International Policy Report: Blueprint for Intelligence
Reform, June 2006

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Melvin Goodman
United States was relatively late in establishing
the Central Intelligence Agency, an organization that
grew out of the smaller and more limited wartime Office
of Strategic Services. In contrast, government organizations
devoted to intelligence gathering existed in the sixteenth
century in Great Britain,
in the eighteenth century in czarist Russia, and by
the nineteenth century in France.1 President
Harry Truman’s creation of the CIA in 1947 met
with resistance within the government bureaucracy,
particularly from the FBI and the Pentagon. The most
significant opponent of the CIA was J. Edgar Hoover,
the director of the FBI. Hoover did not want competition
in the field of counter intelligence, particularly
clandestine collection of intelligence. The Pentagon
enjoyed its key role in intelligence collection and
analysis, and feared competition and independence
in the production of finished intelligence. The Pentagon’s
approach to finished intelligence was one of worst-case
analysis, which was used to justify increased defense
spending and the procurement of specific weapons systems.
The last thing the Pentagon wanted was an intelligence
arm that might be used to monitor and verify arms
control and disarmament, which was not in the interest
of the military. There was domestic opposition from
the left, which feared the intrusive role of an intelligence
agency, but particularly from the right, which feared
a debate of intelligence issues that would challenge
the exaggerated threat perceptions during the Cold
the creation of the CIA, there have been three major
efforts to curb the influence of the agency and to
move the finished intelligence product of the agency
to the right, particularly to create worst-case analysis
of threats to U.S. national security. Two of these
efforts originated outside the agency, the infamous
Team A/Team B exercise of the mid-1970s and the White
House campaign to slant intelligence analysis on Iraq
in the run-up to war in 2003. The other campaign of
politicization was an in-house affair that found the
director of the CIA, William Casey, and his deputy
director for intelligence, Robert Gates, pressing
the intelligence community to support the Reagan administration’s
view of the Soviet Union as an “evil empire”
and its campaign for increased defense spending. As
a result, the CIA produced overstated threat assessments
of the Soviet Union during the exact period (1981-1991)
that the Soviet Union was in decline.2 The campaign
of politicization in 2002-2003 harmed the credibility
and integrity of the CIA, leading to an intelligence
reform act in December 2004 that virtually ended the
central and independent role of the agency and created
a director of national intelligence whose major role
is controlling the CIA.
policies of the Bush administration have created problems
for the CIA and the intelligence community. First,
there is the problem of politicization of intelligence,
particularly misuse of intelligence to make a case
for war. Vice President Cheney’s agitation for
war against Iraq led to pressure on the CIA to provide
evidence of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and
links between Iraq and al Qaeda. Second, there is
the problem of pressure on the operational arm of
the CIA to abuse and torture prisoners in order to
provide such evidence, when traditional forms of collection
failed to provide grist for the war mill. Former Attorney
General John Ashcroft and one of his senior deputies,
John C. Yoo, prepared the legal framework for designating
individuals as “unlawful enemy combatants,”
detaining them indefinitely, and then using abuse
and torture in secret CIA facilities. Finally, there
is the problem of conducting intelligence surveillance
and secret eavesdropping on American citizens without
warrants, which violates the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act of 1978 as well as the Fourth Amendment
of the Constitution against “undue searches
and seizures.”
Before the Bush administration could fight its war
in Iraq, it waged a bureaucratic war to make sure
there would be no opposition to its plans to invade
and occupy Iraq. The director of Central Intelligence,
George Tenet, was neutral on the idea of a military
invasion, just as an intelligence chief should be,
but by October 2002 the proponents of war had worn
down the opposition. In December 2002, Tenet assured
the president in the Oval Office that providing intelligence
to support the administration’s case on Iraqi
WMD would be a “slam dunk,” and in February,
then Secretary of State Powell gave a speech to the
UN drafted by CIA analysts that contained 28 erroneous
assertions that became the case for war. Powell made
sure that sitting directly in back of him at the UN
were CIA director Tenet and UN Ambassador John Negroponte,
who became the director of national intelligence in
2005. Thus, the key figures were present at the creation
in the misuse and politicization of intelligence.
activities have exposed major problems within the
CIA and the intelligence community that were not fixed
by the 9/11 Commission or the Intelligence Reform
Act of December 2004. These problems include the militarization
of the intelligence community, which must be reversed;
the absence of congressional oversight over a flawed
intelligence product, which must be ended; and the
seeming inability of the Central Intelligence Agency
to tell truth to power, which finds the CIA without
a moral compass. What is to be done?
