Programs > IMET > E-IMET > Bolivia
last updated:9/2/03

Expanded IMET: Bolivia


Student number Student's home-country branch of service U.S. service offering course Course title Location Duration (weeks) Student type Course cost Travel and living allowance Total cost Start date
1004 Air Force Air Force Company Grade Officer Professional Development Course Inter-American Air Forces Academy, Lackland AFB, TX 7 Officer $460 $4,362 $4,822 4/30/97
1005 Air Force Air Force Company Grade Officer Professional Development Course Inter-American Air Forces Academy, Lackland AFB, TX 7 Officer $460 $4,462 $4,922 8/25/97
1000 Army Army Command and General Staff Officer Course U.S. Army School of the Americas, Fort Benning, GA 47 Officer $8,666 $11,960 $20,626 1/7/97
1001 Army Army Command and General Staff Officer Course U.S. Army School of the Americas, Fort Benning, GA 47 Officer $8,666 $11,960 $20,626 1/7/97
1012% Army Army ENGLISH LANGUAGE CRSE Defense Language Institute English Language Center (DLIELC), Lackland AFB, TX 14 Officer $3,775 $3,877 $7,652 3/17/97
2100 Army Army Civil Military Operations (CMO) U.S. Army School of the Americas, Fort Benning, GA 5 Officer $723 $2,872 $3,595 7/10/97
2101 Army Army Civil Military Operations (CMO) U.S. Army School of the Americas, Fort Benning, GA 5 Officer $723 $2,872 $3,595 7/10/97
2102 Army Army Civil Military Operations (CMO) U.S. Army School of the Americas, Fort Benning, GA 5 Officer $723 $2,872 $3,595 7/10/97
402 Navy Navy Mobile Education Team: International Health Resources Management Program (Strategic Action Development) Phase III - Topic: National Security Coast Guard Reserve Training Center, Yorktown, VA 1 Officer $45,400 $0 $45,400 11/4/96
1001A Navy Coast Guard International Maritime Officer Course (IMOC) Coast Guard Reserve Training Center, Yorktown, VA 11 Officer $3,966 $6,908 $10,874 3/31/97
  Subtotal funded through Air Force           $920 $8,824 $9,744  
  Subtotal funded through Army           $23,276 $36,413 $59,689  
  Subtotal funded through Navy           $49,366 $6,908 $56,274  
  Total           $73,562 $52,145 $125,707  


