International Policy Report: The "War on Drugs" meets the "War
on Terror," February 2003

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February 2003
The "War
on Drugs" meets the "War on Terror"
The United States’
military involvement in Colombia climbs to the next level
By Ingrid Vaicius
and Adam Isacson
In 2000 – an age ago,
in foreign-policy terms – U.S. involvement in war-torn Colombia was big
news. The Clinton Administration moved through Congress a special aid
bill just for Colombia and its neighbors. By the time President Clinton
signed the controversial package into law in July, a profusion of front-page
articles, op-eds, congressional floor speeches and television coverage
had put Colombia near the top of Washington’s list of international priorities.
of State Powell on his long-delayed December 2002 visit to Colombia,
pictured with Police Chief Teodoro Campo and Defense Minister Marta
Lucía Ramírez. (State Department photo) |
One of the legislation’s
main backers, then-Drug Czar Gen. Barry McCaffrey, predicted that the
$1.3 billion contribution to "Plan Colombia" – $860 million
of it for Colombia, three-quarters of that for Colombia’s police and military
– would "strengthen democracy, the rule of law, economic stability,
and human rights in Colombia."[1 ]
Its critics warned of serious consequences. "It risks drawing us
into a terrible quagmire," warned the late Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-Minnesota).
"History has repeatedly shown, especially in Latin America – just
think of Nicaragua or El Salvador – that the practical effect of this
strategy now under consideration is to militarize, to escalate the conflict,
not to end it."[2 ]
A lot has happened
since the 2000 debate. Fighting between the government, two leftist guerrilla
groups and right-wing paramilitaries worsened, killing about 4,000 people
and forcing over 350,000 from their homes last year. The Colombian government’s
attempts to negotiate peace with guerrilla groups came to a crashing halt
in February 2002. Three months later, Colombians elected Álvaro Uribe,
a hard-line president who promised to put the country on a total-war footing.
Drug production continued to explode. The human rights situation worsened.
"Democracy, the rule of law, economic stability and human rights"
have eroded further.
An observer in the
United States would have had to watch Colombia closely, though, to notice
most of these sour developments. Colombia has received much less attention
from the Bush Administration and the U.S. media lately, especially since
September 11, 2001. That terrible day, Colin Powell was to pay his first
visit to Bogotá as secretary of state. He would not set foot in Colombia
for another fifteen months, when he arrived for a twenty-two hour stay
in December 2002. A country that Gen. McCaffrey described three years
ago as "out of control, a flipping nightmare" has been eclipsed
by higher-priority "war on terror" countries, and by the administration’s
charge toward war in Iraq.[3]
Inattention from the
very top, however, has not meant that the policy has stood still. In fact,
U.S. policy toward Colombia is marked by two contradictory trends: although
Colombia is becoming a lower priority, the size and purpose of the U.S.
military aid are expanding rapidly. This is a dangerous paradox. As CIP
warned three years ago, the United States is still "getting in deeper"
– but with less public debate or top-level supervision than before. (See
the CIP International Policy Report Getting
In Deeper, published in February 2000.)
Overall military and
police aid amounts are increasing, with new Colombian units getting support
to operate in new parts of the country. An August 2002 change in U.S.
law has broadened the purpose of lethal assistance – for years limited
to counter-narcotics – to include "counter-terrorism." The change
allows U.S.-aided units to go on the offensive against the guerrillas
of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and National Liberation
Army (ELN), and the paramilitary United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia
(AUC). U.S. Special Forces are now in Colombia training thousands of soldiers
to guard an oil pipeline and to hunt insurgent leaders. Meanwhile, efforts
to assist the conflict’s victims, build a functioning judicial system,
and salvage Colombia’s rural economy are off to a shaky start.
It is remotely possible
that U.S. counter-terror aid and President Uribe’s draconian security
policies could add up to a push strong enough to force the guerrillas
and paramilitaries to collapse, like a house of cards. A more likely outcome
is that these policies cause the war to grind on further and fail to hinder
the drug trade, creating pressures for even more security assistance and
perhaps a greater U.S. military role.
U.S. policy toward
Colombia needs to change before the crisis engulfs Colombia’s neighbors
and other U.S. interests. Understanding what an alternative policy would
look like requires a review of past failures and present dangers.
