Last Updated: 10/18/10
CIP Articles

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The Uses and Misuses of Intelligence in Four US Wars by Melvin A. Goodman
T r u t h o u t, 10/15/2010

Bob Woodward's "Obama's Wars" and the Importance of Reportage by Melvin A. Goodman,T r u t h o u t, 10/6/2010

These Myopic Cuts Will Only Lead to a Global Depression, by Harry C. Blaney III, Financial Times, 7/20/2010

President Obama's Most Inexplicable Failure, by Melvin Goodman,, 7/15/2010

Obama's Bungled Military Strategy-Part III, by Melvin Goodman,, 7/08/2010

The Military Industrial Complex's Win-Part II, by Melvin Goodman,, 7/07/2010

What Eisenhower Could Teach Obama-Part I, by Melvin Goodman,, 7/05/2010

The Pentagon Threat to the Republic, by Melvin Goodman,, 6/28/2010

Pentagon Tightens Grip on the Obama Administration and the Intelligence Community, by Melvin Goodman,, 6/8/2010

David Ignatius: CIA's Senior Apologist Strikes, by Melvin Goodman,, 5/8/2010

The Self-Importance of Being Robert M. Gates, by Melvin Goodman,, 04/24/10

President Obama's Nuclear Policy: No Sign of Audacity, Some Sign of Hope, by Melvin Goodman,, 04/19/10

Benjamin Netanyahu the Intransigent, by Melvin Goodman,, 03/23/10

Too Much Bang, Bang: The Need to Demilitarize US National Security, by MelvinGoodman,, 03/17/10

The Lies of Carl Rove, by Melvin Goodman,, 03/01/10

The Secret History of Gen. Alexander Haige, by Melvin Goodman,, 02/23/10

CIA and the Intelligence Community Mythologies, by Melvin Goodman,, 01/23/10

09/11 and Christmas 2009: Two Examples of Failure of Intelligence, op-ed by Mel Goodman in Truthout, 1/14/10

Obama's pick to investigate Northwest bomb attempt assures failure won't be punished, commentary by Mel Goodman in The Baltimore Sun, 1/13/10

Goodness Gracious, David Ignatius, guest commentary by Mel Goodman in BuzzFlash Blog, 1/11/10

President Obama, the CIA and the Master of the Cover-Up, op-ed by Mel Goodman in Truthout, 1/11/10

President Obama's Foreign Policy Report Card: A Gentleman's "C", op-ed by Mel Goodman in Truthout, 1/08/10


Logistical nightmares may doom U.S. surge in Afghanistan, op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Baltimore Sun, 12/08/09

President Obama and the Intelligence Community: An Interim Report, op-ed by Mel Goodman in Truthout, 10/24/09

Revisiting the Rehabilitation of Defense Secretary Robert Gates, op-ed by Mel Goodman in Truthout, 11/13/09

President Obama's Timid Use of the "Reset Button", op-ed by Mel Goodman in Truthout, 11/05/09

Defense Secretary Gates Is Not a Diplomat, op-ed by Mel Goodman in Truthout, 10/28/09

The Washington Post Creates Its Own Facts to Support Afghan Nation-Building, op-ed by Mel Goodman in Truthout, 10/22/09

The Urgent Need to Demilitarize the National Security State,
op-ed by Mel Goodman in Truthout, 10/20/09

Why President Obama Deserved The Nobel Peace Prize,
op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 10/11/09

The Prospect of Change in US Relations With Russia, Iran and Afghanistan Alarms the Washington Post,
op-ed by Mel Goodman in Truthout, 10/09/09

Five Myths on Afghanistan,
op-ed by Mel Goodman in Truthout, 10/02/09

WPost's Neocons Aim Their Editorial Guns At Iran,
op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 10/02/09

Intelligence Vets Back Torture Probe, Memorandum for the President,signed by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, 09/27/09

Seven Former CIA Driectors Want To Bury The Truth,
op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 09/23/09

WPost's Neocons In High Dungeon Over European Missile Shield,op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 09/23/09

One More Feckless Study On Intelligence Reform,
op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 09/17/09

Exaggeration of the Threat: Then and Now,
op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 09/14/09

Two More Obstacles to Intelligence Reform, op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 09/10/09

Déjà Vu All Over Again: The Media Beats The War Drums For Afghanistan, op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 09/08/09

The Three E's
, The Global Deal: Climate Change and the Creation of a New Era of Progress and Prosperity, Foreign Service Journal book review by Harry C. Blaney III

A talk of two Davids: The WPost's Ignatius, Broder compete for biggest CIA Apologist, commentary by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 09/03/09

CIA IG dscribes interrogation crime scene and becomes a major victim, op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 9/02/09

Washington Post Redux: Going from the Sublime to the Ridiculous, op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 9/01/09

Exposed: The WPost's One-Sided Account of Torture and Abuse, op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 08/29/09

WPost's Ignatius Forgives the CIA Again and Again, op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 08/26/09

Washington Post goes Judge Shopping in the Courthouse, op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 08/25/09

Time for the CIA's Chief Apologist to Apologize, commentary by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 08/23/09

Secrets and the CIA, letter by Mel Goodman in the New York Times, 08/07/09

Panetta’s Pathetic Attempt to Get Lawmakers to Ignore CIA Crimes, op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 08/01/09

