Last Updated:2/13/07
Other Non-Governmental Organization, Academic, and Foreign Government Analyses

Note: most of the documents linked from this page are not on the CIP web site. If you find a "broken" link, please write us.
Military aid opponents and skeptics
Military aid proponents


  • Ecumenical petition to President Bush, 1,852 signatures, released February 2007
  • [Español, Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format] Document from six Colombian non-governmental organizations: "Comentarios de las organizaciones de derechos humanos de Colombia sobre el cumplimiento de los condicionamientos de la asistencia militar estadounidense," July 11, 2005
  • Letter from several NGOS to U.S. Agency for International Development, February 22, 2005
    • Response from USAID, March 25, 2005 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • Statement of several international NGOS upon the Cartagena donors' meeting, February 3, 2005
  • Letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice from eleven U.S. non-governmental organizations regarding February 2005 Cartagena donors' meeting, January 28, 2005
  • [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format] Letter to USAID Administrator Adolfo Franco from four U.S. non-governmental organizations, November 15, 2004
  • [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format] Letter to President Uribe from 12 U.S. non-governmental and religious organizations regarding arbitrary arrests, October 29, 2004
  • Letter to presidential candidates from 25 national and 715 local U.S. religious leaders, October 14, 2004
  • Letter to President Uribe from 29 U.S. organizations regarding August 2004 killing of unionists in Arauca, September 14, 2004
  • [Español - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format] Informe de la Comisión de Verificación de las Fumigaciones en el Departamento de Arauca, various organizations, November 2003
  • Statement from four U.S. organizations, July 23, 2003
  • Memorandum from four U.S. organizations, July 21, 2003
  • Letter from nine U.S. organizations, July 21, 2003
  • Document from Colombian human rights and peace organizations prepared for London donors' meeting, July 9, 2003 [Español]
  • Declaration from the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Working Group of the Colombia Steering Committee, June 2003 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • Letter to President Uribe from 25 Colombian Non-Governmental Organizations, June 11, 2003 [Español]
  • Letter to the U.S. Congress from Thirty-Seven U.S. Non-Governmental Organizations, May 2003
  • ¿Contra quién es la guerra? por el Banco de Datos de Derechos Humanos y Violencia Política (CINEP, Justicia y Paz, CODHES y la Escuela Nacional Sindical), 19 de noviembre del 2002 [Español]
  • Letter from 15 U.S. organizations regarding Colombian government search of Permanent Assembly of Civil Society for Peace, November 19, 2002 [English | Español]
  • Letter to Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Arizona) from five U.S. NGOs regarding alternative development, June 7, 2002
  • Congreso Nacional de Paz y País, Bogotá, May 9-11, 2002
    • [Español] Llamamiento Final, 11 de mayo del 2002
    • [Español] Declaración de la Delegación Latinoamericana, 10 de mayo del 2002
    • [English | Español] Statement of support from U.S. NGOs, May 9, 2002
    • [English | Español] Statement of support from U.S. religious organizations, May 9, 2002
  • Letter to Congress from 38 U.S. non-governmental organizations regarding 2002 supplemental appropriations request, April 16, 2002
  • [English | Español] Memo from four non-governmental organizations: Compliance with Fumigation Conditions in the Andean Counterdrug Initiative, April 10, 2002
  • Comments of nine Colombian human rights organizations regarding fulfillment of the conditions of the Andean Regional Initiative, February 28, 2002 [Español | Executive Summary in English]
  • Letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell from U.S. non-governmental organizations, February 22, 2002
  • II Foro "El Sur Evalúa el Plan Colombia," from a conference in Puerto Asís, Putumayo, December 10-11, 2001
    • Presentación [Español]
    • Comunicado, 10 de diciembre [Español]
    • Declaración final, 11 de diciembre [Español]
    • Pre-foro Cauca, 17 de noviembre de 2001 [Español - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
    • Pre-foro Nariño, 15 de noviembre de 2001 [Español - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • Letter to Secretary of State Powell from 62 U.S. organizations, December 7, 2001
  • Statement of U.S. non-governmental organizations on President Andrés Pastrana's visit to the United States, November 9, 2001
  • Statement of U.S. non-governmental organizations on human rights conditionality, September 26, 2001
  • "Taller del Bajo Putumayo," results of an August 2001 workshop among signers of "social pacts" for alternative development in Putumayo organized by three Colombian NGOs (CINEP, MINGA and CODHES):
  • "Declaration of Lago Agrio," signed by organizations meeting near the Colombian-Ecuadorian border, April 19, 2001 [Español]
  • Letter to President George W. Bush from over 100 Latin American leaders, April 16, 2001 [English | Español]
  • "Peaceful alternatives to the drug war," II Encuentro Nacional de Mesas Ciudadanas para una Agenda de Paz, March 2001 (Spanish)
  • Letter from 44 writers and academics to Presidents Bush and Pastrana, February 27, 2001 [English | Español]
  • Open letter to President Pastrana on the future of peace talks with the FARC, December 4, 2000 [English | Spanish]
  • [In Spanish] Declaration of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas, December 4, 2000
  • [In Spanish] Encuentro de Organizaciones Sociales: Construcción de Alternativas al Plan Colombia, Piendamó, Cauca, Colombia, November 24-25, 2000 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • [In Spanish] "El Sur Responde al Plan Colombia," declaration of conference in Puerto Asís, Putumayo, September 8-9, 2000
  • Statement from the Coordination for Peace in Colombia, a group of French NGOs, August 30, 2000
  • [In Spanish] Bulletin from "Paz Colombia," a coalition of Colombian nongovernmental organizations, August 16, 2000
  • "Colombian Military Not Fit to Receive U.S. Aid," Press Release and Letter from Thirty-Three U.S. Non-Governmental Organizations, July 31, 2000
  • Letter to the State Department from five non-governmental organizations regarding a consultation meeting on human rights conditions, July 31, 2000
  • [In Spanish] Statement by Colombian labor unions, July 2000
  • [In Spanish] Declaration from International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Trade Working Group, Madrid, July 6, 2000
  • [In Spanish] Declaration from 24 Colombian non-governmental organizations, July 1, 2000
  • Joint letter by several U.S. non-governmental organizations, June 20, 2000
  • Statement by 73 Colombian non-governmental organizations, June 2000 [English | Spanish | French]
  • [In Spanish] Statement by European non-governmental organizations, June 2000
  • [In Spanish] Statement by several French non-governmental organizations, June 14, 2000
  • [In Spanish] Declaration from several Colombian non-governmental social, human rights and peace organizations, May 31, 2000
  • Letter from several U.S. religious organizations, March 8, 2000