U.S. aid since
the late 1990s
Long before George
W. Bush entered the White House, critics of the U.S. approach to Colombia
contended that it was too focused on drug-war priorities and relied too
heavily on the country’s troubled security forces. The policy, they argued,
ignored the complicated, deep-rooted origins of Colombia’s conflict.
In a weakly governed
country with stark social inequalities and historically abusive and corrupt
security forces, focusing U.S. largesse on the police and military to
fight drugs – a symptom more than a cause of the country’s problems –
would have grave consequences. "It will lead to the escalation of
the social and armed conflict, fail to solve the drug-trafficking problem,
endanger the peace process, attack indigenous populations’ culture and
life styles, seriously hamper the Amazon eco-system, worsen the humanitarian
and human rights crisis, promote forced displacement and further worsen
the social and political crisis," warned a June 2000 letter from
seventy-three Colombian non-governmental organizations.[4 ]
These warnings went
unheeded. Between 1999 and 2002, the United States gave Colombia $2.04
billion. Of that amount, 83 percent – $1.69 billion, or nearly $1.2 million
per day over four years – has gone to Colombia’s military and police.
This pattern continues in the Bush Administration’s aid request for 2003,
which still awaits final approval as the 108th Congress convenes. The
United States would spend approximately $654 million this year, half a
billion of it for Colombia’s security forces.[5 ]
on aid to Colombia since 1997]
Since 1999, U.S. aid
has included eighty-four helicopters; the creation of new brigades in
Colombia’s army and navy; grants of cargo and attack aircraft, patrol
boats, communications and intelligence-gathering equipment, uniforms,
and small arms; and the training of over 15,000 Colombian military and
police (6,300 of them in 2001 alone). Hundreds of U.S. troops and private
contract personnel work on Colombian soil as trainers, intelligence-gatherers,
spray pilots and mechanics, among other duties. Since 1996, U.S. pilots
on anti-drug missions have sprayed herbicides over more than a million
acres of Colombian territory.
transfers since 1998
National Police
Armed Forces
Hemisphere Drug Elimination Act, 1998
UH-60 Blackhawks
Drawdown, 1998
no-cost leases, 1999
UH-1H "Hueys"
Colombia" aid package, 2000
UH-60 Blackhawks
10 UH-1H "Hueys"
UH-60 Blackhawks
25 UH-1H "Hueys"
pipeline-protection assistance, 2003
12 UH-1H "Hueys"
Aid to Colombia’s
During most of the
1990s (until about 1999), Colombia’s National Police received nearly all
lethal U.S. aid. Washington was wary of getting too deeply involved in
the country’s conflict, and the early-90s effort to dismantle the Medellín
and Cali cartels had forged a closer relationship with the police than
with the armed forces, which were marred by allegations of corruption,
human rights violations, and collusion with the rightist paramilitaries.
The Clinton Administration nonetheless shifted the bulk of aid to the
military in 1999 and 2000, arguing that the guerrillas’ and paramilitaries’
entry into the drug business made many counter-narcotics missions too
dangerous for the police to perform alone.
Though the Colombian
armed forces now get most of the aid, Washington’s commitment to the police
– especially its counter-narcotics division (DIRAN) – is still large.
The unit performs most drug interdiction and works with the DEA to arrest
drug traffickers. In rural zones where peasants grow illegal drug crops,
U.S.-granted DIRAN Air Service helicopters protect the U.S. contractor
pilots who spray herbicides over fields where illegal drug crops are grown,
risking ground fire from insurgent groups (spray planes were hit 180 times
in 2001).[6 ]
Over the past few years, the United States has provided the DIRAN Air
Service with Blackhawk and Huey helicopters, C-26B reconnaissance planes,
and construction upgrades to several of its bases throughout Colombia.[7 ]
The Drug Enforcement Administration has created and completely funds four
Sensitive Investigative Units (SIUs) within the Colombian National Police,
elite units that carry out risky missions against drug traffickers.[8 ]
The Bush Administration
asked Congress for $120.5 million to support Colombia’s police in 2003.[9 ]
A worldwide anti-terror appropriation that became law in August 2002 adds
more funding: $4 million to create police units to protect construction
of reinforced police stations in guerrilla-controlled areas, and $25 million
for anti-kidnapping units (shared with the Colombian Army).[10 ]
The DIRAN came under
a cloud of scandal in 2002, when investigators revealed that several high-ranking
officers had stolen at least $2 million in U.S. aid intended for administrative
expenses.[11 ]
Though investigations continue, the scandal forced the dismissal of twelve
officers and the reassignment of DIRAN director Gen. Gustavo Socha.