The Washington Post’s David Ignatius Pens Another Exculpatory Brief for CIA, op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 07/23/09

David Ignatius: The Mainstream Media’s Chief Apologist for CIA Crimes, op-ed by Melvin Goodman in the Public Record, 07/16/09

Jane Mayer and the New Yorker Give CIA Director Panetta A Pass, op-ed by Melvin Goodman in the Public Record, 06/23/09

Panetta Continues the CIA's Culture of Covering Up Abuses and Crimes, op-ed by Melvin Goodman in the Public Record, 06/17/09

The U.S. and North Korea: The Need for an About Face, op-ed by Mel Goodnman in the Public Record, 06/05/09

Britain's Retreat Will Put the World At Greater Risk, letter by Harry Blaney III in the Financial Times, 05/26/09

The CIA's History of Bamboozling the Congress, op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 05/22/09

CIA and the Washington Post: Joined at the Hip, op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 04/26/09

'Action Memo' for Obama: Recommendations for dealing with Torture, op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 04/25/09

Obama's Search For A Moral Compass, analysis by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 04/13/09

The Gates Doctrine: Caveat Emptor, analysis by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 04/07/09

Obama is Talking the Talk on Arms Control, But It's Time to Walk the Walk, analysis by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 04/06/09

The Colossal Failure of The Office of The Director of National Intelligence, commentary by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 04/02/09

President Obama's Briar Patch, commentary by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 03/29/09

Still on Special, letter to the editor in The Economist by senior fellow Harry C. Blaney, 03/19/09

The CIA and Director Leon Panetta: Plus Ca Change, Plus C'est La Meme Chose, commentary by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 03/18/09

Robert Gates's Big Lie On The Iraq War, analysis by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 03/13/09

The Israeli Lobby Knocks Down Charles Freeman, analysis by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 03/11/09

An Agenda for Demilitarizing American National Security Policy, analysis by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 03/05/09

The Need To End The Militarization of American National Security Policy, analysis by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 03/03/09

Caveat Emptor: Obama Getting Economic Briefings from CIA, analysis by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 02/26/09

The Washington Post and Russian-American Relations, analysis by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 02/25/09

Secretary of Defense Gates: An Old Dog Up to His Old Tricks, analysis by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 01/28/09

The CIA's Handling of the Washington Post, analysis by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 01/08/09

Right Man for the Job, analysis by Mel Goodman in The Baltimore Sun, 01/07/09


Obama picks weak National Security team (The CIA's Handling of the Washington Post), analysis by Mel Goodman in The Washington Times, 12/18/08

Obama's weak National Security team, analysis by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 12/15/08

Obama should give Bush's defense chief the gate, analysis by Mel Goodman in The Washington Times, 12/25/08

The Case against Retaining Gates at the Pentagon, analysis by Mel Goodman in The Public Record, 12/24/08

Change in Intelligence? op-ed by Mel Goodman in The Baltimore Sun, 11/14/08

Housecleaning time for the CIA: Bush's successor must restore agency's reputation, Senior fellow Melvin Goodman publishes op-ed piece in Baltimore Sun outlining the steps the next President must take to alleviate the past presidential mistakes in handling the CIA, 07/17/08

CIA Myths, Senior fellow Mel Goodman writes for No Quarter blog about myths of the CIA, drawn from his recently published book Failure of Intelligence: The Decline and Fall of the CIA, 02/21/08


Intelligence Community learned from Iraq debacle, Op-ed in the Baltimore Sun by Senior fellow Mel Goodman, 12/06/07

Crimes of the Central Intelligence Agency: How Covert Action Harms U.S. Security, International Policy Report by senior fellow Mel Goodman, 11/07

Missed Opportunities, Senior fellow Harry C. Blaney III reviews Zbigniew Brzezinski's new book, 11/07

Memo on the nomination of Michael Mukasey, letter to Senators Specter and Leahy against the confirmation of Mukasey by senior fellow Mel Goodman, 11/06/07

Facing the Russia problem, letter to the editor in the International Herald Tribune by senior fellow Harry Blaney, 09/13/07

National Press Briefing on U.S. Policy on Iraq, Remarks by Tom Andrews National Director of Win Without War, 08/30/07

Citizens need to demand answers on war, op-ed in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel by senior fellow Jim Mullins, 07/29/07

The danger in militarizing intelligence, letter to the editor in the Washington Post by senior fellow Mel Goodman, 07/13/07

Citizens need to demand answers on war 07/29/07

The danger in militarizing intelligence, letter to the editor by Mel Goodman,07/13/07

Blueprint for Intelligence Reform, International Policy Report by senior fellow Mel Goodman, 06/07

The Corruption of Intelligence in the Leadup to the Invasion of Iraq,
International Policy Report by senior fellow Mel Goodman, 06/07

Tenet's defense of the indefensible 05/07/07

Tuning out the impact of torture, letter to the editor by Harry Blaney 04/26/07

The Worst of the Presidents?, 02-03/07

Convergent Interests: U.S. energy security and the "securing" of Nigerian democracy, International Policy Report by Paul Lubeck, Michael Watts and Ronnie Lipschutz, 02/07

US think tank seeks ‘support for democracy’ in Nigeria, Read some of the press that the IPR "Convergent Interest: U.S. Energy security and the 'securing' of Nigerian democracy has received, 02/27/07

Military Takes Over Intelligence , 09/12/07



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