Last Updated: 11/8/07
Congressional Hearings

Scheduled Hearings:

No hearings scheduled at this time. Please check back for more updates, or visit the House and Senate websites for additional information.

Past Hearings:

Senate Judiciary Committee
FISA Amendments (October 31, 2007) [opening statement by Senator Leahy]

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Confronting the Terrorist Threat to the Homeland: Six Years After 9/11
( September 10, 2007) [transcript.pdf]

House Foreign Affairs Committee
A.Q. Khan's Nuclear Wal-Mart: Out of Business or Under New Management?
(27 June 2007) [published record.pdf]

House Judiciary Committee
Constitutional Limitations on Domestic Surveillance (June 7, 2007) - [opening statement .pdf]

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Administration Proposal to Modernize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (May 1, 2007) - [.pdf]

House Foreign Affairs Committee
Extraordinary Rendition in U.S. Counterterrorism Policy: The Impact on Transatlantic Relations (April 17, 2007) - [.pdf]

Senate Judiciary Committee
Misuse of Patriot Act Powers: The Inspector General's Findings of Improper Use of the National Security Letters by the FBI (March 21, 2007) - [.pdf]

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Intelligence Reform - FBI and Homeland Security (January 25, 2007) - [.pdf - 1/2/3/4/5]

Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
From Coalition to IASF Command in Afghanistan: The Purpose and Impact of the Transition (September 21, 2006)

House Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment "Radicalization; Homeland Security Implications" (September 20, 2006)-
[.pdf] testimony from Randall A. Blake, Chief of al-Qa'ida and Sunni Affiliates Group, National Counterrorism Center.

Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Responding to Iran's Nuclear Ambitions: Next Steps
(September 19, 2006)- [read]

House Sub-Committee on National Security, Emerging Threats
and International Relations

Combating Terrorism: Lessons From London (September 19, 2006)

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Prison Radicalization: Are Terrorist Cells Forming in U.S. Cell Blocks?
(September 19, 2006)-[read]

House Sub-committee on the Middle East and Central Asia
Is there a Clash of Civilizations? Islam, Democracy, and U.S.-Middle East and Central Asia Policy (September 14, 2006)- [read]

House Sub-Committee on Prevention of Nuclear and Biological Attack
"The Science of Prevention" (September 14, 2006)

Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Lebanon: Securing a Permanent Cease-Fire (September 13, 2006)
- [read]

House Sub-Committe on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation
9/11: Five Years Later-Gauging Islamist Terrorism (September 7, 2006)- [read]

House Sub-Committee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation
Venezuela: Terrorism Hub of South America?
(July 13, 2006) - [html] [.pdf]

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence questions General Michael V. Hayden (May 18, 2006)- [.pdf]
Senators on the SSCI question Michael Hayden during his confirmation hearing.

General Michael V. Hayden's Opening Remarks to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (May 18, 2006)- [html | .pdf]
General Hayden appeared before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in preparation to be confirmed as director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The State Department's Annual Report on Terrorism (May 11, 2006) - [read] Ambassador Henry A. Crumpton's testimony before the House Committee on International Relations Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Proliferation.

Islamist Extremism in Europe (April 5, 2006) - [read] Ambassador Henry A. Crumpton's testimony before the Subcommittee on European Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Islamist Extremism in Europe: The Public Diplomacy Response (April 5, 2006) - [read] Ambassador Tom C. Korologos' testimony before the Subcommittee on European Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Iran's Nuclear Program (March 8, 2006) - [read] Testimony by Robert G. Joseph, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security

Remarks to Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (February 8, 2006) - [read] Ambassador James Jeffrey, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State for Iraq

Address to the UN Security Council (February 6, 2006) - [read] Senator Chuck Lugar addresses the UN Security Council

Annual Threat Assessment of the Director of National Intelligence (February 2, 2006) - [.pdf] National Intelligence Director John D. Negroponte delivered the annual threat assessment to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.





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