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last updated:12/2/03
St. Kitts and Nevis

Overview | Grant Aid | Sales | Training Institutions | Training Deployments


Country Snapshot

Population: 38,763 (July 2003 est.)
Size, comparable to U.S.: 1.5 times the size of Washington, DC
Per Capita GDP, not adjusted for PPP (year): (2001 est.): $6,500
Defense Expenditure as a percentage of GDP: NA%
Size of armed forces: …,000 (2001-2002)

  • Click here to read the updated Eastern Caribbean overview
  • Click here to read the Eastern Caribbean overview from the 1999 edition of Just the Facts
Grant Aid
Program 1996 actual 1997 actual 1998 actual 1999 actual 2000 actual 2001 actual 2002 estimate 2003 request
International Narcotics Control
Funding of equipment, training, eradication and other programs of the State's Department's Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL)
$1,300,000 (Shared with Caribbean) $2,935,000 (Shared with Caribbean) $2,000,000 (Shared with Caribbean) $4,860,000 (Shared with Caribbean) $1,740,000 (Shared with Caribbean) $2,200,000 (Shared with Caribbean) $2,875,000 (Shared with Caribbean) $2,600,000 (Shared with Caribbean)
International Military Education and Training
Funding for courses given both in the U.S. and in-country by U.S. personnel
$48,000; 11 students $56,000; 10 students $65,000; 8 students $63,000; 26 students $67,000; 9 students $75,000; 10 students $675,000 shared with the Eastern Caribbean; 12 students $700,000 shared with the Eastern Caribbean
  • Expanded IMET
    A subset of IMET, pays for training in non-combat topics
$0 $0 $9,597; 2 students          
Emergency Drawdowns
Presidential authority to grant defense equipment from U.S. arsenal
$8,500,000 (Shared with Eastern Caribbean) $1,500,000(Shared with Eastern Caribbean) $1,500,000 (Shared with Eastern Caribbean) $0 $0 $0    
Foreign Military Financing
Grants and loans for defense articles, training and services.
$50,000 $100,000 $130,000 $155,000 $1,300,000 (Shared with Eastern Caribbean Regional Fund) $1,996,000 (Shared with Eastern Caribbean Regional Fund) $2,000,000 (Shared with Eastern Caribbean Regional Fund) $2,130,000 (Shared with Eastern Caribbean Regional Fund)
Section 1004 Counterdrug
Training, equipment upgrades and other services provided by the Department of Defense for counternarcotics
  $2,000 $50,000 $0 $10,000      
Approximate total police and military aid   At least $158,000 At least $245,000 At least $218,000 At least $77,000      
Approximate number of trainees     At least 8 11        

Program 1996 actual 1997 actual 1998 actual 1999 actual 2000 actual 2001 actual 2002 estimate 2003 estimate
Foreign Military Sales
Government-to-government sales of defense articles, training and services
$80,000 (Agreements) $187,000 (Agreements) $0 (Agreements) $212,000 (Agreements) $70,000 (Agreements) $105,000 (Agreements) $25,000 (Agreements) $25,000 (Agreements)
$228,000 (Deliveries) $22,000 (Deliveries) $216,000 (Deliveries) $150,000 (Deliveries)        
Direct Commercial Sales
Sales from U.S. companies licensed by the U.S. government
$5,824 (Licenses) $879,524
$3,000 (Deliveries as of September 1996) $1,832 (Deliveries as of September 1997) $88,936 (Deliveries as of September 1998) $1,000 (Deliveries as of September 1999) $0  (Deliveries as of January 2001) $1,000 (Deliveries as of January 2002) $0 (Expected deliveries) $1,000 (Expected deliveries)

Training Institutions
Program 1996 actual 1997 actual 1998 actual 1999 actual 2000 actual 2001 actual
Humanitarian Civic Assistanceincidental costs 0 0 0 $132,208    
Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies
Defense Department initiative to improve civilians' defense planning and management skills
 0 0 1 student 2 students 2 students 0 students



Country Snapshots

    • U.S. Department of State Background Notes
    • Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2003
    • The World Factbook 2003
    • Human Development Index
    • Nationmaster Military-Armed Forces Personnel
    • Department of Defense: Active Duty Military Personnel Strengths by Regional Area and by Country