Acción Andina / Transnational Institute


Amazon Alliance

Amazon Watch

  • Report On: Civil Conflict and Indigenous Peoples in Colombia, March 26, 2002 [English | Español]

American Anthropological Association

  • Letter to President Álvaro Uribe, January 14, 2005

American Friends Service Committee

Amnesty International

Asociación de Usuarios Campesinos (ANUC)

  • [Español] ANUC-Putumayo: "Seminario Taller Seguimiento y Monitoreo Plan Colombia," 11-12 de agosto del 2001 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

BioAmazonia (Guaviare, Colombia)

  • [Español - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format] Propuesta de Sustitución Manual de Cultivos de Coca Plantados en el Departamento del Guaviare, 2003

Catholic Relief Services/ U.S. Catholic Conference

Cato Institute

Censat Agua Viva (Friends of the Earth Colombia)

  • Plan Colombia y Medio Ambiente, October 2000 [Spanish]

CEPES (Peru)

  • [Español] La IRA de Mr. Bush y Cinco Luces Rojas en Favor la Amazonía, por Hugo Cabieses, 14 de agosto del 2001 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • [Español] Las cuestionables alianzas de los Estados Unidos en el tema de las drogas, por Mariano Valderrama, 15 de junio del 2001 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]

CODHES (Consultoría para los Derechos Humanos y el Desplazamiento) (Colombia)

Colombian Government - Ministry of Interior and Justice

  • Resignation letter of Alberto Rueda, senior advisor for drug policy, October 2004 [English (Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format) | Español (Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format)]

Colombia Action Network

Colombia Human Rights Network

Colombia Support Network

Colombian Bishops' Conference

  • Final Statement of the Bishops Who Participated in the Seminar -Workshop concerning Colombian Issues, November 13-15, 2000
  • Declaration of the Permanent Committee Concerning the Reality of Plan Colombia, September 20, 2000

Colombian Catholic Church

Conciliation Resources

  • Accord issue 14: Alternatives to War - Colombia's peace processes, February 2004 [English | Español]

