Summit Brochure
September 17-18 2002
NATIONAL SUMMIT ON CUBA will demonstrate, for the first time,
the remarkable breadth of support that exists throughout the United
States for creating a more sensible policy toward Cuba.The Summit
will come at a critical time in the embargo debate, as U.S. elected
officials will vote to lift restrictions on Americans freedom
to travel to Cuba, to make food and medical sales to the island more
practical, to dismantle aspects of the highly problematic Helms-Burton
legislation and other Cuba-related issues as part of the overall Autumn
Appropriations debate. At the National Summit on Cuba, the audience
will be an important part of the event. As in a convention, the
Summit will showcase delegations from each state comprised of reputable
corporate, government, religious, medical, labor, port, agricultural,
Cuban American and other community leaders. The audience will
carry important local perspectives that will educate members of the
Administration and Congress on how different policy approaches might
better serve our national interest at large.
Summit Agenda
am - Convene at National Press Club, Washington DC (529 14
St. NW) registration and coffee
8:30 am - Greetings: Summit Co-Chairs Sam Gibbons, former
34-year U.S. Representative from Tampa and
Bob Stallman, President, American Farm Bureau Federation, from
9:00 am - U.S. Representative Jeff Flake (R-AZ), member
of the House Cuba Working Group.
9:15 am - The Flag Follows Trade: David Frey, Kansas Wheat
Commission, Gary La Grange, Director, Port of New Orleans, President
of the Gulf Coast Ports Association of the Americas and Kirby
Jones, Cuba business consultant, Alamar Associate, on the impact
of recent food sales to Cuba on heartland farmers, communities.
William C. Lane, Caterpillar and Mark Entwistle, former Canadian
Ambassador to Cuba on international implications of Helms Burton
and the embargo and current investment practices in Cuba.
Bill Reinsch, Chairman, USA Engage Coalition, former U.S. Commerce
Dept. official, moderates.
10:00 am - Democratic and Economic Impetus for Free Travel.
Ian Vasquez, Cato Institute. Burton Rubin, American Society of
Travel Agents. Daniel Aruca, Marazul Travel, New Jersey. Dorothy
Robyn PhD, Brattle Group, on domestic economic impact of lifting
travel restrictions to Cuba. U.S. Rep. William Delahunt (D-MA)

CIP senior fellow Wayne Smith and Eloy Guitierrez
Menoyo, former political prisoner in Cuba and head of the Miami-based
advocacy group "Cambio Cubano"
am - Our National Interest, Our National Security: (Ret) General
Charles Wilhelm, former Chief Commander U.S. Southern Command. Larry
Johnson, Berg Associates, former Clinton State Dept. terrorism expert.
Phil Peters, Lexington Institute. Anya Landau, Center for International
Policy, moderates.
11:15 am - Changed Political Equation: Cuban Americans Seek
New Approach. Former Bay of Pigs veteran Alfredo Duran, President,
Cuban Committee for Democracy. University of Miami Sociologist Max
Castro on new support for change. Silvia Wilhelm Puentes Cubanos,
11:45 - am Embargos Impact on Human Rights, Medicine
and Culture Here and In Cuba: Jose Miguel Vivanco, Human Rights Watch,
joined by prominent Cuban dissident Elizardo Sanchez. Whitney Addington,
MD, American College of Physicians. Mike Smith, Conservation International.
Meryl Marshall Daniels, immediate past Chairman and CEO, Academy of
Television Arts and Science.
12:15 am - Lunchtime Speaker U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska)
introduced by H.P. Goldfield, Co-chair, Stonebridge International,
Former Assistant Secretary of Commerce.
12:30 am - Lunch Service Begins: Video Presentation (10 minutes)
Voices on Cuba (featuring Paul Volcker and others clips of ordinary
Cuban people) Introduced by former U.S. Rep. Bob Edgar, who heads
the National Council of Churches and Cuban guest Reinero Arce, President,
Cuban Council of Churches
1:00 am - The Bush Administrations Point of View: Dan
Fisk, U.S. Department of State. Introduced by Rep. JoAnn Emerson (R-MO),
who will moderate audience Q & A.
am - Changed Political Equation, Local Leaders Speak Out. Susan
Parker, Alabama State Auditor and candidate for U.S. Senate. Georgia
Commissioner of Agriculture Tommy Irvin. Delia Perez, Illinois State
Office of Intl. Trade Development. Barry Clark, Oklahoma State Dept.
of Commerce. TX State Rep Bob Hunter*, to discuss 2001 Texas State
Resolution. CA State Senator Kevin Murray discusses 2002 resolution.
Commissioner Joe McLash, Manatee County, FL.
2:15 am - Policy Prescriptions for Change: Audience discussion
on current avenues for change. U.S. Rep. George Nethercutt (R-WA).
Janice OConnell, Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations
Committee. Richard H. Stanley, the Stanley Foundation and HON Industries,
Iowa. Julia Sweig, Council on Foreign Relations moderates discussion
with audience.
3:00 am - Closing Remarks: Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT)
*indicates unconfirmed.
Other Events
Day, Tuesday, September 17:
Opinion Polling on American attitudes toward the embargo released
A full-page
ad in a major U.S. daily newspaper quantifying American support for
free travel and humanitarian trade as a matter of U.S. national interest,
coordinated by Americans For Humanitarian Trade With Cuba
Summit Night for Summit Attendees and Speakers
Day, Wednesday, September 18:
pro-engagement Cuban American groups host a Lobby Day and a Capitol
Hill Panel on the changed dynamics of this important community with
delegations from Miami, New Jersey and other states blanketing the
Congressional Breakfast hosted by the American Farm Bureau with U.S.
Senators and members of the House Cuba Working Group