from the Peru-based Andean Commission of Jurists
- Drugs,
Democracy and Human Rights:
a project
of the Washington Office on Latin America
- U.S.
State Department International Narcotics Control Strategy Report: Colombia (2001,
annual report of the State Department's Bureau
of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
- [Español]
Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes:
and other information from the Colombian government's "drug czar"
- [Español]
Cultivos Ilícitos,
Impacto Ambiental y Erradicación:
including maps and coca-growing data by municipality, from the Colombian government
- [Español]
Coordinadora Nacional de Cultivadores
de Coca y Amapola (COCCA):
"For the substitution of coca and poppy crops within the framework
of profound social, economic and political transformations"
- [Español]
Integrado de Monitoreo de Cultivos Ilícitos (SIMCI)
- UN program which detects illicit crop cultivation
- State
Department Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs:
manages the International Narcotics Control program, the fumigation program,
and most aid to Colombia
- Defense
Department office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Counternarcotics):
and controls the Department’s counternarcotics efforts, including Pentagon
aid to Colombia
- RoundUp
information: from Monsanto, Inc.; includes product guide for the herbicide
and links to labels
- Institute
for Policy Studies Drug Policy Project: advocates for reform by reaching
out to non-traditional allies and employing innovative tactics
- Lindesmith
Center - Drug Policy Foundation: an organization working to broaden and
better inform the public debate on drug policy and related issues
- Common
Sense for Drug Policy: a non-profit organization dedicated to resonating
the voices of those raising questions about existing law and educating the public
about alternatives
- Criminal
Justice Policy Foundation: provides information about issues in state and
federal anti-crime proposals, e.g. mandatory minimum sentences, drug sentences,
crack and powder cocaine sentencing disparity
- National
Drug Strategy Network: working for effective approaches to address the
world's many drug problems by sharing accurate information
- Students
for Sensible Drug Policy: educates about harms caused by the War on Drugs,
works to involve youth in the political process, and promotes an open, honest,
and rational discussion of alternatives
- Religious
Leaders for a More Just and Compassionate Drug Policy: a group of religious
leaders both clergy and religious academics who have felt called to speak out
an Internet-based resource for those interested in U.S. low intensity conflict
in Latin America
- Narco
News: reporting on the "War on Drugs" from Latin America
- White
House Office of National Drug Control
Policy: the office of the "Drug Czar," many publications available
- Drug
Enforcement Administration:
U.S. agency responsible for enforcing the United States' drug laws and for bringing
to justice those involved in the trafficking of illegal drugs into the United
| - Human
Rights Watch Colombia page (English
| Spanish): extensive
research on Colombia's human rights crisis
- Amnesty
International U.S.A. Colombia page: research, alerts and position
- "Colombia
Human Rights Certification III": a very thorough accounting of
reasons why Colombia fails to meet human rights standards in U.S. aid law, from
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Washington Office on Latin America,
February 5, 2002 [Adobe Acrobat [.pdf]
document from Amnesty Intl. site]
- [Español]
Noche y Niebla: database
of human rights violations in Colombia's conflict, maintained by non-governmental
organizations CINEP and Justicia y Paz
- [Español]
Colombia Field Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Human Rights: website
of the important human rights presence that the UN has maintained in Colombia
since 1997
- 2003
- 2002
- [Español]
Letter to Colombian President Álvaro Uribe from UN High Commissioner for Human
Rights Mary Robinson, August 26, 2002
- [Español]
Report on the office's May 9-12, 2002 observation mission in the Medio Atrato
region of Chocó department
- 2001
report [Spanish draft, Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
- 2000
report [English | Español]
(Colombian government response, posted by Nizkor [Español])
- 1999
report [English | Español]
- 1997
report [Español]
- U.S.
State Department Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2001,
2000, 1999,
annual reports required by Sections 116 and 502B of the Foreign Assistance
Act of 1961
- [Español]
Coordinación Colombia-Europa-Estados
Unidos: a coalition of about 100 Colombian human rights groups
- Justice
for Colombia: a coalition of British organizations working in support
of basic human rights and the struggle for peace with social justice
- El
Embrujo Autoritario: reports voicing strong criticism of the Uribe government's
policies, from a coalition of analysts and organizations
- [Español]
- Asociación para la Promoción Social Alternativa: respected
Colombian human rights organization that performs education, research and legal
- [Español]
Unidades Democráticas para el Desarrollo (CEUDES): Colombian
organization that emerged from 1990-1991 peace processes and works "to promote
the rule of law and participative democracy"
- [Español]
Commission of Jurists:
research from one of Colombia's most respected and frequently cited human
rights groups
- "Colombia:
En Contravía de las Recomendaciones Internacionales Sobre Derechos Humanos,"
15 de octubre de 2004 [Español]
- "Alerta
Frente a las Cifras Gubernamentales Sobre Derechos Humanos en Colombia,"
9 de julio de 2003 [Español]
- Press
release: "Preocupaciones y compromisos en difícil reunión con ONG,"
13 de junio de 2003 [Español]
- "Esta
Guerra No Se Gana a Bala," por Gustavo Gallón Giraldo, 4 de septiembre
de 2002 [Español, formato Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)]
- Panorama
de violaciones a los derechos humanos y al derecho humanitario en Colombia, abril
a septiembre del 2000 [Español]
- Galería
de la Memoria, Fundación Manuel Cepeda Vargas: well-designed slide
show providing an excellent overview of Colombia's recent history, complicated
conflict and human rights crisis [English
| Español]
- Corporación
Regional para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos (CREDHOS):
human rights organization very active in Colombia's Magdalena Medio region
- Inter-American
Human Rights Commission: human
rights oversight body of the Organization of American States
- U.S.