Conference of Major Superiors of Men / Leadership Conference of Women Religious

  • Letter regarding U.S. policy toward Colombia, July 8, 2002

Congreso de Colombia

  • Discurso del Senador Rafael Orduz, 14 de agosto de 2001 [Español]

Contraloría General de la República (Colombian Government auditing / monitoring agency)

  • [In Spanish] Qunito Informe de Evaluación del Plan Colombia, diciembre de 2004 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • [In Spanish] Cuarto Informe de Evaluación del Plan Colombia, junio de 2003 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • [In Spanish] Tercer Informe de Evaluación del Plan Colombia, julio de 2002 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • [In Spanish] Segundo Informe de Evaluación del Plan Colombia, 10 de diciembre de 2001 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • [In Spanish] Informe de Gestión, Fondo de Inversión para la Paz (FIP), Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Alternativo (PLANTE), October 4, 2001 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • [In Spanish] Primer informe de Evaluación del Plan Colombia, 30 de agosto de 2001 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • Special report on eradication of illicit crops, July 19, 2001 [Español]


Council on Hemispheric Affairs

Criminal Justice Policy Foundation

Cultural Survival Quarterly

Defensoría del Pueblo de Colombia (Government Ombudsman / Public Ministry)

  • [Español, Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format] Resolución Defensorial No. 26: Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario en el Marco del Conflicto Armado y de las Fumigaciones de Coca en el Departamento del Putumayo, October 9, 2002
  • [Español] Letter from Ombudsman Eduardo Cifuentes to Justice Minister Rómulo González regarding aerial fumigation program, July 22, 2002
  • Executive summary in English of position on aerial eradication, July 2002 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • [Español] Análisis al “Informe Final; Estudio de las Denuncias de Daños a la Salud Relacionadas con la Erradicación Aérea en Colombia," por Doctora Maria Elena Arroyave, Defensoria del Pueblo de Colombia, May 2002
  • [Español] Posición de la Defensoría del Pueblo: La ejecución de la estrategia de erradicación aérea de los cultivos ilícitos, con químicos, desde una perspectiva constitucional,18 de abril del 2002
  • [Español] Seguimiento a la Resolución Defensorial No. 4 del 12 de Febrero de 2001, 16 de abril del 2001
  • Ombudsman proves impact of fumigation on 11 projects for alternative development, February 12, 2001 [English | Español]
  • [Español] Informe Defensorial No. 1 - Fumigaciones Y Proyectos De Desarrollo Alternativo En El Putumayo, 9 de febrero del 2001

Derechos.org (Equipo Nizkor)

Diocese of Mocoa-Sibundoy, Putumayo

  • [In Spanish] "Informe: visita sobre terreno al departamento de Putumayo," 17-21 de marzo del 2000 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]

Diocese of Quibdó, Chocó


Ecumenical Commission on Human Rights (Ecuador)

Environmental Research Foundation

European Union

  • European Parliament resolution on Plan Colombia and support for the peace process in Colombia, February 1, 2001 [English | Spanish]
  • [In Spanish] Declaración de la Unión Europea sobre el programa de apoyo europeo al proceso de Paz en Colombia, 24 de octubre de 2000

FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia)

  • "EE.UU. y el Proceso de Paz en Colombia," November 5, 2001 [Spanish]
  • "EEUU quiere desatar una 'cacería de brujas' mundial," September 19, 2001 [Spanish]
  • "Washington Prepares for War in South America," from FARC publication Resistencia 25, February 2001 [English | Spanish]
  • Declaration, January 26, 2001 [Spanish]
  • Declaration, October 2000 [Spanish]
  • Letter to the U.S. Congress, March 29, 2000 [Spanish]
  • Letter to the U.S. Congress, March 14, 2000 [English | Spanish]

Fellowship of Reconciliation

Foreign Policy in Focus (Institute for Policy Studies / Interhemispheric Resource Center)

Friends Committee on National Legislation

Global Exchange

Government of Ecuador

  • [In Spanish] Questions from Ecuadorian government, "Seminario Taller Sobre Erradicación de Cultivos Ilícitos en Colombia y sus Posibles Efectos Nocivos en Ecuador," February 2002 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]

Grupo Civil de Monitoreo de los Impactos del Plan Colombia en Ecuador (Ecuador)

  • Statement, October 16, 2000 [Spanish]

