May 8, 2002
(202) 232-3317
CIP Challenges Bolton on Cuba
Bio-Terror Charges
Undersecretary Bolton made a number of grossly misleading and unsubstantiated
allegations concerning Cubas attitudes toward terrorism and its supposed
manufacture of biological weapons at the Heritage Foundation on May 6. These
are quoted below with the Center for International Policys point-by-point
comments on each.
--The United States believes that Cuba has at least a limited offensive
biological warfare research and development effort.
Bolton prefaces this very serious allegation by stating that, Cuba
leads in the production of pharmaceuticals and vaccines that are sold worldwide.
Analysts and Cuban defectors have long cast suspicion on the activities conducted
in these biomedical facilities.
Bolton does not provide any evidence or even say who the analysts and defectors
may be. His comments, however, seem to reflect those made by one analyst and
one defector whose uncorroborated and admittedly speculative theories are continuously
recycled among hard-line exiles. The analyst is former Soviet Colonel Ken Alibek,
who in his 1999 book, Biohazard, writes that his former chief, Maj. Gen. Yuri
Kalinin, told him he thought Cuba had an active bacteriological arms program.
Alibeks allegations concerning Cubacomprising 3 pages in his 291-page
bookwere based on his former bosss own speculation. It was
his opinion, Alibek has said, acknowledging that his former boss, in fact,
saw no weapons production [in Cuba].
In 1999, commenting on the Alibek book, the State Department said, We
have no evidence that Cuba is stockpiling or has mass-produced any BW [biological
warfare] agents. Dr. Raymond Zilinskas, a senior scientist at the Center
for Non-proliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies,
backed that up, saying, theres been no evidence theyre doing
U.S. officials interviewed by The Miami Herald following publication of the
Alibek book stated that there is no proof. The Herald quoted one
U.S. official, having just checked with appropriate agencies about
the book, who said, With all the intelligence we get from defectors and
other means, theres never been evidence. Another U.S. official said,
We get lots of reports from defectors and others, but when we go to check
them out its always second and third-hand, and the stuff doesnt
check out.[2]
It is indeed strange that after all these indications from U.S. officials that
there is no evidence that Cuba is developing a biological warfare capability,
Bolton now says we have reason to believe it is. In November of 2001, Bolton
announced U.S. concerns over six nations believed to be interested in bioweapons
productions. Iraq, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria were all on that
list. Cuba was not.
--Cuba has provided dual-use biotechnology to other rogue states.
The supposed cooperation in BW with rogue states probably refers to the statements
of Cuban defector Jose de la Fuente, the former director of the Center for Genetic
Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) in Havana. He alleged in a Nature Biotechnology
commentary that Cuba has sold to Iran biotechnologies associated with treating
heart attacks, viral diseases and with the development of vaccines. In 1999,
A U.S. official interviewed by the Miami Herald commented on the Cuban biomedical
industrys capability to produce bioweapons: Stuff that sophisticated
always has dual use [medical and military], no way around it
.But none
of what we know adds up to Cuba having offensive biological warfare capabilities.[3]
De la Fuente stated that his concern was not that Cuba sold the technology but
whether Iran would use the technologies to care for its population or to attempt
to develop biological weapons. De la Fuente has also acknowledged that he has
no cause to think that Cuba had sold the technology with malicious intent and
that he could not "in any way confirm the use of this technology for anything
other than [vaccines]."[4] Further, de la Fuente has stated that, "I
heard no account of any effort for developing biological weapons in Cuba."[5]
Is this defectors mere suspicion Mr. Boltons evidence that Cuba
is providing dual-use biotechnology to other rogue states? If he has other evidence,
he should produce it.
--Castro has repeatedly denounced the U.S. war on terrorism.
This is not true. At the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, Cuba criticized
the U.S. bombing campaign as resulting in excessive civilian casualties. Castro
also expressed alarm at the prospect of an open-ended war that he feared would
entail, as President Bush had said, every necessary weapon of war,
and that would take lives of more innocent people. But these differences over
tactics aside, Cuba consistently expressed its support for the overall struggle
against terrorism.
Indeed, Cubas immediate response to the attacks on the World Trade Center
and Pentagon was to condemn them and to express Cubas solidarity
with the American people. Cuba offered its airspace to planes en route
to the U.S. on September 11th that might have been stranded when the U.S. closed
its own airspace. It also offered humanitarian aid to the victims. That weekend,
thousands in Cuba marched in solidarity with the American people during
the national tragedy they are living through.[6]
On September 22, 2001, Castro pledged that, The territory of Cuba will
never be used for terrorist actions against the American people and we will
do everything within our power to prevent such actions against that people.
He reiterated Cubas willingness to cooperate with every country
in the total eradication of terrorism.[7] Indeed, Cuba signed all 13 of
the ensuing United Nations counter-terrorism resolutions. Cuba offered no objections
to the U.S. use of Guantanamo naval base for its detainees and it even offered
to return any escapees and consult with medical personnel at the base.
