& Guantanamo: -Close
Guantanamo Bay prison, in interest of justice, by Jennifer Schuett, South
Florida Sun-Sentinel (10/9/07) -Honor
the Treaty: Close Guantanamo, response by Wayne Smith to the current state-of-affairs
in U.S. inaction towards Guantanamo (5/25/06) -CIP's
2006 International Policy Report, "Guantanamo:
Our Own Devil's Island?" [pdf] -Grappling
with Gitmo: Op-ed by Senior Fellow Wayne
Smith in Atlanta-Journal Constitution, 6/26/05 -Investigation
Needed: Op-Ed by Senior Fellow Wayne
Smith in The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, 6/11/05 -CIP
Press Release, June 3, 2005: Abuses at
Guantanamo and the Administration's Misrepresentations -April
11th Guantanamo conference summary,
agenda and speakers'
biographies -TORTURE:
Not what U.S. is supposed to be about: Op-Ed by Senior Fellow Wayne
Smith in The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, 2/4/05 -Our
Own Devil's Island: Op-Ed by Senior Fellow Wayne
Smith in The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, (1/12/05) -Bush
and the U.S. descent into torture: Op-Ed by Senior Fellow Wayne
Smith in The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, 6/19/04. 
and Analysis
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - "Mastermind of 9/11 attacks". David
Hicks - Pleaded guilty to providing material support to Al-Qaeda (3/27/07).
Sentenced to 9 months prison in Australia (3/31/07). Omar
Khadr - Youngest detainee held at Guantanamo. Only minor ever to be tried
for war crimes (and not cinsidered a child soldier). |