Project on Government Oversight visits Tegucigalpa
The Center for International Policy along with its partner
organization in Honduras Foundation Democracy without Borders,
sponsored a week-long delegation with members of the U.S.
based organization Project on Government Oversight (POGO).
Danielle Brian, executive director and Scott Amey, general
counsel for POGO visited Honduras to address the importance
of creating a Public Hearing commission within the Honduran
Congress as a mechanism to ensure transparency and access
to information. During their trip they met with Members of
the Honduran Congress, the media and other civil society organizations
to discuss the value of implementing this initiative. The
exchange encourage Honduras congress members and civil society
organizations to address the need to implement the recently
approved access to information law, and continue their efforts
to continue working to implement the Public Hearings Commission
This is the first in a series of meetings organized by CIP
in an effort to foster communication and share experiences
between US based organizations and Honduras.
The Project on Government Oversight, a U.S. based nonprofit
that investigates and exposes corruption to achieve a more
accountable government.

Danielle Brian and Scott Amey address members
of the press
Follow these links for Danielle Brian and Scott Amey's
Danielle Brian | Scott
“We are here to exchange ideas of how to strengthen
our democracies, both in Honduras and the United States. We,
the civil society sectors of the U.S. are very aware that
our system is good, but flawed, particularly because of its
weakness to be manipulated by private interests” stated
Brien during her address to members of the Honduran congress,
media and civil society organizations. Brien emphasized the
importance to engage other actors-besides the traditional
executive, legislative and judicial branches- in the government
oversight process including the media, and civil society”.
Amey discussed transparency in the government “Institutional
corruption in both the public and private sectors demoralizes
hard working public and private sector workers, undermines
confidence in the democratic process, and exacerbates distrust
in our society”
Honduran Congressional
Delegation visits Washington, DC - May 21, 2007

From May 20th to the 25th, the Center for International Policy
hosted a delegation of Honduran congress members. The purpose
of their trip to Washington was to exchange thoughts with
different organizations, members of the media, human rights
organization, and government agencies among others.
CIP and the Foundation Democracy without Borders in Tegucigalpa
are committed to facilitate opportunities for the government,
civil society and in this case, members of congress, to exchange
ideas on how to improve the livelihoods of Hondurans. Members
of Congress have a responsibility with their constituents
in Honduras, and they have taken advantage of this trip to
meet with different organizations and US government agencies
in hopes to bring new ideas to Honduras, and develop strategies
to improve their role as legislators.
They met with the National Security Archives, Latin America
Working Group, The International Center for Journalists, The
Department of State, The Internamerican Development Bank,
and Congressmen James P. McGovern among others.
More Photos
Release of the "
Legislative Directory 2006-2010: a National Congress for all."
in Honduras - September 27, 2006
With great pride, on September
27th of 2006, Foundation Democracy without Borders hosted
the release of the "Legislative Directory 2006-2010:
a National Congress for all.” The event brought together
over 500 distinguished guests including the 256 Members of
Congress and their deputies. Read
Inauguration of Foundation Democracy without Borders
- May 28, 2006
On May 28th, members of the
International Delegation,
Board Members
and staff members of CIP, joined the staff of FDsF(Foundation
Democracy without Borders), to celebrate its inauguration
in Tegucigalpa. The event was highlighted by the presence
of national and international NGO's, government officials
and the Honduran President, the Honorable Manuel Zelaya. For
information on delegation, click
The Environment as
a Human Right- Conference (Español arriba) - August
10, 2005
The Central America Program
hosted a conference in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, on the 10 of
August 2005 on the connection between the environment and
human rights. The conference was the start of collaboration
between grass-roots organizations and the administration on
how to resolve the environmental destruction and related health
and corruption challenges that they face as a entire country.
for Life - June 2005
CIP's Central America Program
brought a delegation
to Honduras at the end of June 2004 to support local environmental
movement's march through towns and villages to raise awareness
about illegal logging and other environmental concerns.
News Coverage of the 2004 March for Life
Honduran News Coverage of the 2004 March for Life
Recount of
the March for Life by the Committee of the Families of the
Detained-Disappeared in Honduras