the Intelligence Community. The Department of
Defense is in many ways the chief operating officer
of the $45 billion intelligence industry. The Pentagon
controls more than 80 percent of the intelligence
budget as well as more than 85 percent of all intelligence
personnel. Most collection requirements flow from
the Pentagon and the deference within the policy community
and the congressional intelligence committees for
“the warfighter” has meant that tactical
military considerations have overwhelmed collection
for strategic geopolitical considerations. Tactical
considerations, and not strategic, now drive collection
requirements for satellite imagery.
are major risks in the military domination of the
important field of satellite imagery, which is used
to justify the defense budget, to gauge the likelihood
of military conflict, and to verify and monitor arms
control agreements. General Colin L. Powell’s
memoir, An American Journey, details the
military’s willingness to suppress sensitive
imagery intelligence. During Desert Storm in 1991,
General Norman Schwarzkopf said at a press conference
that a smart bomb had destroyed four Iraqi Scud missile
launchers. Intelligence imagery demonstrated that
it had actually destroyed four Jordanian fuel tanks.
General Schwarzkopf’s intelligence officers
would not tell him he was wrong, nor would General
Powell, who concluded that preserving General Schwarzkopf’s
“equanimity” was more important than the
best example of the Pentagon’s lack of interest
in strategic intelligence, particularly dealing with
arms control and disarmament, took place in 1998,
when the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency failed
to monitor five Indian nuclear tests. This intelligence
failure led CIA director Tenet to tell the congress
that the CIA could not monitor the Comprehensive Test
Ban Treaty and, as a result, the Senate failed to
ratify the CTBT. In piecing together the reasons for
the intelligence failure, it was obvious that the
Pentagon had placed a low priority on satellite collection
of intelligence against India because the military
was not concerned with threats from South Asia and
was certainly not interested in arms control issues.
is essential that the major technical collection agencies,
the National Security Agency (which intercepts signals
and communications and is essential to strategic warning),
the National Reconnaissance Office (which designs
and launches spy satellites), and the National Geospatial
Intelligence Agency (which interprets satellite imagery)
be taken from the Pentagon’s control and transferred
to a new office that reports to the director of national
intelligence. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
and the Senate Armed Forces Committee must agree to
abolish the position of undersecretary of defense
for intelligence, which was created by Secretary of
Defense Rumsfeld to solidify the Pentagon’s
control over the intelligence community. Unfortunately,
the new director of national intelligence, John Negroponte,
has had no support from the Congress in trying to
weaken the Pentagon’s control over these key
intelligence collection agencies.
of the greatest threats to civil liberties in this
country is the enhanced role that the Department of
Defense has assumed to gather intelligence within
the United States. The department has created new
agencies, added personnel, and received greater legal
authority to conduct domestic security activities
in the name of post-9/11 surveillance.3In 2002, the
Pentagon quietly created the Counterintelligence Field
Activity (CIFA) to coordinate security efforts, such
as protecting military facilities from terrorist attack;
in 2005, CIFA sought authority to investigate crimes
within the United States such as treason, foreign
sabotage, and economic espionage. CIFA already has
more than a thousand employees and a secret budget.
The Pentagon has exploited the 9/11 terrorist attacks
to expand its intelligence activities into the clandestine
collection of intelligence within the United States,
including the monitoring of peaceful anti-war and
counter-military recruitment groups.
Pentagon’s intelligence agency, the Defense
Intelligence Agency, has even received authorization
to allow their personnel to hide the fact that they
work for the government when they seek domestic intelligence.
Each of the military services has begun a post-9/11
collection of intelligence relating to terrorist threats
to military facilities. The Pentagon is also seeking
an exception from the Privacy Act in order to gain
access to FBI intelligence on American citizens, which
would provide access to information on U.S. citizens
that has nothing to do with terrorism. Bert Tussig,
director of Homeland Defense and Security Issues at
the U.S. Army War College and a former Marine, says
“There is very little that could justify the
collection of domestic intelligence by the U.S. military.