Human Rights Watch

  • "A Wrong Turn: The Record of the Colombian Attorney General's Office," November 8, 2002 [English | Español]
  • "Colombia Human Rights Certification IV," from Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Washington Office on Latin America, September 10, 2002
  • Letter from Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Washington Office on Latin America, September 5, 2002
  • Rebuttal of Bush Administration human rights certification justification, May 16, 2002
  • Press release regarding Bush Administration human rights certification decision, May 1, 2002
  • "Colombia Human Rights Certification III," from Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Washington Office on Latin America, February 5, 2002 (Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] document from Human Right Watch site)
  • The “Sixth Division”: Military-paramilitary Ties and U.S. Policy in Colombia, September 2001 [English | Español]
  • "Colombia Human Rights Certification II," from Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Washington Office on Latin America, January 12, 2001 (Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] document from Amnesty Intl. site)
  • "Colombia Certification," document from Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Washington Office on Latin America, August 28, 2000 (Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] version; link from Amnesty Intl. site; link from WOLA site)
  • Europe Must Support Colombia Civil Society, Address Human Emergency, statement, October 24, 2000
  • Human Rights the Priority for Clinton Trip to Colombia, press release, August 28, 2000
  • Clinton's Colombia Waiver "a Grave Mistake," press release, August 23, 2000
  • Colombia Fails Human Rights Requirements of U.S. Aid Package, press release, August 21, 2000
  • Letter from José Miguel Vivanco, executive director, Americas Division, to Rep. Sonny Callahan (R-Alabama), March 15, 2000
    • Letter from Gen. Barry McCaffrey, director, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, to Rep. Sonny Callahan (R-Alabama), March 9, 2000
  • The Ties That Bind: Colombia and Military-Paramilitary Links, February 2000 (English | Spanish)
  • Letter to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, February 23, 2000

Independent consultants

  • UNODC consultant James Jones: An Overview of Alternative Development in the South American Andes, September 2004 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • UNODC consultant James Jones: Alternative Development in the South American Andes: Report of Findings, December 2004 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]

Institute for Policy Studies

Inter-American Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA)

  • Alternative Development Strategies in Colombia: The need to move beyond illicit crop spraying, August 2006
    • (PDF) Executive summary in English
    • (PDF) Report in Spanish

International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (Center for Public Integrity)

  • U.S. Military Aid to Latin America
    Linked to Human Rights Abuses, July 2001 [English | Español]

International Labor Rights Fund

Jesuit Office of Social and International Ministries

  • In All Things special issue: Why Colombia? Why Now? Spring/Summer 2002 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]

Latin America Working Group (LAWG Education Fund)

Lawyers Committee for Human Rights

Lutheran World Relief

Middle Magdalena Development and Peace Program

Mennonite Central Committee

Mennonite Colombian Church

  • Statement Iglesia Cristiana Menonita En Solidaridad con los desplazados de Tulua y Buga, Pedro Stucky, September 2000
  • Statement A call from the Colombian churches, September 10, 2000
  • Statement An urgent call from Colombia, July 1, 2000

Asociación MINGA (Colombia)

  • [In Spanish] Elementos de análisis: Situación del Bajo Putumayo y la frontera con Ecuador, 9 de marzo de 2005 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]

Nariño Department - Governors and Mayors

National Council of Churches

  • Press release and resolution, February 27, 2001
  • Testimony Honoring the Promise of Jubilee: Reject Funding for Ineffective and Abusive Anti-Narcotics Programs, March 30, 2000.
  • Testimony Effective Compassionate Foreign Assistance: Reject Funding for Ineffective and Abusive Anti-Narcotics Programs, March 4, 1999

National Security Archive

OIDHACO (Oficina Internacional de Derechos Humanos Acción Colombia)

  • Plan Colombia: A Strategy Without A Solution, June 3, 2000 [English | Spanish]

OIPAZ (Observatorio Internacional por la Paz, Ecuador)

OPIAC (Organización de los Pueblos Indígenas de la Amazonía Colombiana)

  • Impactos de las Fumigaciones Sobre los Pueblos Indígenas de la Amazonía Colombiana, November 17, 2000 [Spanish]

Partido Comunista Colombiano

  • Plan Colombia: Intervención y guerrerismo, por Carlos Lozano Guillén, 14 de mayo del 2002 [Spanish]
  • Reflexiones del Partido Comunista Colombiano Sobre Plan Colombia, October 13, 2000 [Spanish]

