a Democratic Senate would mean for Colombia policy, May 23, 2001
to numerous press reports, Vermont Senator James Jeffords plans
to leave the Republican Party on May 24. His switch to independent status
would give the Democrats a 50-49 majority in the Senate, shifting control
from the Republicans to the Democrats. This would be the first time the
Democratic Party has controlled a house of Congress since 1994.
the reports about Jeffords' switch are accurate, the Democrats, led by
current Minority Leader Sen. Tom Daschle (D- South Dakota), would
assume control of the Senate's legislative agenda. Democrats would determine
which bills reach the Senate floor for consideration. They would also
win the powerful chairmanships and a majority of seats on the Senate's
twenty committees, which write and approve legislation, hold hearings,
approve executive and judicial nominees, and perform oversight.
No overall change
last year's Senate debate on the aid package, Democrats voted 36-9
to table Sen. Paul Wellstone's (D-Minnesota) amendment to
cut the military portion of the aid, and voted 38-6 in support of
Christopher Dodd's (D-Connecticut) failed amendment to restore
Blackhawk helicopters to the Senate's version of the package. (The
Senate's version had replaced Blackhawks with less expensive Huey
But a Senate changeover
would not bring an about-face in U.S. policy toward Colombia. The current
policy - particularly last year's large, mostly military aid package -
was put in place by a Democratic president, and most Senate Democrats
supported the package during the June 2000 floor debate.
Several smaller
Nonetheless, several
important, though less momentous, changes in the policy would probably
come with Democratic control of the Senate's committees.
Leahy on U.S. policy toward Colombia
- Sen.
Patrick Leahy, press release, August
28, 2000
- Letter
from Sen. Patrick Leahy to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright,
August 30, 2000
- Speech
by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), June 30, 2000
- Statement
of Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), June 21, 2000
- Speech
by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), June 20, 2000
- Statement
of Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), February 24, 2000
- Letter
to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright from Sens. Edward M.
Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) and Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), December
22, 1999
his part, Sen. Jeffords offered unenthusiastic
support to last year's aid package.)
The most striking
change would be on the Foreign Operations Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations
Committee, which is responsible for writing the annual foreign aid budget
bill. This bill will include most of the 2002 aid package for Colombia
and its neighbors. Control of this key subcommittee would pass to Sen.
Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), a leading and vocal critic of the U.S.
strategy in Colombia.
Replacing Kentucky
Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell, Sen. Leahy would produce the "mark,"
basically the first draft, of the foreign aid bill. This does not necessarily
mean that massive military aid and fumigations would disappear from the
Senate's version of the 2002 bill -- such radical change is highly unlikely.
But it is quite probable that the bill would include strong human rights
conditions, without a waiver. (As the subcommittee's ranking minority
member in 2000, Leahy persuaded the Republican leadership to include strong
conditions in the "mark" of the Senate's Plan Colombia aid package
Democratic control
of the Foreign Operations subcommittee could also mean greater emphasis
on the economic part of the 2002 aid package, stronger environmental protections,
limits on involvement of U.S. troops, and similar adjustments. It is also
likely that the Senate will implement greater scrutiny over the effects
of fumigation, the use of private contractors, the Colombian military's
human rights performance, and similar issues.
Sen. Tom Harkin, another critic of the current U.S. approach, would
assume the chairmanship of the Labor, HHS, and Education Subcommittee,
which is responsible for federal drug treatment funding.
Sen. Leahy and Senate
Democrats would also play a far greater role at the crucial last stage
of lawmaking: the House-Senate conference committee that reconciles both
houses' versions of a bill. Democrats had little opportunity for input
in June 2000, when Republican leaders of the "Plan Colombia"
aid package conference committee weakened the Senate's human rights conditions
and increased military assistance levels. Sen. Leahy will now be a key
player in the conference commitee that finishes the foreign operations
bill, which will include most of the 2002 aid package.

Sens. Biden,
Dodd and Levin on U.S. policy toward Colombia
- Trip
of Senators Levin, Reed, Nelson and Nelson, February 23-25, 2001
- Speech
by Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Connecticut), November 1, 2000
- Speech
by Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Delaware), June 21, 2000
- Speech
by Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Connecticut), June 21, 2000
- Speech
by Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Connecticut), June 21, 2000
- Speech
by Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Connecticut), June 21, 2000
- Speech
by Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Connecticut), June 21, 2000
- Speech
by Sen. Carl Levin (D-Michigan), June 21, 2000
- Sen.
Joseph Biden (D-Delaware), Report to
the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, May 3, 2000
- Press
Release by Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Delaware), May 3, 2000
- Speeches
by Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Connecticut) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein
(D-California), April 13, 2000
- Statement
of Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Delaware), February 22, 2000
- Press
release by Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Delaware), February 22, 2000
In the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, chairman Jesse Helms (R-North Carolina) would
yield to Deleware Sen. Joseph Biden. Both Biden and the likely
new head of the Committee's Western Hemisphere Subcommittee, Christopher
Dodd (D-Connecticut), are strong -- but not uncritical -- supporters
of the current Colombia policy. The committee would probably hold more
hearings to oversee the policy, with greater emphasis on human rights,
delivery of economic aid, and similar issues.
Sen. Carl Levin
(D-Michigan) would head the powerful Armed Services Committee, which oversees
the Defense Department's activities in the Andes. Levin is a strong supporter
of the current U.S. policy in Colombia. In a recent report,
he suggested "clarifying" the Leahy
amendment -- a provision that prevents U.S. assistance to abusive
military units -- in order to allow more aid to go forward.
Democratic control
of the Senate would strongly affect the Bush administration's appointments
to key positions, which would suddenly have to pass though often hostile
committees. Otto Reich, President Bush's notoriously hard-line choice
for Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, could
face trouble in Sen. Biden's Foreign Relations Committee. John Walters,
Bush's nominee for "Drug Czar," would probably be approved by
the Judiciary Committee, which Sen. Leahy would also chair. Walters would
likely endure a tough hearing, however, because of his extremely conservative
views on military assistance, mandatory sentencing and drug treatment.