The Self-Importance of Being Robert
M. Gates
by: Melvin A. Goodman | April 24, 2010
The leak of a sensitive policy memorandum from Secretary
of Defense Robert Gates to the president's national security
adviser points to both a serious lack of discipline within
the Obama administration as well as the defense secretary's
effort to steal a march on his national security colleagues.
The memorandum reportedly declaims the absence of an effective
long-range policy for dealing with Iran's nuclear capabilities.
In doing so, the memorandum explicitly criticizes the lack
of strategic thinking on our most sensitive nuclear issue
and implicitly criticizes President Barack Obama, national
security adviser Jim Jones and Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton for mishandling Iran's nuclear ambitions. The memorandum
also suggests that Gates is dissatisfied with the efforts
to engage Iran diplomatically and does not believe that
a sanctions regime will limit Iran's nuclear progress.
In 2009, Gates was out of line with his colleagues in describing
relations with Iran. President Obama and Secretary Clinton
initially signaled that Iran would be given a "clear
opportunity" to engage the international community.
At the same time, Gates was briefing the Senate Armed Forces
Committee, accusing Iran of engaging in "subversive
activity" in South America and Central America. He
offered no specifics regarding Iranian "meddling,"
and there has been no confirmation of such activity from
intelligence community sources. Gates drove outside the
policy lanes during his tours of duty at the Central Intelligence
Agency and the National Security Council, and it is not
surprising to find that the secretary of defense is still
engaging in promoting himself at the expense of his senior
Dennis Ross, the current "tsar" for policy toward
Iran, noted - when he served as director of the policy planning
staff for Secretary of State James Baker - that Gates tried
to undercut efforts to improve relations with the Soviet
Union. The memoirs of former secretaries of state George
Shultz and Baker fully documented Gates' efforts to undercut
the diplomacy of the State Department in the 1980's and
early 1990's to resolve conflicts in the Third World and
to return to détente with the Soviet Union. Shultz,
who believed that CIA intelligence was distorted by the
strong personal views of Acting CIA Director Gates, accused
him of "manipulating" the secretary of state.
Baker threatened to take his disagreements with Gates to
President George H.W. Bush, if national security adviser
Brent Scowcroft didn't get his deputy under control.
If President Obama had taken the time to read Gates' own
memoir, he would have gained a better understanding of the
former CIA director's ability to reduce the scope of the
Cold War to the life and times of Bob Gates. The fact that
Gates could honor the performance of William Casey as CIA
director and, at the same time, dismiss Shultz as "naïve
... petty and mean" and criticize Baker for taking
"credit that in fact belonged to the president"
could have informed the president of the shallowness of
President George W. Bush's secretary of defense.
During his CIA career in the 1980's as deputy director
for intelligence and deputy CIA director, Gates typically
favored military solutions to complex geopolitical problems.
In key instances, he ignored the intelligence assessments
of his senior analysts and forwarded sensitive memoranda
to the CIA director that ignored the prescription against
policy advocacy in the intelligence community. A highly
classified memorandum to CIA Director Casey in December
1984, for example, exaggerated Nicaragua as a "second
Cuba in Central America" and called for air strikes
on the "Nicaraguan military build-up." Gates reminded
Casey that "attempts to reach an accommodation with
Castro" and "our Vietnam strategy of half-measures"
ended in negotiations, which became a "cover for consolidation
of communist control." Gates wrote a series of these
memoranda to Casey in the 1980's to establish his hard-line
bona fides and ingratiate himself with the CIA director.
During the same period, Gates was involved in a series
of steps to sabotage every aspect of the State Department's
efforts to negotiate a successful conclusion to the fighting
in southern Africa. Gates also encouraged greater covert
action in such places as Nicaragua, Angola, Ethiopia and
Cambodia, and censored CIA assessments that demonstrated
the Soviet Union was undertaking reduced interest and activity
in these places. Gates sponsored a National Intelligence
Estimate to undermine the argument for pressing the South
Africa government to pursue negotiations with the African
National Council. Gates exaggerated the strength of the
insurgency in Mozambique in order to undercut the diplomatic
activities of Secretary of State Shultz and Assistant Secretary
of State Chester Crocker, who favored the use of diplomacy
to stabilize southern Africa. In their memoirs, both Shultz
and Crocker documented the lack of analytical objectivity
at the CIA on policy-sensitive subjects regarding Africa.
Gates blocked CIA intelligence assessments that presented
evidence of a general Soviet retreat from the Third World,
including a possible withdrawal from Afghanistan, and encouraged
assessments that exaggerated Moscow's global presence in
order to justify increases in US spending on defense and
intelligence, which ballooned during the Reagan administration.
In his inaugural address, President Obama emphasized that
"power alone cannot protect us, nor does it entitle
us to do as we please." Gates' memorandum on Iran suggests
that he was not listening to the president's speech. Our
national security position would be much stronger if we
had a secretary of defense willing to address the $300 billion
in cost overruns on our largest weapons systems over the
past decade rather than looking for more uses for American
military power.
Gates' credibility has always been a subject of controversy
since he lied to a Congressional committee in 1987 about
his knowledge of Iran-contra and was forced to withdraw
his nomination as CIA director. He considers himself the
ultimate insider who has served seven presidents, both Democrats
and Republicans, as well as national security advisers as
diverse as Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski. In the
past I have described him as a chameleon, but the fact is
that Gates has always been more comfortable nesting among
the hawks as a bird of prey. In the mid-1980's, when the
Soviets were trying to achieve arms control and détente
with the United States, Gates made a series of "War
by Another Name" speeches. These were totally wrong-headed
in their approach to the role of the Soviet Union in the
global community, particularly the Third World.
Gates was never the right choice as President Obama's secretary
of defense, and even Obama should now understand that there
are no limits to Gates' self-promotion and self-aggrandizement.
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