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Last Updated:4/6/07


CIP Analyses

International Policy Reports

  • Below the Radar: U.S. Military Programs with Latin America 1997-2007, March 2007.
    An update from the Latin America Working Group / Washington Office on Latin America / CIP military aid monitoring project.
    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

  • Plan Colombia - Six Years Later: Report of a CIP staff visit to Putumayo and Medellín, Colombia, November 2006.
    After so much investment in weapons and offensives, is the country more secure, better governed, and out from under the illegal drug economy?
    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

  • Erasing the Lines: Trends in U.S. military programs with Latin America, December 2005.
    An update from the Latin America Working Group / Washington Office on Latin America / CIP military aid monitoring project.
    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

  • Borrando las Divisiones: Tendencias en los programas militares de los EE.UU. en América Latina, Diciembre de 2005.
    Una nueva publicación del proyecto conjunto de monitoreo de ayuda militar manejado por el Grupo de Trabajo en Asuntos Latinoamericanos LAWG, la Oficina en Washington para Asuntos Latinoamericanos WOLA, y CIP.
    • Formato Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)

  • Peace - or "Paramilitarization?" July 2005.
    Why a weak peace agreement with Colombian paramilitary groups may be worse than no agreement at all.
    • Web (.html) format
    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

  • Blueprint for a New Colombia Policy, March 2005.
    A detailed document proposing ten urgently needed changes to U.S. policy toward Colombia, written by the Latin America Working Group, CIP, the Washington Office on Latin America and the U.S. Office on Colombia.
    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

  • Propuesta para una nueva política hacia Colombia, Marzo de 2005.
    Diez cambios urgentemente necesitados en la política estadounidense hacia Colombia. Escrito por el Grupo de Trabajo sobre América Latina, CIP, la Oficina en Washington sobre Asuntos Latinoamericanos, y la Oficina en Washington sobre Asuntos Colombianos.
    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

  • Blurring the Lines: Trends in U.S. military programs with Latin America, October 2004.
    An update from the Latin America Working Group / Washington Office on Latin America / CIP military aid monitoring project.
    • Web (.html) format
    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

  • Diluyendo las Divisiones: Tendencias en los programas militares de los EE.UU. en América Latina, Octubre de 2004.
    Una nueva publicación del proyecto conjunto de monitoreo de ayuda militar manejado por el Grupo de Trabajo en Asuntos Latinoamericanos LAWG, la Oficina en Washington para Asuntos Latinoamericanos WOLA, y CIP.
    • Formato Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)

  • Paint by Numbers: Trends in U.S. military programs with Latin America & challenges to oversight, August 2003
    An update from the Latin America Working Group / CIP military aid monitoring project.
    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

  • The "War on Drugs" meets the "War on Terror": The United States’ military involvement in Colombia climbs to the next level, February 2003.
    • Web (.html) format
    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

  • Just the Facts 2001-2002: A Quick Tour of U.S. Defense and Security
    Relations With Latin America and the Caribbean, by Adam Isacson and Joy Olson, November 2001.

    An update from the Latin America Working Group / CIP military aid monitoring project.
    • Web (.html) format
    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

  • Solo los Hechos 2001-2002: Un breve recorrido por las relaciones de los Estados Unidos en materia de defensa y seguridad con América Latina y El Caribe, por Adam Isacson y Joy Olson, Noviembre del 2001.
    Más del proyecto de monitoreo del Latin America Working Group y CIP.
    • Formato Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) (2.3 MB)

  • Plan Colombia’s "Ground Zero:" a report from CIP’s trip to Putumayo, Colombia, March 9-12, 2001, by Ingrid Vaicius and Adam Isacson, April 2001.
    A look at the epicenter of U.S. military aid to Colombia in the wake of the first phase of "Plan Colombia.".
    • Web (.html) format (950 KB)
    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format (565 KB)

  • El "Punto Cero"del Plan Colombia: reporte del viaje de CIP al Putumayo, Colombia, Marzo 9-12, 2001.
    Una mirada al epicentro de la ayuda militar estadounidense a Colombia despues de la primera etapa del "Plan Colombia."
    • Formato normal (.html) (950 KB)
    • Formato Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) (564 KB)

  • "The New Masters of Barranca:" A Report from CIP’s trip to Barrancabermeja, Colombia, March 6-8, 2001, by Adam Isacson, April 2001.
    An account of the rapid paramilitary takeover of a strategic city and the struggle of local human rights groups and community leaders.
    • Web (.html) format (500 KB)
    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format (403 KB)

  • "Los nuevos dueños de Barranca": Reporte del viaje de CIP a Barrancabermeja, Colombia, 6-8 de marzo del 2001.
    Cuenta sobre la rápida conquista paramilitar de una ciudad estratégica y la lucha de sus grupos de derechos humanos y líderes populares.
    • Formato normal (.html) (500 KB)
    • Formato Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) (404 KB)

