Programs > Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation > Courses
last updated:9/2/03
Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation: Courses attended, 1997

Country of Origin Number of Students Percentage of Total Students Courses Attended (descriptions from SOA website)1
Argentina 18 1.9% Peace Operations, Resource Management, Command and General Staff Officer Course, Instructor Training Course, NCO Training Management, Counterdrug Operations, Psychological Operations.
Bolivia 42 4.6 Command and General Staff Officer Course, Medical Assistance, Peace Operations, Combat Arms Officer Advanced, Battle Staff Operations, Instructor Training Course, NCO Professional Development, Civil-Military Operations, Officer Training Management, Counterdrug Operations, Psychological Operations, Joint Operations, Military Intelligence Officer Course.
Brazil 1 0.1 Instructor Training Course.
Chile 145 15.9 Resource Management, Commando, Cadet Combat Arms, Instructor Training Course,Civil-Military Operations.
Colombia 99 10.9 Executive Field Grade Logistics, Battle Staff Operations, Command and General Staff Officer Course, Officer Training Management, Medical Assistance, Resource Management, Commando, NCO Professional Development, Civil-Military Relations, Cadet Leader Development Counterdrug, Democratic Sustainment, Sapper, Military Intelligence Officer Course, Counterdrug Operations, NCO Training Management, Psychological Operations, Instructor Training Course.
Costa Rica 22 2.4 Countermine Operations, Computer Literacy Training, NCO Training Management, Instructor Training Course, Democratic Sustainment, Civil-Military Operations, Officer Training Management, Peace Operations.
Dominican Republic 26 2.8 Combat Arms Officer Advanced, Commando, Command and General Staff Officer Course, Instructor Training Course, Counterdrug Operations, Military Intelligence Officer Course, NCO Professional Development, Peace Operations.
Ecuador 9 1.0 Medical Assistance, Instructor Training Course, NCO Training Management, Joint Operations, Military Intelligence Officer Course, NCO Professional Development.
El Salvador 14 1.5 Instructor Training Course, Democratic Sustainment, Civil-Military Operations, Peace Operations, Resource Management, Executive Field Grade Logistics, Command and General Staff Officer Course.
Guatemala 1 0.1 Instructor Training Course.
Honduras 33 3.6 Military Intelligence Officer Course, Instructor Training Course, Officer Training Management, Medical Assistance, Peace Operations,
Mexico 305 33.5 Instructor Training Course, Military Intelligence Officer Course, Commando, Resource Management, Officer Training Management, Medical Assistance, Civil-Military Operations, Counterdrug Operations, Psychological Operations, Sapper.
Paraguay 11 1.2 Democratic Sustainment, Military Intelligence Officer Course, Civil-Military Operations, Peace Operations, Combat Arms Officer Advanced, Resource Management, Command and General Staff Officer Course.
Peru 98 10.8 Computer Literacy Training, Resource Management, Executive Field Grade Logistics, Command and General Staff Officer Course, Civil-Military Operations, Officer Training Management, Medical Assistance, Sapper, Military Intelligence Officer Course, Counterdrug Operations, Instructor Training Course, Psychological Operations, Joint Operations, NCO Training Management.
United States 54 5.9 Command and General Staff Officer Course, Instructor Training Course, Psychological Operations.
Uruguay 8 0.9 Countermine Operations, Instructor Training Course, Democratic Sustainment, Civil-Military Operations, Commando, Command and General Staff Officer Course.
Venezuela 22 2.4 Military Intelligence Officer Course, Executive Field Grade Logistics, Command and General Staff Officer Course, Instructor Training Course, Psychological Operations, Democratic Sustainment.


1 United States Army School of the Americas, Yearly List of Students Trained at SOA, 1997.

Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation: Courses attended, 1997


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A project of the Latin America Working Group Education Fund in cooperation with the Center for International Policy and the Washington Office on Latin America

 Project Staff  Adam Isacson (Senior Associate CIP    Lisa Haugaard (LAWGEF Executive Director
  Joy Olson (WOLA Executive Director

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