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Selig S. Harrison Quoted in the News




Latest Articles, Op-Eds and Speeches by Selig Harrison:

China’s North Korean Calculations
When President Obama hosts the Chinese president, Hu Jintao, in Washington later this month, North Korea is certain to be high on the agenda. But as in the past, Beijing is likely to use its leverage with Pyongyang only if a major war threatens.
International Herald Tribune, January 06, 2011

Drawing a Line in the Water
THE crisis in the Yellow Sea, which was set off by the North Korean shelling of South Korea's Yeonpyeong Island last month, is probably mystifying to many Americans. Why did the North fire a deadly artillery barrage at a sparsely inhabited, relatively insignificant island? Why has the United States dispatched an entire aircraft-carrier group to the scene?
New York Times, December 12, 2010

Pakistan Divides U.S. and India
"Obama Mission: Billions to Pakistan, Billions From India" — This screaming headline in the Times of India ahead of President Obama's visit to New Delhi explains why a quiet crisis is developing in what seems, on the surface, to be an increasingly promising relationship between the world's two largest democracies.
LA Times, November 12, 2010

The New Faces of Reform in North Korea
Kim Jong-Il's bold moves to strengthen his grip on the Workers Party, the Army, and the bureaucracy in North Korea mark an important victory for the advocates of economic reform and improved US ties in the Pyongyang regime. The Obama administration should quickly signal its readiness for a resumption of denuclearization negotiations, linked to the normalization of US-North Korean relations.
Boston Globe, October 13, 2010

U.S. Must Stabilize Chinese Relations
As fears of a prolonged recession grow, so does the need to stabilize U.S. economic relations with China.
LePolitico, September 30, 2010

China's Discreet Hold on Pakistan's Northern Borderlands
While the world focuses on the flood-ravaged Indus River valley, a quiet geopolitical crisis is unfolding in the Himalayan borderlands of northern Pakistan, where Islamabad is handing over de facto control of the strategic Gilgit-Baltistan region in the northwest corner of disputed Kashmir to China.
International Herald Tribune,, August 26, 2010

How To Leave Afghanistan Without Losing T
As prospects for an early U.S.-NATO military victory in Afghanistan fade and pressures for the withdrawal of U.S. combat forces grow, the debate over U.S. policy in Afghanistan focuses increasingly on one key issue: Is it possible to negotiate terms for disengagement that would not constitute a strategic defeat?
Foreign Policy, August 25, 2010

A Smart Pashtun Play
While the U.S. struggles to get its act together in Afghanistan, President Hamid Karzai, widely ridiculed as corrupt and ineffectual, is consolidating his power and moving toward a peace deal with the Taliban. The U.S. is trying to stop him, but Karzai’s bold moves could help the U.S. and NATO find a graceful way out of the deepening Afghan quagmire.
Newsweek, July 6, 2010

U.S. Aid Fuels Dangerous Deal in Pakistan
WITH ONE hand, Pakistan scoops up its multiplying millions in US aid. With the other, it buys nuclear reactors from China that will give it the capability to add 24 nuclear weapons per year to its estimated existing arsenal of 70 to 90.
The Boston Globe, June 29, 2010

Barack Hasn't Banned the Bomb
Barack Obama prepared the way for his Nobel peace prize, and became the hero of nuclear disarma ment advocates and the bête noire of true believers in nuclear weaponry, with 11 potent words in a speech in Prague on 5 April 2009. This speech was a direct challenge to three powerful adversaries: the Pentagon bureaucracy, the defence establishments of Japan and other countries covered by the US “nuclear umbrella” and the US defence industries lobbying to sustain or increase US nuclear weapons deployments...
Le Monde Diplomatique, April, 2010

Should U.S. Keep "First Use" Option?
When should the U.S. use nuclear weapons? Most Americans would no doubt reply: when and if it is attacked with nuclear weapons. But in the struggle over what nuclear policy should be for the Obama administration, Pentagon strategists, egged on by Japanese defense hawks, argue that the U.S. should also be free to launch a nuclear first strike against an enemy armed only with conventional weapons, as it did at Hiroshima and Nagasaki 65 years ago, or one seeking to develop nuclear weapons...
USA Today, March 30, 2010

Iraq, Iran, and the United States
he 2003 American invasion of Iraq aroused both anxiety and hope in Iran. The advent of U.S. military forces and bases on its western border posed a potential threat to its security. At the same time, the destruction of the Sunni-dominated Saddam Hussein dictatorship stirred expectations that the Shiite majority in Iraq would come into its own, at last, after five centuries of Sunni minority rule, and that Iraq would tilt toward Iran after U.S. forces left. Seven years later, the Obama administration remains committed to the withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Iraq by the end of 2011. However, major uncertainties remain concerning our future role there and how it will affect Iran...
Foreign Service Journal, March 2010