If we start going down this slippery slope, it would
be too easy to go back to a place we never want to
see again.”4
extent of the slippery slope became more obvious in
December 2005 when we learned that, after the 9/11
attacks, President Bush ordered the NSA to eavesdrop
on the conversations of Americans inside the United
States without court-approved warrants as part of
the war against terrorism.5 The NSA is the most secretive
member of the intelligence community; it was created
in 1952, but it was not until five years later that
its existence was officially acknowledged in government
documents. The NSA charter emphasizes collection against
foreign communications, and the agency itself assures
the Congress and the American public that it does
not target Americans for wiretapping. The conduct
of eavesdropping inside the United States against
American citizens is more than a major shift in American
intelligence gathering; it raises serious constitutional
and criminal implications contained in the Fourth
Amendment protections against “undue searches”
and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.
Revive Congressional Oversight. The decline
of the CIA and the increased importance of the Pentagon
over the past decade coincide with the reduced role
of oversight of intelligence by congressional intelligence
committees. These committees were established as elite,
bipartisan committees and behaved that way from the
mid-1970s to the early 1990s. But the Gingrich revolution
in the Congress had a terribly partisan impact on
the intelligence committees, and now both the Senate
and House intelligence committees are in the hands
of extreme partisans, particularly Senator Pat Roberts
(R-KS), the chairman of the Senate Select Committee
on Intelligence. The partisanship of the Senate and
House committees has weakened the oversight role.
Roberts has kept the Senate committee from conducting
a counter-intelligence investigation of the forged
documents on Niger that wound up in the president’s
State of the Union address in January 2003, which
made the case for going to war against Iraq on the
basis of an intelligence fabrication. Roberts has
also blocked an investigation of the CIA’s role
in the abuse and torture of detainees, the agency’s
policy of extraordinary renditions, and the NSA’s
warrantless eavesdropping.
too long, the Senate and House intelligence committees
have been advocates for the CIA—particularly
for the clandestine world of spies and covert operations.
Thus Congress has failed to make the CIA accountable
for its transgressions; Iran-contra demonstrated that
far more rigorous and experienced accountability was
needed to monitor the CIA. A presidential pardon in
1992 for key CIA operatives involved in Iran-contra
meant that we would never learn the extent of CIA
perfidy in presidential maneuverings related to that
scandal. And congressional confirmation of Gates as
CIA director in 1991 signaled that the Senate intelligence
committee was no longer interested in this senior
CIA official who lied to congress about his knowledge
and involvement in Iran-contra and politicized intelligence
for CIA director Casey.
addition to bolstering the capabilities and missions
of the Senate and House intelligence committees in
the field of oversight, it is necessary to revive
and strengthen the president’s Foreign Intelligence
Advisory Board and the Intelligence Oversight Board,
which have significantly diminished during the Bush
era. Both the executive and legislative branches must
radically increase their surveillance and oversight
of intelligence in order to make sure that the United
States maintains an intelligence community that is
both effective and reflective of our democratic values.
The CIA system of secret prisons, abuse and torture,
and extraordinary renditions as well as the Pentagon’s
domestic surveillance and collection of intelligence
strongly suggest that the Bush administration’s
commitments to international law and even the Constitution
are being observed in the breach. Public accountability
must be established in order to restore the integrity
and credibility of the entire intelligence community.
of Covert Action. If the Cold War and the Soviet
threat generated the rules that governed the use of
covert action, then the end of the Cold War and the
dissolution of the Soviet Union demand a reexamination
of every aspect of such operations, creating new requirements
and perhaps the need for fewer operations. It is not
enough to suggest—as defenders of covert action
have suggested—that the world remains a dangerous
place and that the president needs an option short
of military action when diplomacy alone cannot do
the job. Many problems that could be considered candidates
for covert action could be addressed openly by unilateral
means or cooperatively through international measures
such as sanctions or embargoes. It was the international
sanctions imposed against Libya that succeeded in
persuading Muammar al-Gaddafi to end his country’s
nuclear weapons program. Nuclear-proliferation problems
created by missile programs in Iran and North Korea,
for example, certainly can also be addressed by diplomacy
and negotiation involving overt multilateral activity,
with the United States playing a leading role. Covert
action would worsen relations with both Iran and North
Korea, creating regional problems and a greater risk
of military force. Covert action in Somalia, never
properly vetted through the policy community, recently
contributed to renewed violence and instability there.
