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Last Updated: 1/18/08
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Honduras Program

Project on Government Oversight visits Tegucigalpa

The Center for International Policy along with its partner organization in Honduras Foundation Democracy without Borders, sponsored a week-long delegation with members of the U.S. based organization Project on Government Oversight (POGO). Danielle Brian, executive director and Scott Amey, general counsel for POGO visited Honduras to address the importance of creating a Public Hearing commission within the Honduran Congress as a mechanism to ensure transparency and access to information. During their trip they met with Members of the Honduran Congress, the media and other civil society organizations to discuss the value of implementing this initiative. The exchange encourage Honduras congress members and civil society organizations to address the need to implement the recently approved access to information law, and continue their efforts to continue working to implement the Public Hearings Commission

This is the first in a series of meetings organized by CIP in an effort to foster communication and share experiences between US based organizations and Honduras.

The Project on Government Oversight, a U.S. based nonprofit that investigates and exposes corruption to achieve a more accountable government.

Follow these links for Danielle Brian and Scott Amey's speeches:
Danielle Brian | Scott Amey

“We are here to exchange ideas of how to strengthen our democracies, both in Honduras and the United States. We, the civil society sectors of the U.S. are very aware that our system is good, but flawed, particularly because of its weakness to be manipulated by private interests” stated Brien during her address to members of the Honduran congress, media and civil society organizations. Brien emphasized the importance to engage other actors-besides the traditional executive, legislative and judicial branches- in the government oversight process including the media, and civil society”.

Amey discussed transparency in the government “Institutional corruption in both the public and private sectors demoralizes hard working public and private sector workers, undermines confidence in the democratic process, and exacerbates distrust in our society”


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