The Washington Post is creating its own
facts in order to support its argument for
US nation-building in Afghanistan. In its
lead editorial on Saturday, the Post asserted
that the United States is capable of building
a strong government in Afghanistan at the
national and local levels. The Post claimed
that Afghanistan had had a "working national
government through most of the 1970s and 1980s."
This is simply not so.
Afghanistan has always been a diverse, loosely
organized country, although there was support
for King Mohammad Zahir's reign from 1933
to 1973. King Zahir was the last Afghan ruler
to pretend to play a national role, but he
was a weak and indifferent ruler, spending
most of his time abroad. He was ousted in
a bloodless coup in 1973 by Prince Mohammad
Daoud, who proclaimed himself the first president
of the Republic of Afghanistan. There has
not been a stable government in Afghanistan
since then.
Daoud lasted until 1978, when the same leftist
officers who had ousted the king occupied
the palace and killed Daoud, his wife and
many of his children and grandchildren. Daoud
was replaced by Nur Mohammad Taraki, secretary
of the People's Democratic (Communist) party,
who was ousted and eventually executed by
a supposedly loyal follower, Hafizullah Amin.
In this period, marked by instability and
violence, there was no evidence of national
support for either Taraki or Amin. The conventional
wisdom was that the Soviets were responsible
for Daoud's coup against the king as well
as the events that led to the overthrow of
Daoud. In fact, it was Iran and not the Soviet
Union that was responsible, as Tehran (with
the encouragement of the United States) had
been trying to draw Kabul into a western-tilted,
Tehran-centered security sphere.
In any event, developments were about to
get worse, and Afghanistan was going to move
even further from what the Post described
as a strong government at the national and
local levels. On Christmas Eve, 1979, Soviet
armed forces invaded Afghanistan, killed Amin
and replaced him with Babrak Karmal, a Communist
who was subservient to Moscow's wishes. This
marked the fourth Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
in 54 years, following small-scale interventions
in 1925, 1929 and 1930. It is not widely known,
but President Jimmy Carter's national security
adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, sponsored covert
efforts in Central Asia to foment rebellion
inside the Soviet Union even before Moscow
ordered the invasion of Afghanistan. President
Carter then authorized the Central Intelligence
Agency to assist Afghan rebels six months
before Moscow invaded. Following the invasion,
CIA Director William Casey encouraged Afghan
rebels to conduct cross-border operations
into the Soviet Union itself and boasted about
these operations in secret talks with high-ranking
members of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence
Agency (ISI).
Not even the neocons who dominate the Post
editorial staff could possibly believe that
the ten-year Soviet occupation from 1979 to
1989 produced a "working national government."
Indeed, the Soviet occupation led to the creation
of an anti-Soviet jihad that produced the
greatest instability in Afghanistan's tortuous
history. The CIA worked closely with Pakistan's
ISI during the jihad, including support for
operations in the Soviet republic of Tajikistan.
No one in Washington worried about the political
disintegration of Afghanistan during the 1980s
or the potential repercussions for religious
fanaticism throughout Southwest Asia in the
1990s. The Taliban created its own chaos from
1994 to 2001, and the US invasion in 2001
led to another spiral of violence that continues
until today.
The recitation of this history over the
past four decades is not only designed to
expose the Washington Post's chicanery (or
simply a lack of research), but to highlight
the chaos and violence that have marked Afghanistan.
This history clearly suggests that nation-building
and institution-building is a fool's errand
in Afghanistan, where political and economic
backwardness and corruption have been dominant.
We increased forces this summer to provide
security for the Afghan election and to challenge
the expanding Taliban presence in Helmand
Province. We failed on both counts and, in
the process, left the northern regions of
Afghanistan exposed to greater Taliban infiltration.
The Taliban have also infiltrated key cities,
including Kabul. It is possible that the repositioning
of US and international forces could protect
Kabul, Kandahar, Herat and even Mazar-e-Sharif
in the north. But key Afghan institutions,
particularly the National Army and the police,
cannot provide much support to US forces in
sensitive areas in the south and the east,
where the Taliban has access to sanctuary
in Pakistan.
According to informed observers, the Afghan
Army is still unable to conduct autonomous
operations with more than 100 troops. The
high level of illiteracy among Afghan military
recruits does not augur well for the future.
The Obama administration is counting on the
current Pakistani offensive against the Pakistan
Taliban to buy time for the Islamabad government.
There is no indication, however, that the
Pakistan Army would be willing or able to
take on the Afghan Taliban and thus buy time
for the government in Kabul. The notion of
sending civilian specialists to Afghanistan
to promote political and economic stabilization
would be laughable if the situation were not
so serious. Since there has never been an
Afghan government capable of running the entire
country, it is impossible to expect US military
and civilian forces at virtually any reasonable
level taking on both a successful counterinsurgency
against the Taliban and the policy of nation-building
in Afghanistan.