Paz Colombia
An NGO coalition that sponsored an October 16-18, 2000 meeting in Costa Rica between civil society, the Colombian government, and the ELN guerrillas

  • Las Cifras del Horror, 10 de diciembre del 2001 [Español - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • Communiqué: Paz Colombia ante el gobierno de USA - Paramilitarismo, Ayuda Militar y Fumigaciones, 20 de noviembre del 2000 [Spanish]
  • Consensus declaration, 18 de octubre de 2000 [Spanish]
  • Declaration of coordinating organizations, 18 de octubre de 2000 [Spanish]
  • ELN declaration [Spanish]
  • FARC communiqué [Spanish]
  • Declaration of international NGOs, 17 de octubre de 2000 [English | Spanish]
  • Opening speech of Jorge Rojas, director, Consultoría para los Derechos Humanos y el Desplazamiento [Spanish]
  • Comisión I: Paz, Derechos Humanos, Derecho Internacional Humanitario, 18 de octubre de 2000 [Spanish]
  • Comisión II: Implicaciones sociales, economicas, politicas e internacionales de la lucha contra el narcotrafico y la corresponsabilidad internacional, 18 de octubre de 2000 [Spanish]
  • Comisión III: Crisis economica y social en Colombia, 18 de octubre de 2000 [Spanish]
  • Comisión IV: Cuestión Agraria y Alternativas para el Desarrollo Rural, 18 de octubre de 2000 [Spanish]
  • Comisión V: Cooperación Internacional y Desarrollo Alternativo, 18 de octubre de 2000 [Spanish]

Permanent Assembly of Civil Society for Peace / Asamblea Permanente de la Sociedad Civil por la Paz

  • Comunicado de Prensa de la Asamblea Permanente de la Sociedad Civil por la Paz sobre la certificación otorgada por E.U. a Colombia en materia DD.HH, 10 de julio de 2003 [Español]

Pesticide Action Network

  • Action Alert: Urge the U.S. EPA to Fully Evaluate Aerial Herbicide Spraying in Colombia, July 26, 2002

Presbyterian Church (USA)

Putumayo Department - Governors and Mayors

  • "Un Putumayo Sin Coca, con Justicia Social Pero Sin Fumigación," includes detailed information about alternative-development programs in Putumayo, February 27, 2002 [Spanish]
  • [In Spanish] "Por un Putumayo Sin Coca, con Justicia Social Pero Sin Fumigación," Concejo Municipal de Puerto Asís, Putumayo, Agosto del 2001 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • [In Spanish] Letter to Colombian Congress, July 26, 2001 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • [In Spanish] "Efectos de la Fumigación," Informe Preliminar, Departamento Administrativo de Salud, Gobernación del Putumayo, Febrero del 2001 [Spanish]
    • Informe Final [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • [In Spanish] Municipio de Valle del Guamuez: Consolidado general de pérdidas por la fumigación hasta el día 21 de febrero de 2001 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • Manifiesto de las Autoridades y Comunidades del Departamento del Putumayo: Putumayo Sin Coca, No a la Fumigación, July 25, 2000 [Spanish]

Rand Corporation

Rapalmira (Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y Alternativas - América Latina)

  • Cultivos Ilícitos y Guerra Biológica, compilado por Elsa Nivia de RAPALMIRA-Colombia y editado por Luis Gomero de RAP-AL Andino, diciembre 2001 [Spanish]
  • Las fumigaciones aéreas sobre cultivos ilícitos sí son peligrosas – Algunas aproximaciones, Elsa Nivia, Directora Ejecutiva, mayo de 2001 [Spanish]

Religious Leaders for a More Just and Compassionate Drug Policy

Resource Center of the Americas

Jairo Marcos Restrepo (Graphic Artist)

  • [PDF] US Money for the War on Drugs in Colombia, July 2006
  • [PDF] Aerial eradication through Plan Colombia, July 2006
  • [PDF] Biochemical war in Colombia? July 2006

Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights

  • Letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell, February 5, 2002

Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres (Colombia)

  • [In Spanish] Declaración de la Movilización al Putumayo, 25 de noviembre de 2003

Sierra Club

  • Lethal Dose, by Vikki Kratz, Sierra Magazine, July-August 2002

U.S. Committee for Refugees

U.S. Institute of Peace

Unión Sindical Obrera (Colombian Oil Workers' Union)

  • La USO Frente al Plan Colombia, October 2000 [Spanish]