  • Plan Colombia: The Debate in Congress, 2000, by Ingrid Vaicius and Adam Isacson, December 2000.
    An analysis of the aid package's contents and the process leading up to its approval during 2000.
    • Web (.html) format (300 KB)
    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format (356 KB)
  • El Plan Colombia: El Debate en los Estados Unidos, por Ingrid Vaicius, Agosto del 2000.
    Un análisis del contenido del paquete de ayuda de los Estados Unidos a Colombia, y el debate alrededor de su aprobación en Washington.
    • Formato normal (.html) (333 KB)
    • Formato Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) (650 KB)

  • Getting in Deeper: The United States' Growing Involvement in Colombia's Conflict, by Adam Isacson, February 2000.
    A 12-page analysis of U.S. assistance to Colombia, the 2000-2001 aid package, the risks of the current U.S. approach, and policy alternatives. Includes numerous helpful graphics.
    • Web (.html) format (660 KB)
    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format (485 KB)

  • The Colombian Dilemma: After Half a Century of Fighting, Can a Fragile Peace Process Succeed?, by Adam Isacson, February 2000.
    A 12-page analysis of Colombia's complicated conflict, the impact of the drug trade, the human rights crisis, and the ongoing peace process. Includes numerous helpful graphics.
    • World-wide web (.html) format (685 KB)
    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format (1.05 MB)


