Last Updated: 4/10/07

Peaceful options, democracy set aside

By Jim Mullins
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
March 31, 2007

The exposé of the Bush administration's "redirection" policy -- by veteran investigative reporter Seymour M. Hersh in the March 5 New Yorker -- is not only ominous in its content but also for its authority, buttressed by Hersh's 40-year investigatory record consistently proven to be right on the mark.

Regardless of the exposé, or possibly in reaction to it, Saudi King Abdullah has openly rejected the U.S. role in the Middle East and demanded that Arab governments come together in a common nonsectarian front to reject the United States' "divide and conquer" strategies for controlling the Middle East's future.

Hersh records the "Redirection" policy's inception two years ago with the formation of another cabal similar to the Office of Special Plans in the Defense Department, which cherry-picked bits of information to build a false picture of Saddam Hussein's existential threat to U.S. security.

The "Son of OSP" is a cabal led by former Iran-Contra felon and now Deputy National Security Adviser Elliott Abrams (pardoned by Bush 41) and other neocons who concocted the secret plan at a Sunday meeting away from public view in Vice President Dick Cheney's office. They agreed that the Iran-Contra conspiracy failed not because of its blatant illegality (in violation of the Boland Amendment), but because the CIA and Pentagon were involved and secrecy could not be maintained.

They anticipated using black-box monies purloined from the $11 billion gone missing in Iraq to enlist surrogate fighters to foment Sunni-Shiite civil wars from the same fundamentalist groups we empowered in Afghanistan -- and whose blowback effect brought us 9-11.

The 1990s' neoconservative plan for the Middle East was to construct a crescent of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and finally Iran, characterized by friendly puppet regimes with democratic trappings under America's thumb, in firm control and dispensation of the world's last untapped oil reserves.

The first attempt to realize that dream has turned into a nightmare. Democratic elections in Iraq have resulted in its being ruled by the long-repressed Shiite majority and the Sunni minority refusing to give up dominant power. Israel's Lebanese invasion this summer, planned with the U.S. four months beforehand with the express purpose of destroying Hezbollah, resulted in disaster. Lebanon, in turn, faced a Shiite majority long denied political power by its "confessional" system of apportioning government offices among religious and ethnic groups.

Redirection would throw democracy under the bus, leaving realignment with the now-termed "moderate" dictatorial or royal regimes in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan and re-enlistment of Saudi fundamentalist Salafis to spread Sunni-Shiite civil war to Lebanon, intensify the civil war in Iraq and destabilize Syria.

Apparently Prince Bandar bin Sultan, former Saudi ambassador to the U.S. and now director of the Saudi National Security Council, was the brain behind the Saudi involvement in this plan.

King Abdullah was either kept out of the loop or has decided that Saudi Arabia -- and the rest of the Middle East -- can no longer be the "useful idiots' in U.S. policies that only lead to disaster. He has brokered a deal between Hamas and Fatah to form a unity government to deal directly with Israel in seeking peace, and called for the end of the boycott of the democratically elected Palestinian government. He has visited Tehran and met with President Ahmadinejad.

He also has described Iraq as a country "where the bloodshed is continuing under an illegal foreign occupation and detestable sectarianism," and cancelled his appearance at a White House dinner in his honor.

We would be well-advised to heed Hersh's investigative report on Bush's "redirection" policy, which finally gives the lie to the so-called "War on Terror" and façade of support for democracy. It is a policy so bizarre and hypocritical that Saudi King Abdullah has rejected it and called on all Middle Eastern nations to unite in opposition.

This administration policy is antithetical to peaceful resolution of Middle East conflicts and, as important, to our cherished ideal of open, democratic government.

Jim Mullins is a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy in Washington, D.C., and a resident of Delray Beach.

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