Also, Interpol Secretary General Ron Noble, an American, was absolutely
satisfied with the anti-terror briefings he received in January 2002 meetings
with Cuban police and Ministry of Interior officials.[8]
Finally, Cuba has asked the United States to sign a bilateral agreement providing
for joint efforts against terrorism and narco-trafficking. The United States
has declined to cooperate.[9] Mr. Bolton of course does not mention this.
--Castro continues to view terror as a legitimate tactic to further
revolutionary objectives.
This is patently untrue. Castro has over and over denounced terror as a legitimate
tactic, as referenced in the September 11th and September 22nd statements above.
Bolton quotes a speech of Castros at Tehran University in which he said
that, Iran and Cuba, in cooperation with each other can bring America
to its knees. The U.S. regime is very weak, and we are witnessing this weakness
from close up.
Castros words were irritating to be sure. Clearly, however, Castro was
not actually proposing that Iran and Cuba together defeat the United States
in a literal sense as of course they could not. Rather, he was suggesting
that U.S. hegemony, to which both Cuba and Iran see themselves as victims, would
be overcome and the so-called strength of the Iranian and Cuban systems would
prevail. Bolton does not tell us that Castro went on to praise Iranians for
deposing the strongest gendarme of the region not with guns, but with
your thoughts.[10]
This is hardly an endorsement of terrorism.
--The 1998 Pentagon report "underplayed the threat Cuba posed to the
United States."
Bolton concludes that Defense analyst Ana Belen Montes, who pleaded guilty on
March 19 to charges of spying for Cuba, is the major reason why the Pentagon
report found Cuba no longer a threat.
This is an absurd allegation and is insulting to the dozens of analysts in the
Defense Intelligence Agency and throughout the Defense Department who participated
in the preparation of the report. It is inconceivable that Ana Belen Montess
view prevailed over those of the dozens of loyal and competent analysts who
helped produce the report.
But, if conducting intelligence operations against the United States were cause
for placing a country on the terrorist list, then Israel would long since have
been on italong with a lot of other states. Convicted several years ago,
the spy Jonathan Pollard severely compromised U.S. national security, as he
gave up NSA code-breaking techniques, the identities of nearly a hundred U.S.
agents in the Middle East, top-secret military and diplomatic codes and Mideast
war-fighting plans. After years of denial, Israel finally admitted in 1999 that
Pollard was a spy for Israeli intelligence. Unfortunately, such intelligence
operations are all too common a part of international relations, even among
friendly nations. The Montes case is no exception and offers no
justification whatever for keeping Cuba on the terrorist list.
--Cuba is harboring terrorists from Colombia and Spain, and fugitives
from the United States.
This is the State Departments tired old canard for keeping Cuba on the
list of terrorist nations in the first place. In fact, to be harboring someone,
that person must be sought or pursued by someone else. But the Basques living
in Cuba are not sought by the Spanish government. On the contrary, many of them
came there years ago as the result of an agreement with the government of Felipe
Gonzalez which asked Cuba to take them. Others have come subsequently and the
present Spanish government does not consider the earlier agreement any longer
to be operative. But the present government has not asked for the extradition
of any of the Basques living in Cuba. It apparently is content to have them
remain there. And we note that the President of the autonomous Basque Republic
just this month paid a state visit to Cuba, which he would not have done if
he considered Cuba to be harboring Basque terrorists. In fact, Spain thanked
Cuba for denying asylum to two ETA members in late 2000.[11] The presence of
the Basques in Cuba, therefore, is obviously no cause for keeping Cuba on the
As for the Colombians, the Colombian government has expressed gratitude for
the helpful role Cuba has played facilitating talks with the ELN guerrillas.
Just last month, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Colombia, General
Fernando Tapias, told the House Committee on International Relations that, there
is no information
that Cuba is in any way linked to terrorist activities
in Colombia today
Indeed Cuban authorities are buttressing the peace movement
this is the information that I have from the president and from the commissioners
that are involved in that regard.[12] President Pastrana has publicly
stressed the important role Havana plays in the peace process.[13]
As for the American fugitives, yes, there are a number of them. There is no
evidence that any are engaged in terrorist activities or in activities against
the United States. Further, while there are American fugitives in Cuba, there
are Cuban fugitives in the United States, and a number of them are terrorists
with extensive FBI files.
President Bush recently insisted that anyone who harbors a terrorist is a terrorist,
and that no one can pick and choose their terrorist friends. But we note that
his father, the first President Bush, freed Orlando Bosch, the Cuban exile arch-terrorist
responsible for the deaths of dozens of innocent people and over 30 terrorist
acts documented by the U.S. Department of Justice, and freed him at the urgings
of Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) and now-Governor Jeb Bush and other
Florida politicians.[14] Does this, then, make them, by President Bushs
definition, terrorists?