Articles for other publications, op-eds and Interviews

  • "Anti-Union Violence in Colombia," interview on "Underreported," WNYC-FM New York, April 5, 2007
  • "Why the Cincinnati Enquirer Was Forced to Apologize for 1998 Expose of Chiquita's Latin America Dealings," interview on "Democracy Now!" March 23, 2007
  • "The United States and Colombia: the next plan," by Adam Isacson, March 12, 2007
  • PBS NewsHour: CIP Colombia Program Director Adam Isacson debate with Robert Charles, former assistant secretary of state for international narcotics control, March 12, 2007
  • Bush makes a quick stop in Colombia,” interview on American Public Media's "Marketplace," March 9, 2007
  • Isacson: U.S. Needs 'Humility' in Latin America,” Council on Foreign Relations podcast, February 28, 2007
  • "Elecciones legislativas en EE.UU.: Qué está en juego para Colombia," por Adam Isacson, El Espectador (Colombia), 4 de noviembre de 2006 [Español]
  • "Diez amenazas a la luna de miel," por Adam Isacson, El Tiempo (Colombia), 6 de agosto de 2006 [Español]
  • "Interconexión energética, vista desde Washington," por Adam Isacson, El Espectador (Colombia), 9 de julio de 2006 [Español | English]
  • Letter: "The Real Solution for Colombia's Drug Problems," by Adam Isacson, The Washington Post, July 3, 2006
  • "En armonía, por el momento," por Adam Isacson, El Espectador (Colombia), 11 de junio de 2006 [Español | English]
  • "Una derrota en Washington," por Adam Isacson, El Espectador (Colombia), 6 de noviembre de 2005 [Español]
  • "Aprobación de la reelección es un mensaje de continuidad a Estados Unidos," por Adam Isacson, El Tiempo (Colombia), 20 de octubre de 2005 [Español]
  • "Failing Grades: Evaluating the Results of Plan Colombia," by Adam Isacson in the Yale Journal of International Affairs, Summer/Fall 2005 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • "Plan Colombia’s Drug Eradication Program Misses the Mark," by Adam Isacson and John Myers, International Relations Center (IRC), July 18, 2005
  • "Estados Unidos, las AUC y la extradición," por Adam Isacson, Hechos del Callejón 5 (UN Development Program), julio de 2005 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • "Ni Siquiera Migajas," por Adam Isacson, El Espectador (Colombia), 26 de junio de 2005 [Español]
  • "Closing the 'Seams': U.S. Security Policy in the Americas," by Adam Isacson, NACLA Report on the Americas, May-June 2005
  • "Security: An electoral liability for Uribe?" by Adam Isacson, El Espectador (Colombia), March 27, 2005 [English | Español]
  • "De Faluya al Plan Patriota," por Adam Isacson, El Espectador (Colombia), 13 de febrero de 2005 [Español]
  • "Extradición: una espada de doble filo," por Adam Isacson, Semana (Colombia), 9 de enero de 2005 [Español]
  • [Large PDF file in Spanish] Informe de la Misión de Observación sobre los Efectos del Plan Colombia en los Departamentos de Nariño y Putumayo, report issued jointly with several Colombian and Ecuadorian NGOs, november 2004
  • "Bush and Uribe make their shopping list" ("La 'lista de compras' de Uribe y Bush"), by Adam Isacson, El Espectador (Colombia), November 14, 2004 [English | Español]
  • Adam Isacson participating in a panel on Forum with Michael Krasny, a program of National Public Radio's San Francisco affiliate WQED, November 9, 2004.
  • "Diluyendo las Distinciones," por Adam Isacson, El Espectador (Colombia), 10 de octubre de 2004 [Español]
  • "Two blows to President Uribe's Image" ("Golpes a la imagen de Uribe"), by Adam Isacson, El Espectador (Colombia), August 1, 2004 [English | Español]
  • "Conflicto y fumigación," por Adam Isacson, El Espectador (Colombia), 16 de mayo de 2004 [Español]
  • "U.S., Colombia Look to Expand Military Ties," Adam Isacson interviewed on National Public Radio's Morning Edition, March 23, 2004
  • "Optimism, Pessimism, and Terrorism: The United States and Colombia in 2003," by Adam Isacson, Brown University Journal of International Affairs, Winter-Spring 2004 (External link, Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format)
  • "Washington's 'New War' in Colombia," by Adam Isacson, NACLA Report on the Americas, March-April 2003 [External link, $2.25 fee to read full article]
  • "Was Failure Avoidable? Learning From Colombia’s 1998-2002 Peace Process," by Adam Isacson, North South Center Working Paper No. 14, March 2003 [External link, Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • [External link] "Firm Hand, Large Heart," by Adam Isacson in the Fall 2002 Human Rights Dialogue, published by the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs.
  • "After Plan Colombia: Why Doesn’t Washington Learn from Failure in Colombia?" by Adam Isacson, from the December 2002 Canadian Foundation for the Americas Spotlight on the Americas [External link, Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format; page 3]
  • "Colombia After September 11: View from Washington," by Adam Isacson, from the Fall 2002 Colombia Human Rights Network Colombia Update (External link: Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format, page 5)
  • "U.S. Counter-Drug Assistance to Latin America: A Program-by-Program Overview," by Adam Isacson, for the Washington Office on Latin America project on Drugs, Democracy and Human Rights, July 2002 (External link, Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format).
  • "Colombia's human security crisis," by Adam Isacson, UN Disarmament Forum, Spring 2002 (External link, Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format).
  • Colombia's Cheap War, by Adam Isacson, The Washington Post, April 2, 2002
  • ¿Guerra total? por Adam Isacson, Cambio (Colombia), 1 de abril de 2002
  • Listen to CIP Senior Associate Adam Isacson participating in a panel on Colombia on National Public Radio's The Diane Rehm Show, March 25, 2002. (1 hour; RealAudio player required; external link)
  • "Colombia Update," by Adam Isacson, NACLA Report on the Americas, February 13, 2002 (external link)
  • "Bush to Fund Colombia War Effort," by Adam Isacson, Alternet.org, February 6, 2002 (external link | printer-friendly version)
  • [Español] "¿Negociar con los 'paras'?" por Adam Isacson, El Tiempo (Colombia), 6 de febrero del 2002
  • "Colombia faces turmoil as peace process collapses," by Adam Isacson, The Scotsman (UK), January 14, 2002 (external link)
  • "El papel de Washington," Semana (Colombia), January 13, 2002 [English | Spanish]
  • "A New New World Order?: U.S. Military Mission Grows in Latin America," by Kate Doyle and Adam Isacson, NACLA Report on the Americas, November/December 2001 (external link)
  • "The Tragedy of Alternative Development in Colombia," by CIP Senior Associate Adam Isacson, Colombia Report, December 3, 2001 (external link)
  • "Terrorism in Colombia: More than a Military Solution Required," by CIP Senior Associate Adam Isacson, and Center for Defense Information Research Assistant Victoria Garcia, Oct. 22, 2001 (external link | printer-friendly version)
  • "Militarizing Latin America Policy," by CIP Senior Associate Adam Isacson, Foreign Policy in Focus, May 2001 (external link)
  • "A New Plan for Colombia," by CIP Senior Associate Adam Isacson, the Financial Times (UK), February 8, 2001
  • [In Spanish] "EU no sabe en qué se está metiendo," CIP Senior Associate Adam Isacson interview with El Espectador (Colombia), February 6, 2001
  • "Shooting Up Colombia," by CIP President Robert E. White, Commonweal magazine, October 6, 2000
  • "U.S. Military Aid to Colombia: The Human Rights Implications," by CIP Senior Associate Adam Isacson, LASA Forum (Latin American Studies Association), Fall 2000
  • Read or listen to CIP President Robert White's commentary on the twentieth anniversary of the assassination of Monsignor Oscar Romero and its relevance to U.S. policy in Colombia today, on National Public Radio's Morning Edition, March 24, 2000. (3:30; RealAudio player required; external link -- 14.4 modem | 28.8 modem)
  • U.S. Aid to Colombia, text of an online chat with CIP President Robert E. White, from washingtonpost.com, February 16, 2000
  • Shades of Vietnam - Heading for trouble in Colombia, by CIP President Robert E. White. (First appeared on Page A23 of The Washington Post, February 8, 2000.)
  • Listen to CIP Senior Associate Adam Isacson participating in a panel on "U.S.-Colombia Relations" on National Public Radio's The Diane Rehm Show, January 10, 2000. (1 hour; RealAudio player required; external link)
  • The Wrong War - Our Guns and Tanks Won't Bring An End to Colombia's Civil Strife, by CIP President Robert E. White. (First appeared on Page B2 of The Washington Post, September 12, 1999.)

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