Student number Student's home-country branch of service U.S. service offering course Course title Location Duration (weeks) Student type Course cost Travel and living allowance Total cost Start date
1003 Air Force Air Force Company Grade Officer Professional Development Course Inter-American Air Forces Academy, Lackland AFB, TX 7 Officer $440 $4,275 $4,715 5/6/96
1004 Air Force Air Force Company Grade Officer Professional Development Course Inter-American Air Forces Academy, Lackland AFB, TX 7 Officer $440 $2,936 $3,376 5/6/96
1005 Air Force Air Force Company Grade Officer Professional Development Course Inter-American Air Forces Academy, Lackland AFB, TX 7 Officer $440 $2,936 $3,376 5/6/96
2000 Air Force Air Force Civil-Military Strategy for Internal Development (CMSID) Hurlburt Field, FL 2 Officer $498 $2,320 $2,818 11/12/96
2001 Air Force Air Force Civil-Military Strategy for Internal Development (CMSID) Hurlburt Field, FL 2 Officer $498 $2,320 $2,818 11/12/96
2002 Air Force Air Force Civil-Military Strategy for Internal Development (CMSID) Hurlburt Field, FL 2 Officer $426 $2,200 $2,626 3/17/97
2003 Air Force Air Force Civil-Military Strategy for Internal Development (CMSID) Hurlburt Field, FL 2 Officer $426 $2,200 $2,626 7/10/97
6045A Air Force Navy Precepts of Rule of Law and Discipline in Military Operations Inter-American Air Forces Academy, Lackland AFB, TX 1 Enlisted $159 $1,793 $1,952 8/19/96
6046A Air Force Navy Precepts of Rule of Law and Discipline in Military Operations Inter-American Air Forces Academy, Lackland AFB, TX 1 Enlisted $159 $1,793 $1,952 8/19/96
6047A Air Force Navy Precepts of Rule of Law and Discipline in Military Operations Inter-American Air Forces Academy, Lackland AFB, TX 1 Enlisted $159 $1,793 $1,952 8/19/96
6048S Air Force Navy Precepts of Rule of Law and Discipline in Military Operations Inter-American Air Forces Academy, Lackland AFB, TX 1 Enlisted $80 $0 $80 8/19/96
1001 Army Army Command and General Staff Officer Course U.S. Army School of the Americas, Fort Benning, GA 47 Officer $8,615 $19,305 $27,920 1/29/96
1051 Army Army Democratic Sustainment U.S. Army School of the Americas, Fort Benning, GA 6 Officer $1,262 $2,900 $4,162 9/3/96
1052 Army Army Democratic Sustainment U.S. Army School of the Americas, Fort Benning, GA 6 Officer $1,262 $2,900 $4,162 9/3/96
1053 Army Army Democratic Sustainment U.S. Army School of the Americas, Fort Benning, GA 6 Officer $1,262 $2,900 $4,162 9/3/96
1054 Army Army Democratic Sustainment U.S. Army School of the Americas, Fort Benning, GA 6 Officer $1,262 $2,900 $4,162 9/3/96
2003 Navy Army Civil-Military Operations (CMO) U.S. Army School of the Americas, Fort Benning, GA 5 Officer $848 $2,870 $3,718 9/23/96
2004 Navy Army Civil-Military Operations (CMO) U.S. Army School of the Americas, Fort Benning, GA 5 Officer $848 $2,870 $3,718 9/23/96
2005 Navy Army Resource Management (Spanish) U.S. Army School of the Americas, Fort Benning, GA 4 Officer $559 $2,690 $3,249 10/15/96
2006 Navy Army Resource Management (Spanish) U.S. Army School of the Americas, Fort Benning, GA 4 Officer $559 $2,690 $3,249 10/15/96
202 Navy Navy Mobile Education Team: Phase IV - Military Justice Follow-Up In the field, carried out by Naval Justice School, Monterey, CA 1 Officer $22,735 $0 $22,735 8/12/96
400 Navy Coast Guard Mobile Education Team: International Health Resources Management Program (Assessment) Phase I In the field, carried out by Coast Guard Reserve Training Center, Yorktown, VA 1 Officer $30,077 $0 $30,077 9/23/96
401 Navy Coast Guard International Health Resources Management Program (Program Design) (CONUS Training) Phase II Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 1 Officer $23,251 $5,784 $29,035 8/5/96
1001S Navy Coast Guard International Maritime Officer Course (IMOC) Coast Guard Reserve Training Center, Yorktown, VA 11 Officer $1,917 $0 $1,917 4/1/96
  Subtotal funded through Air Force           $3,725 $24,566 $28,291  
  Subtotal funded through Army           $16,477 $42,025 $58,502  
  Subtotal funded through Navy           $77,980 $5,784 $83,764  
  Total           $98,182 $72,375 $170,557  


1 United States, Defense Security Assistance Agency, "Standardized Training Listing: Bolivia (BL) PY 97 - IMET," Standardized Training Listing as of 17 September 1997 (Washington: DSAA, September 1997).

2 United States, Defense Security Assistance Agency, "Standardized Training Listing: Bolivia (BL) PY 96 - IMET," Standardized Training Listing as of 17 September 1997 (Washington: DSAA, September 1997).

Expanded IMET: Bolivia


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A project of the Latin America Working Group Education Fund in cooperation with the Center for International Policy and the Washington Office on Latin America

 Project Staff  Adam Isacson (Senior Associate CIP    Lisa Haugaard (LAWGEF Executive Director
  Joy Olson (WOLA Executive Director

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