Republicans called it a stunt but promised to quickly
wrap up the inquiry. Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), chairman
of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which
is overseeing the investigation, said his report was
near completion and there was no need for the fuss.
That was nine months ago.
The Republican-led committee, which agreed in February
2004 to write the report, has yet to complete its
work. Just two of five planned sections of the committee's
findings are fully drafted and ready to be voted on
by members, according to Democratic and Republican
staffers. Committee sources involved with the report,
who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said they
are working hard to complete it. But disputing Roberts,
they said they had started almost from scratch in
November after Democrats staged their protest.
Roberts spokeswoman Sarah Ross Little said the slow
pace is partially the result of Roberts's desire to
give members a chance for input. She said Roberts
will make public the two completed sections "when
they are approved by the committee and have been declassified,"
rather than wait for the other three to be done, as
well. If the sections are not approved by the committee
next week, they will have to wait until members return
from recess in September.
The section most Democrats have sought, however,
is not yet in draft form and might not emerge until
after the November election, staffers said. That section
will examine the administration's deliberations over
prewar intelligence and whether its public presentation
of the threat reflected the evidence senior officials
reviewed in private.
President Bush, Vice President Cheney and senior
administration officials asserted before the U.S.
invasion of Iraq in March 2003 that Iraq was rebuilding
its nuclear weapons program, had chemical and biological
weapons, and maintained links to al-Qaeda affiliates
that could use those weapons against the United States.
Bush said it was on that basis that he ordered the
But when teams of U.S. troops and intelligence experts
failed to find any such weapons, and numerous commissions
proclaimed the intelligence had been deeply flawed,
some Democrats who voted to support the war began
to allege that administration officials had willfully
exaggerated Iraq's capabilities and terrorism ties
and that they had resisted inquiries into the intelligence
Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.), the committee's
ranking Democrat, began inquiring about the evidence
against Iraq one week before U.S. troops invaded.
His interest was sparked by revelations that the Bush
administration passed on forged documents to U.N.
weapons inspectors to support allegations that Iraq
had sought uranium from the African nation of Niger.
Roberts resisted a full investigation for three months.
But in June 2003, when it became increasingly apparent
that no weapons of mass destruction had been found
in Iraq, the committee agreed to look into the intelligence
cited in the administration's case for war.
A year later, the committee issued the first phase
of its bipartisan report, which found that the U.S.
intelligence community had assembled an exaggerated
assessment of Saddam Hussein's weapons capabilities.
The second phase was to focus on the Bush administration's
use of intelligence and examine public statements
made by key policymakers about the threat posed by
Iraq. That is the phase that has been delayed.
Part of the investigation that focuses on the Pentagon's
Office of Special Plans, which was run by former undersecretary
of defense Douglas J. Feith, is on hold, staff members
said, pending a separate inquiry by the Defense Department's
inspector general.
The Special Plans office, which ran its own intelligence
gathering operation with the help of Iraqi exiles,
stopped cooperating with the Senate panel last year.
Roberts said key officials hired lawyers and quit
talking when Rockefeller suggested that laws may have
been broken. But Democrats dismissed that as an excuse.
The intelligence community's warnings about the possibility
of chaos and violence in post-invasion Iraq also are
under review in a separate chapter, staff members
said. "What we have so far makes clear the intelligence
community was saying lots of things can go wrong here,
and they were certainly right," one congressional
source said.
The two drafted sections could be voted on by committee
members as early as next week, two congressional aides
said yesterday. Both chapters cover ground that has
largely been explored by a presidential commission
on weapons of mass destruction.
One completed section of the Senate effort compares
prewar estimates on Iraq's alleged chemical, biological
and nuclear programs with the findings of U.S. weapons
hunters who wrapped up their work empty-handed in
December 2004.
The other chapter examines what, if any, information
provided by Iraqi exiles was used in official intelligence
estimates. That chapter does not review the influence
that exiles such as former deputy prime minister Ahmed
Chalabi had on the intelligence community and administration