Last Updated: 10/3/08


Harry C. Blaney III Biography:

Harry C. Blaney III is a Senior Fellow in the Center for International Policy National Security Program. Mr. Blaney has forty years of experience in international affairs and has held senior positions in the federal government, policy research, and non-profit organizations. His experience includes the White House, State Department, foreign affairs think tanks, and U.S. diplomatic posts abroad. He has been President and Chief-Executive for over a decade of the Coalition for American Leadership Abroad (COLEAD), an organization of some 50 non-profit foreign affairs groups supporting responsible U.S. engagement in world affairs. His areas of special interest include US-European relations, arms control and non-proliferation, and international energy and environmental issues.

An American diplomat for over 20 years, Mr. Blaney was a Member of the Policy Planning Staff of Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and Cyrus Vance. He had responsibility for key global and functional issues including energy, non-proliferation, technology, environment, and Law of the Sea. He was a key advisor and architect of U.S. international energy policy during the energy crisis of the 1970s. He served concurrently as Staff Director of the NSC Contingency Planning Working Group examining major threats of mass destruction terrorism. He played an important role in several major international negotiations, and served overseas at U.S. Missions to the European Communities and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). He also was Director of the Office of Asian Refugee Assistance in the Department of State and worked in the European Bureau?s Office of Economic-Political Affairs. He also was Senior Advisor to the Bureau of Intelligence and Research at the Department of State.

He was a White House Staff Member and Special Assistant to Daniel Patrick. Moynihan following a wide range of issues related to U.S. relations with Europe and global issues, including being Coordinator for the United States in NATO?s Committee for the Challenges of Modern Society and dealing with international environmental and drug policy issues. He was also Special Assistant to the Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality following international environmental policies.

He was a Visiting Fellow at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) in London studying U.S. -European relations and other related issues. Mr. Blaney held other prestigious fellowships at the Council on Foreign Relations and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars at the Smithsonian Institution. He also was a Rusk Fellow and Research Associate at Georgetown University?s Institute for the Study of Diplomacy.

Mr. Blaney holds degrees from Allegheny College B.A., and Yale University (M.A.). He also did graduate work and research at Johns Hopkins University?s School of Advanced International Studies and at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Blaney writes extensively on domestic and foreign policy issues. In addition to professional journals and book chapters, his articles have appeared in the Atlanta Constitution, Baltimore Sun, Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, Dallas Morning News, Hartford Courant, Houston Chronicle, International Herald Tribune, Newsday, Philadelphia Inquirer, San Francisco Chronicle, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and the Washington Post. He is author of the book, Global Challenges: A World at Risk. He edited, The Future of Conventional Arms Control in Europe.

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