Zardari's Courage
...To promote a détente, the U.S.should support Pakistan's embattled president, Asif Ali Zardari, in his escalating struggle with the generals in Islamabad over the terms of peace with New Delhi. The principal obstacle to peace is the Pakistan Army, which needs tensions with India to justify the enormous, U.S.-subsidized defense budgets that underpin its privileged status in Pakistan. Serving and retired generals run a variety of Army-linked business conglomerates with net assets exceeding $38 billion...
Newsweek, March 5, 2010

Tehran's Biggest Fear
The biggest threat to the ruling ayatollahs and generals in multi-ethnic Iran does not come from the embattled democratic opposition movement struggling to reform the Islamic Republic. It comes from increasingly aggressive separatist groups in Kurdish, Baluch, Azeri and Arab ethnic minority regions that collectively make up some 44 percent of Persian-dominated Iran’s population...
New York Times, December 27, 2009

How to Exit Afghanistan
With the Taliban growing steadily stronger, 30,000 more US troops will not lead to the early disengagement from the Afghan quagmire envisaged by President Obama, even in the improbable event that Hamid Karzai delivers on his promises of better governance. What is needed is a major United Nations diplomatic initiative designed to get Afghanistan's regional neighbors to join in setting a disengagement timetable and to share responsibility for preventing a Taliban return to power in Kabul...
The Nation, December 22, 2009

All Articles & Speeches:


Drawing a Line in the Water, New York Times, 12/12/10

Pakistan Divides India and the U.S., LA Times, 11/12/10

The New Faces of Reform in North Korea, Boston Globe , 10/13/10

U.S. Must Stabilize Chinese Relations, Politico, 09/30/10

China's Discreet Hold on Pakistan's Northern Borderlands, International Herald Tribune, 08/26/10

How To Leave Afghanistan Without Losing , Foreign Policy, 08/25/10

A Smart Pashtun Play, Newsweek, 07/06/10

U.S. Aid Fuels Dangerous Deal in Pakistan, The Boston Globe, 6/29/10

Barack Hasn't Banned the Bomb, Le Monde Diplomatique, 04/06/10

Should U.S. Keep "First Use" Option?, USA Today, 03/30/10

Iraq, Iran, and the United States, Foreign Service Journal, 03/10

Zardari's Courage, Newsweek, 03/05/10


Tehran's Biggest Fear, New York Times, 12/27/09

How to Exit Afghanistan, The Nation, 12/22/09

From Kabul to Kashmir, Newsweek, 11/13/09

The Ethnic Split, The Nation, 10/21/09

Overcoming Our Failed Strategy in Afghanistan, The Boston Globe, 10/12/09

Afghanistan's Tyranny of the Minority, The New York Times, 08/17/09

Pakistan's Other Islamist Threat, The Boston Globe, 06/17/09

Remarks on North Korea, Testimony, 06/17/09

Bill Richardson or Al Gore?, The Hankyoreh, 05/15/09

Pakistan's Ethnic Fault Line, Washington Post, 05/11/09

Face Down Pakistani Army, USA Today, 04/01/09

Living With A Nuclear North Korea, Washington Post, 02/17/09

Remarks By Selig Harrison at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research and the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment, 02/09

Kashmir issue leading Obama into first 'tar pit', Washington Times, 01/06/09


Normalize and Disarm, International Herald Tribune, 10/29/08

India's Terrorist Problem, Newsweek, 10/27/08

Support to Pakistan Distorts Asia's Balance of Power, The Boston Globe, 09/27/08

Iraq, Bush, and the 'Time-Horizon', International Herald Tribune, 07/28/08

How Obama Could Tame Iran, Newsweek, 07/26/08

Get A Grip On Dhaka, LA Times, 07/02/08

All-Out War -- or Talking?, USA Today, 05/27/08

Iran, Iraq, and the United States: The View from Teheran, Speech at the Wilson Center, Washington, D.C., 05/14/08

Working With Iran to Stabilize Iraq , The Boston Globe, 03/20/08

What A.Q. Khan Knows, Washington Post, 01/31/08


Beware Pashtunistan, Newsweek International, 11/12/07

Improving the chances of a fair election, The Globe and Mail, 10/24/07

Sanctions Won't Stop Tehran, The Washington Post, 10/02/07

The US meddles aggressively in Iran, Le Monde Diplomatique, October 2007

Simmering discord in the tribal badlands, The Boston Globe, 08/01/07

Iran is America's best hope for stability in the Gulf, The Financial Times, 06/20/07

How to Preserve the North Korean Nuclear Deal, The Financial Times, 3/26/07

Pressuring Pakistan to Curb the Taliban, The Boston Globe, 02/19/07

Discarding An Afghan Opportunity, The Washington Post 01/30/07

London speech on Balochistan (audio), FPC Seminar in London, January 2007


Remarks by Selig S. Harrison at a Forum on “The Bangladesh Elections: Promoting Democracy and Protecting Rights in a Muslim-Majority Country,” sponsored by the United States Commission on Religious Freedom, Washington, 10/17/2006.