  • International Narcotics Control 1996-2004: United States, Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Fiscal Year 1998-2004 Budget Congressional Presentation (Washington: Department of State: March 1997, 98, 99, 00, April 01, 02, June 03,) <>
  • United States, Department of State, Report to Congress on Plan Colombia and Related Programs (Washington: Department of State, July 2000) <>.
  • United States, White House, Office of Management and Budget, 2003 Supplemental Appropriations Request to Congress (Washington: White House, March 25, 2003) <>.
  • Foreign Military Financing 1996-2004: United States, Department of State, Office of Resources, Plans and Policy, Congressional Presentation for Foreign Operations, Fiscal Year 1998-2004 (Washington: March 1997, 98, 99, 00, April 2001, 02, Feb. 2003) <>.
  • United States, General Accounting Office, "Drug Control: U.S. Counternarcotics Efforts in Colombia Face Continuing Challenges," GAO/NSIAD-98-60 (Washington: GAO, February 12, 1998) <>.
  • United States, Department of Defense, Department of State, Foreign Military Training and DoD Engagement Activities of Interest in Fiscal Years 1999 and 2000, 2000 and 2001: A Report to Congress (Washington: March 2000, 2001) <>.
  • International Military Education and Training 1996-2004: United States, Department of State, Office of Resources, Plans and Policy, Congressional Presentation for Foreign Operations, Fiscal Year 1998, 99, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04 (Washington DC, Department of State: March 1997-Feb 2003) <>.
  • "Section 1004" 1997: H. Allen Holmes, coordinator for drug enforcement policy and support, United States Department of Defense, letter in response to congressional inquiry, Jan. 23, 1998.
  • "Section 1004" 1998: Ana Maria Salazar, deputy assistant secretary of defense for drug enforcement policy and support, United States Department of Defense, letter in response to congressional inquiry, Mar. 19, 1999.
  • "Section 1004" 1999: United States, Department of Defense, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Drug Enforcement Policy and Support, correspondence with authors, September 21, 2000.
  • "Section 1004" 2000: United States, Department of Defense, Report on Department of Defense Expenditures To Support Foreign Counterdrug Activities, Washington, December 29, 2000.
  • United States Congress, Conference Report 106-701 on H.R. 3908, June 29, 2000 <>.
  • "Section 1004" 2001: United States, Department of Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, Report required by the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (P.L. 106-398), (Washington: April 18, 2002).
  • United States, Department of Defense, "DoD Andean Initiative FY02 Colombia", Washington, Document obtained September 19, 2001.
  • "Section 1004" Colombia 2002: Congressional Research Service, Colombia: Summary and Tables on U.S. Assistance, FY1989-FY2003, (Washington: CRS, May 3, 2002): 4 <>.
  • "Section 1004" Colombia 2003: United States, Department of State, A Report to Congress on United States Policy Towards Colombia and Other Related Issues, Washington, December 3, 2002: 14 <>.
  • United States, White House, Office of Management and Budget, 2003 Supplemental Appropriations Request to Congress (Washington: White House, March 25, 2003) <>.

  • Emergency Drawdowns 1997: United States, Department of State, "Summary Sheet," fax document, September 16, 1997.

  • Emergency Drawdowns 1998: United States, Department of State, "Memorandum of Justification for use of Section 506(a)(2) special authority to draw down articles, services, and military education and training," September 15, 1998.
  • Emergency Drawdowns 1999: United States, White House, "Draft Working Document: FY99 506(a)(2) Drawdown List Requested Items," Memorandum, September 30, 1999.
  • "Section 1033" 1998-2002: same as "Section 1004" above.

  • Anti-Terrorism Assistance Colombia 2002: United States, White House, Office of Management and Budget, "Technical Language" for supplemental appropriations request (Washington: March 21, 2002): 80 <>.

  • Excess Defense Articles: United States, Department of Defense, Defense Security Cooperation Agency, Excess Defense Articles online database <>.
  • ONDCP Discretionary Funds: United States, Executive Office of the President, Office of National Drug Control Policy, memo in response to congressional inquiry, February 1998.
  • Trainees 1998-2002: United States, Department of State, Department of Defense, Foreign Military Training and DoD Engagement Activities of Interest in Fiscal Years 1998 and 1999, 1999 and 2000, 2000 and 2001, 2001 and 2002, 2002 and 2003 (Washington: 1999-2003)
  • Economic and Social Assistance 1996-2000: United States, Department of State, Office of Resources, Plans and Policy, Congressional Presentation for Foreign Operations, Fiscal Year 1998-2000 (Washington: March 1997-April 2001)

  • Economic and Social Assistance 2001-4: United States, Department of State, FY 2004 Congressional Budget Justification for Foreign Operations (Washington, DC: Department of State, April 15, 2002, February 2003) <>.

  • United States, U.S. Agency for International Development, FY 2002 Congressional Budget Justification (Washington, USAID, 2001) <>.



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 Project Staff  Adam Isacson (Senior Associate CIP    Lisa Haugaard (LAWGEF Executive Director
  Joy Olson (WOLA Executive Director

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