United Steelworkers of America

  • Letter from Leo Gerard, president, April 23, 2002

University of Oslo

  • [PDF] The Control of Private Security Companies: A Study of the Relationship between the United States and Private Actors in Plan Colombia, masters' thesis by Anders Somme Hammer, May 22, 2006

Veterans for More Effective Drug Strategies

Washington Office on Latin America

Witness for Peace

World Wildlife Fund

American Enterprise Institute

Anti-Narcotics Division (DIRAN), Colombian National Police

  • [Español] Estado General Trámite de Quejas (a table showing numbers of complaints of fumigation of legal crops, and the number that have been investigated and compensated), June 2004 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]

Center for Strategic and International Studies

  • Colombia: Failed, Failing, or Just Weak? by Phillip McLean, The Washington Quarterly, Summer 2002 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]

Council on Foreign Relations

Council on Foreign Relations / Inter-American Dialogue

  • "Toward Greater Peace and Security in Colombia," final report of an independent task force, Sen. Bob Graham and Gen. Brent Scowcrowft, co-chairs, written by Michael Shifter, October 2000 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format; CFR link | IAD link]
  • First Steps Toward a Constructive U.S. Policy in Colombia, report of an independent task force, Sen. Bob Graham and Gen. Brent Scowcroft, co-chairs, March 23, 2000 [CFR link | IAD link]
  • Press release announcing the task force report, March 23, 2000 [CFR link | IAD link]

Embassy of Colombia to the United States

Heritage Foundation

  • Helping Colombia Sustain Progress Toward Peace, by Stephen Johnson, October 19, 2005
  • Restructure Aid to Colombia, by Stephen Johnson, May 23, 2003 [Web (.html) format | Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • Helping Colombia Fix Its Plan to Curb Drug Trafficking, Violence, and Insurgency, by Stephen Johnson, April 26, 2001 [Web (.html) format | Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • The President's Flawed Plan to Aid Colombia, by Stephen Johnson, March 10, 2000 [Web (.html) format | Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • Tread Cautiously in Colombia's Civil War, by John P. Sweeney, March 25, 1999 [Web (.html) format | Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]

Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University

  • "Colombia's War: Toward a New Strategy," by Jay Cope, October 2002 [HTML | Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • “Colombia: Strategic End State, Goals, and Means … A Workshop Report,” David Spencer and Heather Noss (with the CNA Corporation), November 2000 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • Crisis? What Crisis? Security Issues in Colombia, by James Zackrison, 1999 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format: English | Español]

International Crisis Group

Ministry of Defense, Government of Colombia

  • [Español, Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format] Documento de la Política de Seguridad Democrática, June 29, 2003
  • [Español] Políticas de Defensa Nacional, 1999-2001: Discursos del Ministro de Defensa Luis Fernando RamÌrez Acuña [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • [Español] El Narcotráfico: Una Amenaza para la Seguridad Nacional, November 2000 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • [Español] Resultados Operacionales Fuerza Pública 1999 y 2000, Marzo del 2001 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]

North-South Center, University of Miami

  • The United States and Colombia: The Journey from Ambiguity to Strategic Clarity, by Gabriel Marcella, March 2003 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • In Search of the Endgame: A Long-Term Multilateral Strategy for Colombia, by Myles Frechette, February 2003 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • Europe: Neither Plan Colombia, nor Peace Process — From Good Intentions to High Frustration, by Joaquín Roy, January 2003 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • Colombia’s Conflicts: The Spillover Effects of a Wider War, by Richard Millett with a Preface by Ambler H. Moss, Jr. and a Foreword by Max G. Manwaring, September 2002 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • The U.S. Engagement with Colombia: Legitimate State Authority and Human Rights, by Gabriel Marcella, March 2002 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]

Presidency, Government of Colombia

  • [Español] Status report on delivery of economic aid in municipalities of Putumayo, February 2002 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • [Español] Status report on "Programa de Obras para la Paz Putumayo," February 7, 2002 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format]
  • [Español] Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Alternativo - Acciones Realizadas en el Año 2001 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format - large document]
  • [Español] "Informe de Gestión: Fondo de Inversión para la Paz (FIP) / Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Alternativo (Plante)," Contraloría Delegada de Gestión Pública e Instituciones Financieras, Gobierno de Colombia, 4 de octubre del 2001 [Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format - large document]

Rand Corporation

Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College

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