And this month, rivals of the U.S.-backed faction
seized control of the government in Mogadishu.
operations could be radically reduced with no compromise
of U.S. national security. CIA propaganda has had
little effect on foreign audiences and should end
immediately. The recent clumsy attempt by the U.S.
military to place “black propaganda” in
the Iraqi press clearly backfired and undermined the
U.S. emphasis on creating democracy in the Middle
East. Covert efforts to influence foreign elections
or political parties also should be stopped. The United
States has had far better success encouraging democratic
reform in such places as Georgia and Ukraine by working
openly through non-governmental organizations and
international monitoring groups.
Brown-Aspin Commission on intelligence reform in 1996
recommended that covert operations should take place
only when “essential” and where the reason
for secrecy is “compelling.” Most covert
operations are “operations for operations’
sake,” however, and are undertaken with inadequate
consideration of results and implications. There is
no absolute political and ethical test for covert
action, but former secretary of state Cyrus Vance
articulated a good standard in the 1970s when he recommended
covert intervention only when “absolutely essential
to the national security” of the United States
and when “no other means” would do.6 U.S.
covert actions in Central America, the Middle East,
South America, and Africa could certainly not pass
such a test, witness U.S. intervention in Honduras,
Guatemala, Iran, Chile, and the Congo over the past
50 years.
committees must also examine a series of operational
policies at the CIA, including CIA “secret prisons”
as well as an accounting of the interrogation practices
used at these facilities. The CIA also must present
information on “extraordinary renditions”
in order to halt the transfer of individuals to countries,
particularly in the Middle East, that practice torture.
The military has addressed the issue of abusive treatment
of detainees, but the CIA has not. There is no question
but that war crimes have been committed. If the intelligence
committees cannot conduct a rigorous oversight process,
then it is time to establish a bipartisan select committee
with subpoena authority to examine the CIA’s
misuse of intelligence information and operational
reform of CIA operations must include an end to torture
and abuse. In addition to the Geneva Conventions of
1949 and the UN Convention against Torture, numerous
international treaties prohibit the use of torture
of any person under any circumstance. These treaties
include the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human
Rights of 1948, the Military Code of Justice, and
the Hague Convention Respecting the Laws and Customs
of War. Even when the Congress passed a law banning
torture, the White House issued a statement insisting
that Article II—the power of the Commander in
Chief—trumps any act of Congress. But the Constitution
also states that the president “shall take care
that the laws be faithfully executed,” and that
the Congress has the power to set policy and that
the president has the right and the duty to execute
it. In a democracy, where laws are derived from broad
principles of right and wrong and where those principles
are protected by agreed procedures, it is not in the
interest of the state to flout those procedures abroad.
Truth to Power. The CIA requires a director and
a senior management that are capable of instilling
integrity into the agency from top to bottom. The
previous CIA director, Porter Goss, failed that major
test in blocking the distribution and declassification
of the CIA Inspector General’s review of the
agency’s performance on issues related to the
9/11 intelligence failure. The new director, Michael
Hayden, directed policies as head of the NSA that
should have prevented his confirmation as CIA director.
Hayden carried out the White House policy of warrantless
eavesdropping and massive data collection against
U.S. citizens, which violate the 1978 Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act requiring a judge’s warrant
for such activities. Hayden was also involved in approving
specious intelligence materials that were part of
Secretary of State Colin Powell’s speech to
the UN in the run-up to the Iraq War. Hayden’s
willingness to shape intelligence to suit the policies
of the Bush administration while at the NSA does not
augur well for his possible role on behalf of the
administration as CIA director.
too long, CIA directors have been willing to provide
intelligence messages favored by the White House.
In addition to Tenet’s “slam dunk”
assurance to the president regarding intelligence
to support the decision to go to war against Iraq,
former director Gates said that he watched Bill Casey,
a Reagan appointee, “on issue after issue sit
in meetings and present intelligence framed in terms
of the policy he wanted pursued.”8 Gates himself
censored intelligence assessments in the 1980s that
did not conform to the Reagan administration’s
perception of the “evil empire” and personally
managed the intelligence assessment that tried to
blame the Soviet Union for the assassination attempt
against the Pope in 1981.
order to encourage telling truth to power, existing
whistleblower laws must be amended to include protection
to intelligence personnel so that illegal activity
can be brought to the attention of the oversight committees.
FBI officers Coleen Rowley and Sibel Edmonds were
hit with gag orders for trying to report abuses of
power at the FBI; Edmonds was eventually fired. In
the early 1990s, the CIA used polygraph examinations
to intimidate senior officials who filed signed affidavits
with the Senate intelligence committee during the
nomination hearing for Gates. CIA director Goss also
used the polygraph to prevent leakers and whistleblowers
from reporting illegal CIA activity.