In a Test, a Reason to Talk, The Washington Post 10/10/2006

North Korea: A Nuclear Threat
, NewsWeek International 10/6/2006

Pakistan's Baluch Insurgency, Le Monde diplomatique 10/2006

Selig S. Harrison's article on his tenth trip to North Korea, Hankyoreh 10/2/2006

Director Selig S. Harrison, Report on North Korea,” presented at the U.S.-Korea Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, 9/28/2006

by Director Selig S. Harrison at a Forum on “India, The United States and The World,” Cosmos Club, Washington. 9/27/2006

Pakistan: Friend or Foe?, Op-ed by Selig S. Harrison in The Los Angeles Times, 9/5/2006

A New Hub for Terrorism?, Op-ed by Selig S. Harrison in The Washington Post, 8/2/2006

North Korea’s Embarrassment, Op-ed by Selig S. Harrison in The Hankyoreh, 7/7/2006

How to Regulate Nuclear Weapons: The U.S. Deal With India Could Be a Good Starting Point, Op-ed by Selig S. Harrison, The Washington Post, 4/23/2006

A Nuclear Partnership with India, Op-ed by Selig S. Harrison, The Boston Globe, 3/02/2006

Pakistan's Costly 'Other War', op-ed by Selig S. Harrison, The Washington Post, 2/15/2006

Roh Balances National Priorities and Alliance with U.S., Korea Policy Review, February 2006 Vol.2 No.2

It Is Time to Put Security Issues on the Table with Iran, The Financial Times, 1/18/2006


US should scrap plane deal with Pakistan, The Boston Globe, 11/27/05

Getting Around Pyongyang's Hard-Liners, The Washington Post, June 10, 2005

Selig S. Harrison's article about his ninth trip to North Korea, Hankyoreh Shinmun Seoul, 4/19/05

The North Korean Nuclear Crisis and U.S.-North Korea Relations, a speech by Selig S. Harrison at the Sejong Institute Conference, Cheju, South Korea, 4/1/05

Director Selig Harrison's testimony at the U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission hearing on China's Proliferation Practices and Role in the North Korea Crisis, 3/10/05

Remarks by Director Selig S. Harrison, Moderator, at a seminar on Baluchistan sponsored by the World Sindhi Institute, 3/7/05

Crafting Intelligence: Iraq, North Korea and the Road to War, by Selig Harrison adapted from Korea Society 2/16/05 speech for, 2/27/05

Selig S. Harrison's Letter to his critics, Foreign Affairs, March/April 2005

Director Selig Harrison's Speech at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, 2/22/05

Selig S. Harrison's Letter to South Korean President Roh, Letters to the President Series, Korea Times, 2/22/05

Selig S. Harrison's Speech, at the The Korea Society, New York, 2/16/05

Did North Korea Cheat?, Foreign Affairs, January/February 2005


NK Expert Pushes Energy Pact to End Nuke Crisis, Interview with Senior Fellow Selig S. Harrison, The Korea Times, 6/21/04

The North Korean Conundrum, The Nation, 6/7/04

Riding a Tiger in North Korea, Newsweek, 5/17/04

Inside North Korea: Leaders Open to Ending Nuclear Crisis, The Financial Times, 5/4/04

Time for a Fresh Start on North Korea, The Financial Times, 4/21/04

A nuclear safety plan for Pakistan, The Financial Times, 3/19/04

More Arms Are Not What India and Pakistan Need, The Los Angeles Times, 2/13/04

Pakistan's Nuclear Loopholes, The Boston Globe, 2/9/04

N. Korean 'Good Guys' Require U.S. Assistance, USA Today, 1/7/04


Shoring up the Kashmir truce, The Financial Times, 12/10/03

Bush needs to attach strings to Pakistan aid, USA Today, 6/24/03

US Must Rein in Pakistan, The Boston Globe, 6/7/03

Finding a way out with North Korea, The New York Times, 6/7/03

U.S. must clamp down on Pakistan nuke dealing, The San Jose Mercury-News, 5/30/03

Nuclear Proliferation: North Korea and Pakistan, The International Herald-Tribune, 4/21/03

The Nuclear Crisis on the Korean Peninsula: Avoiding the Road to Perdition, Current History, 3/1/03


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