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Last Updated:03/30/10


How to Exit Afghanistan

An In-Depth Discussion on Afghanistan with Selig S. Harrison

  • Held at DC Capital Partners, Washington, D.C. on March 29, 2010
  • Discussion sponsored by the Institute of World Affairs

Drone Attacks on the Quetta Shura?: Pros and Cons

  • Held at the Middle East Institute, Washington, D.C. on March 5, 2010
  • Roundtable Discussion sponsored by the Middle East Institute and American Friends of Balochistan


    • Mr. Selig S. Harrison, Asia Director, Center for International Policy
    • Mr. Ahmar Mustikhan, Founder, American Friends of Balochistan
    • Mr. Andrew Eiva, Former Executive Director, Federation for American Afghan Action
    • Mr. Raja Karthik, Independent Security Analyst
    • Mr. Ashraf Kakar, Fulbright Scholar, American University
  • Moderated by Marvin Weibaum, MEI Scholar and Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois

The 2nd Korea-U.S. Security Forum
Cheju, South Korea, March 30th-April 1st 2005

The North Korean Nuclear Crisis and U.S.-North Korea Relations, a speech by Selig S. Harrison at the Sejong Institute Conference, Cheju, South Korea, 4/1/05

For a Full Conference Agenda Click Here

11th LAWASIA Energy Law International Conference

  • Held in Seoul, Korea, 22 - 25 June 2004
  • Senior Fellow Selig Harrison delivered a speech concerning Sakhalin natural gas piplines
  • Other experts from around the world colaborated to devise new and innovative solutions to the Asian energy crisis
  • For more information and a complete list of participants please see LAWASIA's home page


    • Mr. Kim Young-sam, Former President of the Republic of Korea
    • Dr. Kamal Hossain, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh
    • Mr. Peter Kyle, Acting Chief Counsel, World Bank, USA
    • Mr. Selig S. Harrison, Director of Asia Program, Center for International Policy, Washington D.C.
    • Dr. Chung-in Moon, Chairman of Presidential Committee on Northeast Asian Initiative, Korea

The Washington Post Covers Japan: A Colloquium on U.S.-Japan Relations
  • The Japan-America Society of Washington D.C. and The Washington Post hosted on June 2, 2004
  • Former Washington Post Tokyo correspondents taked about past experiences with Japan and how those relate with pressing issues in Asia today.


  • Mr. Selig Harrison
  • Mr. Don Oberdorfer
  • Mr. Fred Hiatt
  • Mr. T.R. Reid
  • Mr. John Burgess

What Next in Afghanistan?
  • CIP policy consultation held at Brookings Institution, October 30, 2001
    • Introduction by Selig S. Harrison
      "Since September 11 we've been asking why those nineteen hijackers were ready to go to their deaths—what motivated them and what the United State can and should do to defuse these motivations . . . " (cont'd)
  • No U.S. Political Strategy to Match the Military: a CIP seminar, December 13, 2001


    • Ahmed Rashid, Pakistani journalist, author of Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia
    • Qayyum Karzai, brother of President Hamid Karzai
    • Selig S. Harrison, author of Out of Afghanistan: The Inside Story of the Soviet Withdrawal
    • Ashraf Ghani, adviser to U.N.
    • Eliza Van Hollen, former Afghanistan expert with State Department
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