Abuse of Secrecy and the Need for Glasnost. One
of the greatest scandals within the intelligence community
is the over-classification of government documents
in order to keep important information out of the
hands of the American people. Government vaults hold
over 1.5 billion pages of classified information that
is more than 25 years old, and thus unavailable to
scholars and researchers, let alone the general public.
Open sources, such as books, newspapers, and public
broadcasts, account for nearly all intelligence analysis
on economics, but this information remains classified.
Senator John Kerry, when he served on the Select Committee
on POW/MIA Affairs, learned what all of us who served
in the intelligence community always understood: documents
are often classified to hide negative political information,
not secrets.
the Exodus. Whenever there has been an example
of politicization of intelligence or an abuse of the
CIA’s power, some of the most senior and capable
analysts or operators have resigned or retired. This
was certainly the case in the 1980s and early 1990s,
when the politicization of intelligence on the Soviet
Union led to a loss of many Soviet and East European
analysts. And this also was the case during the stewardship
of Goss as director of CIA, who made it known that
the agency must support the policies of the Bush administration.
As a result, we witnessed a wholesale departure of
senior operational officers from the regional offices
of the directorate of operations. The vast turnover
created a prima facie case for the removal of Goss,
who was ostensibly appointed to stabilize CIA operations
and not to add to the discontinuity there.
for Strategic Intelligence Analysis. It is essential
that the intelligence community provide an alternative
source of information and intelligence to the decision-making
community. Currently, the uniformed military dominates
the collection and analysis of sensitive intelligence,
which means that the CIA is no longer a check on the
military bureaucracy as it was during the Cold War,
the Vietnam War, and the period of arms control decision-making
in the 1960s and 1970s. In these years, civilian analysts
were a more objective and balanced source of intelligence
than their military counterparts in assessing threats
to the United States and the military capabilities
of state and non-state actors. Since the 1991 Gulf
War, the CIA has not played a major role in military
intelligence. According to a former CIA analyst, Richard
Russell, “the absence of an independent civilian
analytic check on military intelligence threatens
civilian control of the military instrument for political
to a former CIA analyst, Richard Russell, "the
absence of an independent civilian analytic
check on military intelligence threatens civilian
control of the military instrument for political
purposes." |
the past three decades, the CIA has gotten away from
strategic and long-term intelligence and placed too
much emphasis and resources on short-term, tactical
intelligence and so-called “operational intelligence.”
CIA director James Schlesinger, who had a background
that included research at the Rand Corporation and
therefore should have known better, was primarily
responsible for the demise of the historical staff
and the estimates staff. The historical staff (senior
research staff) consisted of a small group of political,
military, and economic analysts who did long-term
analysis on such strategic issues as the Sino-Soviet
dispute, Soviet domestic politics, and the Chinese
economy. The estimates staff (office of national estimates)
had a small cadre trained to write national intelligence
estimates that were the most important corporate product
of the intelligence community. When these offices
were abolished in 1973, this kind of expertise was
folded into larger offices and left unprotected. The
failure to track the decline and anticipate the demise
of the Soviet Union was due in part to the absence
of long-term thinkers.
of the great advantages of an organization that sponsors
long-term research, current intelligence, and estimative
intelligence is the creation of competitive analysis.
These offices gave the appearance of redundancy to
outside experts who deal with the intelligence community,
but they actually had different methodologies and
orientations and tended to compete with one another.
Experts in current intelligence succeeded in turning
up new information and reporting that estimative officers
could put to use. Strategic researchers often developed
new interpretations that served as lessons learned
for the experts in current intelligence. Intelligence
is a symbiotic process that requires this kind of
competition and even redundancy.
new director of national intelligence, John Negroponte,
has made no attempt thus far to create a corporate
analytical community within the intelligence community.
He needs to form an elite analytical cadre from the
key analytical and collection institutions (CIA, INR,
DIA, NSA, NGA), and needs to be the decisive voice
in selecting the directors of these agencies. The
DNI must be responsible for opening up the analytic
community to the larger academic and think-tank community
outside the intelligence arena. Outside experts, for
example, did a much better job of anticipating the
results of the Palestinian elections in December 2005
than did the analysts of the intelligence community.