Regardless of how many fugitives either country would like returned, the old
U.S.-Cuban extradition treaty has been inoperative for more than forty years.
In 1977, the Carter administration began a normalization process with Cuba.
Negotiation of a new extradition treaty was discussed as one of the steps that
needed to be taken. Unfortunately, the normalization process was stalled long
before that step was reached.
--We know that Cuba is collaborating with other state sponsors of
Do we indeed? In what way is Cuba collaborating with these states? By sending
medical personnel to them? By selling them medical technologies that they sell
the world over? By making highly rhetorical speeches at their universities?
Mr. Bolton does not say. Indeed, he presents no evidence at all.
--Why bioweapons accusations now?
Why has the Bush Administration suddenly decided that Cuba is involved in some
form of bio-terrorism? It is most unlikely that it has any evidence today that
it did not have in November 2001, when it left Cuba off the list of countries
of concern. Indeed, it has produced a carefully worded statement but no evidence
at all. Why then this sudden attack?
Cuba watchers know well the reasons why. Many hardline Cuban exiles and their
political allies are riled that the Bush administration is permitting former
President Jimmy Carter to travel to Cuba. For several years now, coalitions
of business, agriculture, political and rights groups have joined forces with
an overwhelming majority in Congress to lift trade and travel restrictions against
Cuba. Opponents understand that the writing is on the wall for the embargo.
This would appear to be a desperate effort to stay the inevitable.
Staunch supporters of the failed U.S. policy toward Cuba have been anxious for
the administration to fulfill its campaign promise to toughen U.S. Cuba policy.
Some of these groups have been complaining that the administration was not taking
seriously enough their accusations concerning biological weapons in Cuba. With
Jeb Bush running for re-election in November, the Administration would seem
to have decided to silence those complaints and do what the hard-line exiles
But this will not fool our allies in the war against terrorism and it will not
fool Congress. Such transparent tactics aimed at winning domestic political
battles only detract from our seriousness of purpose in the struggle against
real terrorism. Making unsubstantiated, politically expedient charges against
Cuba in no way serves the interests of the American people.
[1] Tamayo, Juan. U.S. skeptical of report on Cuba biological weapons. The
Miami Herald. June 23, 1999.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] San Martin, Nancy. Cuba forced to sell biotechnology. The Miami Herald.
October 10, 2001.
[5] Johnson, Tim. Talk of Cubas germ warfare potential could affect embargo.
The Miami Herald. May 7, 2002.
[6] Cuba rallies against terrorism, supports US people. The Associated Press.
September 16, 2001.
[7] Speech by Fidel Castro Ruz. San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. September
22, 2001.
[8] Interpol chief picks up Cuban anti-terror dossier. Reuters. January 16,
[9] Cuba seeks deals with U.S. to fight terror, migrant smuggling, drugs. Agence
France Presse. March 19, 2002; Boadle, Anthony. U.S. thanks Cuba, but declines
anti-drug accord. March 19, 2002.
[10] Valinejad, Afshin. Castro calls U.S. imperialist King.
The Associated Press. May 9, 2001.
[11] Goodman, Al. Suspected ETA Members Arrested. CNN.com. November 7, 2000.
Alleged ETA terrorists held after Cuban asylum bid fails. Agencia EFE, S.A.
November 7, 2000.
[12] House Committee on International Relations hearing on Global Terrorism
and Illicit Drugs. FDCH political transcripts. April 24, 2002.
[13] Johnson, Tim. Colombian leader takes new stance on Cuba ties. The Miami
Herald. January 17, 1999.
[14] Examples of controversial pardons by previous presidents. A report prepared
by Minority staff, Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives,
April 20, 2001; Hancock, David. U.S. decides to deport Bosch; terrorist activities
are cited. The Miami Herald. June 24, 1989; Marquis, Christopher. Indignant
exiles rally for Bosch. The Miami Herald. June 25, 1989; Schmalz, Jeffrey. Furor
over Castro foes fate puts Bush on spot in Miami. The New York Times.
Aug. 16, 1989; The Bosch case does violence to justice. The New York Times.
July 20, 1990; Lacey, Mark. Political memo: resurrecting ghosts of pardons past.
The New York Times. March 4, 2001.
The Center for International Policy's Cuba project promotes a more rational
approach to U.S. policy toward Cuba. The Center does not support the policies
of the Government of Cuba; rather, it seeks to demonstrate opportunities for
constructive, diplomatic engagement that are in the interests of both the Cuban
and the American people.
Also recommended on Cuba and terrorism:
The Council on Foreign Relations: http://www.terrorismanswers.com
The Lexington Institute: http://www.lexingtoninstitute.org/cuba
U.S.-Cuba InfoMed Project: http://www.cubasolidarity.net/boltonreply.html