Labor Education in the Americas Program
Colombia - Violence
Against Workers: An overview and organizing packet on the crisis of labor
activists in Colombia
- Nizkor
human rights Colombia page:
extensive collection of documents from Spanish human rights group [English
| Español]
- Peace
Brigades International Colombia
Project: site
of an organization that maintains international observer and accompaniment teams
in areas of conflict; includes a twice-monthly information packet
- Global
IDP database - Colombia:
a very thorough treatment of the crisis of forced displacement in Colombia
- [Español]
Programa Presidencial
de los Derechos Humanos y el DIH: human rights-related information
from the Colombian vice-president's office
- [Español]
Ministry of Defense of Colombia:
reports on human rights from Colombia's military
- Colombian
Labor Monitor:
news, analysis and links with a focus on human rights violations against Colombian
- International
Labor Rights Fund:
information about the group's lawsuits against Coca-Cola
for alleged abuses in Colombia, and against Dyncorp
for fumigation damages
- The
Front Lines - Stories from the war against labor unionists in Colombia:
first-hand accounts from threatened Colombian labor leaders, from the Institute
for Policy Studies
- Committee
to Protect Journalists Americas Program: includes numerous updates
on attacks against the press in Colombia
- Bad
Press: Colombia's mortal threat to journalism, by Frank Smyth, September 2001
[English (.html
/ .pdf)
| Español (.html
/ .pdf)]
- U.S.
Committee for Refugees Colombia
page: information about Colombia's massive crisis of forced displacement
- [Español]
Humanidad Vigente: human-rights group based in Arauca department
- [Spanish,
Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format] Con Arauca newsletter,
April 2004
- [Español]
El ACNUR en Colombia:
a page about the UN High Commissioner for Refugees' mission in Colombia
- [Español]
Observatorio Internacional por la Paz (OIPAZ):
a coalition of Ecuadorian groups promoting peace and human rights in the region
bordering Colombia
- Mennonite
Central Committee - Uprooted
in Colombia: a photo gallery of internal displacement in Colombia
- [Español]
Asociación de Familiares de Detenidos
Desaparecidos (ASFADDES): site of Colombia's main organization of relatives
of forcibly disappeared persons
- [Español]
Fundación País Libre:
organization dedicated to stopping the practice of kidnapping in Colombia
- [Español]
Red de Solidaridad Social: the Colombian
government's agency for aiding victims of forced internal displacement
- Brookings
Institution-CUNY Graduate Center Project
on Internal Displacement: includes several articles and other information
on Colombia's internal displacement crisis
- [Español]
Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales Alternativos (ILSA): Colombian organization
that promotes a network of grass-roots alternative legal services in Latin America
and the Caribbean
- Centro
de Investigación y Educación Popular (CINEP): influential human rights
and human development organization founded by the Jesuits in 1962 [English
| Español]
- International
Labor Organization: oversees labor rights worldwide
- Report
of the Special Representative of the Director-General for Cooperation with Colombia,
November 2000 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
format] [Addendum]
- Project
Underground - The U'wa Struggle for Land, Culture, and Survival: information
about the U'wa people of northeastern Colombia and their opposition to a project
of California-based Occidental Petroleum
- Catholic
Relief Services - Colombia:
works with the Colombian Catholic Church and other partners, to bring about
a peaceful solution to the conflict
- [Español]
Instituto de Derechos
Humanos "Guillermo Cano": human rights institute within the Colombian
government's school of public administration (ESAP)
- National
Security bill: links related
to controversial law passed by Colombia's Congress in mid-2001
- [Español]
of bill
- Colombian
government briefing document, July 23, 2001
- [Español]
by several Colombian human rights NGOs
- Letter
from Reps. William Delahunt (D-Massachusetts) and Sam Farr (D-California), May
17, 2001
- [Español]
Colombia: site of the Unted Nations Children's Fund in Colombia
- [Español]
Project Colombia: a resource for understanding the crisis of forced displacement
- Diálogo
Inter Agencial en Colombia: a resource on forced displacement from a consortium
of donor agencies [English
| Español]
- [Español]
Centro de Información sobre el Desarrollo de
la Democracia en Colombia (CIDEC): A Bogotá-based human rights organization
focusing on violations by guerrilla groups
- [Español]
Éxodo: bulletin about internal displacement
in Colombia, from the Grupo de Apoyo a los Desplazados (GAD)
- 2002
presidential campaign
- [Español]
Alvaro Uribe, Primero
Colombia: winner of the elections, to be inaugurated August 7, 2002
- [Español,
formato Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)]
"Propuesta Programática: Un millón de colombianos colaborando
de manera transparente con la Fuerza Pública," abril de 2002
- [Español]
Horacio Serpa, Liberal Party: candidate
from Colombia's main opposition party, narrowly lost in 1998, running on a populist
- [Español]
Noemí Sanín, Sí Colombia
(supported by Conservative Party): ran a surprisingly successful independent
campaign in 1998, running on a centrist, reformist platform
- [Español]
Ingrid Bethancourt, Oxígeno
Verde: independent senator, running on a reformist platform
- [Español]
Luis Eduardo Garzón, Frente Social
y Político: former labor-union leader, left-of-center candidate running
on a platform of profound structural changes
- [Español]
an excellent page about the candidates and their positions
- Political
- Interest