The increased importance of ethnic politics and ethnic
violence and the dearth of ethnic and linguistic analysts
within the community demand more exposure to the outside
the CIA is too insular and parochial to turn to outside
experts. The CIA’s mentality is driven by a
counter-intelligence orientation, which puts too much
emphasis on security clearances, polygraph tests,
and a need to know. The military intelligence culture
is even worse in this respect. The intelligence community
is going to have to risk the occasional leak and the
occasional compromise of information in order to draw
in outside expertise from within the United States
as well as overseas. No one expects the community
to put sources and methods at risk, but there needs
to be a freer and more open exchange of information
to the people who can offer the most substantive and
experienced critique. The current analytic community
is extremely young and very inexperienced, and that
is another reason for drawing from the larger and
grayer outside community of experts. Fewer than half
of the analysts in the directorate of intelligence
have more than three years of experience on their
areas of expertise, and even fewer have lived in or
know the language of the countries they monitor.
It is crucial that the CIA strengthens links across
the intelligence community in order to share intelligence,
with the failure to share being responsible in part
for the 9/11 failure in 2001. The unwillingness of
the CIA to share sensitive intelligence with the FBI
and the NSA’s unwillingness to share with the
CIA compromised the corporate effort to monitor the
terrorist threat, not unlike the failure in 1941 when
the absence of intelligence sharing enabled the surprise
attack on Pearl Harbor. Unfortunately, all the major
intelligence agencies of the community place too much
emphasis on counter-intelligence, the compartmentalization
of intelligence, and a strict “need to know,”
which are obstacles to intelligence sharing. The failures
in 1941 and 2001 could have been prevented with genuine
sharing of sensitive intelligence information. At
the very least, intelligence information in the hands
of military planners would have diminished the strategic
losses at Pearl Harbor and sensitive data in the hands
of civilian planners would have led to actions that
could have disrupted Osama bin Laden’s attacks
on 9/11. More warning time in both instances would
have limited, perhaps prevented, the losses.
the 9/11 and Iraqi War intelligence failures are the
first major examples of bureaucratic corruption and
incompetence at the CIA that have not been accompanied
by a reform effort to correct flawed processes. The
CIA corruption of the 1960s and 1970s during the Vietnam
War led to the creation of the congressional oversight
committees in the Senate and House as well as a congressional
review function for covert action. The Iran-contra
scandal of 1987 led to the creation of a statutory
or “independent” Inspector General at
the CIA, appointed by the president with the advice
and consent of the Senate. A more powerful and independent
inspector general at the CIA was required because
agency investigations of the CIA’s role in the
sale of arms to Iran were inadequate in comparison
with the investigations of the congressional and independent
counsels. At the same time, the congressional intelligence
committees have lost oversight powers to the armed
forces and government affairs committees that monitored
the intelligence reform act of 2004 as the intelligence
committees stayed on the sidelines. As a result, there
has been no systematic effort to understand the serious
intelligence failures of the past 15 years and to
prevent future failures.
A. Goodman is the author of the forthcoming The
Decline and Fall of the CIA, which will be published
this fall, and was an analyst with the CIA for 24
1 Anne Hessing Cahn, Killing Détente: The
Right Attacks the CIA, University Park, PA: Pennsylvania
State University Press, 1998, p. 71.
2 In the words of former Secretary of Defense Casper
Weinberger (1981-1987), “Yes, we used worst-case
analysis. You should always use a worst-case analysis
in this business. You can’t afford to be wrong.
In the end we won the cold war, and if we won by too
much, if it was overkill, so be it.” Quoted
in Tim Weiner, “Military Accused of Lies over
Arms,” The New York Times, June 28,
1993, p. 10.
3 Walter Pincus, “Pentagon Expanding its Domestic
Surveillance Activity,” The Washington Post,
November 27, 2005, p. 1.
4 Pincus, p.1.
5 James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, “Bush Lets
U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts,” The
New York Times, December 15, 2005, p. 1.
6 Testimony Before the Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence Activities, December 5, 1975; Executive
Order 12036, Washington, DC: Government Printing Office,
7 Previous bipartisan select committees have included
the Ervin Commission in the 1970s to investigate the
Watergate abuses of the Nixon administration as well
as select committees to investigate the Reagan administration’s
sale of weapons to Iran in the 1980s and U.S. military
activity in Southeast Asia in the 1970s.
8 Walter Pincus, The Washington Post, February
16, 1996, p. 5.
9 Richard Russell, “CIA’s Strategic Intelligence
in Iraq,” Political Science Quarterly,
117/2 (2002), p. 207.