and Putumayo
Colombia’s armed forces,
especially its army, now receive most U.S. assistance. Since 1999 more
than half of all aid to Colombia’s army has gone to create and maintain
a new 2,300-man brigade. The "First Counter-Narcotics Brigade"
operates in the departments (provinces) of Caquetá and Putumayo in Colombia’s
far south. This Pennsylvania-sized zone, which accounts for over one-third
of all coca (the plant used to make cocaine) grown in Colombia, is fiercely
contested by the FARC – for whom it has been a key stronghold for decades
– and the paramilitaries, who arrived in the late 1990s and now control
most major towns. (For more information on this zone, see CIP’s April
2001 publication Plan
Colombia’s “Ground Zero.”) The
new army unit’s original mission was to attack drug-processing labs, to
apprehend traffickers, and to clear armed groups from areas of drug-crop
cultivation (or at least to clear them long enough for the U.S. herbicide
spray planes to pass through). An August 2002 change in the law allows
the Counter-Narcotics Brigade to use its equipment and training for "counter-terrorism"
as well as anti-drug missions; as a result, some of the brigade’s operations
may come to resemble the U.S.-supported counter-insurgency efforts commonplace
in Latin America during the Cold War.
Tens of millions
of dollars each year cover the rather high cost of fueling and maintaining
the dozens of donated helicopters used to transport the Counter-Narcotics
Brigade over roadless, dangerous southern Colombia. These are operated
by U.S.-trained pilots of the Colombian Army’s Aviation Brigade, based
in the central department of Tolima, for which the Bush Administration
has requested over $76 million in 2003.[12 ]
Some of the helicopters’ pilots – including co-pilots of those used to
transport the Counter-Narcotics Brigade – are not Colombian military personnel
but civilians working for private U.S. companies on State Department contracts.
None are U.S. citizens.[13 ]
Aid to Colombia’s
Navy and Air Force
Much additional aid
has gone to Colombia’s Marine Corps (part of the Colombian Navy) to stop
drug trafficking on the country’s thousands of miles of rivers. U.S. funding
– most of it through the defense budget, not the foreign aid budget, an
unusual move – helped create a Riverine Brigade, founded in 1999, with
five battalions in some of the most conflictive parts of the country (Putumayo,
Guaviare, Guainía, and the Magdalena Medio and Urabá regions). The five
battalions will encompass fifty-eight individual "riverine combat
elements" (RCEs), smaller units of four boats each, deployed in remote
areas. As of September 2002, U.S. funding had helped create thirty-three
RCEs.[14 ]
Colombia’s Coast Guard has also received boats and training to stop maritime
Colombia’s 7,000-member
air force also benefits from U.S. aid. Much is related to the so-called
"airbridge denial" program, in which U.S. personnel identify
possible drug-smuggling flights that the air forces of Colombia or Peru
must interdict. U.S. radars and surveillance flights using runways in
Colombia and neighboring countries gather information about suspicious
planes, which Colombia’s air force – using U.S.-donated A-37 attack aircraft,
among other planes – seeks to contact and force to land. This program,
which some have called the "shootdown policy" due to the frequent
fate of suspicious flights, has been suspended since April 2001, when
the Peruvian Air Force fired upon a small plane carrying a family of U.S.
missionaries, killing two. Bush Administration officials had estimated
that the program would begin again in the fall of 2002, while they developed
new procedures and re-trained pilots in Oklahoma. As of January 2003,
however, a final decision to reinstate the program continues to be delayed.[15 ]
Human rights concerns
have also affected the flow of aid to Colombia’s air force. The "Leahy
Amendment," which has been part of foreign aid law since 1997, prohibits
aid to foreign military units that include members who have committed
gross human rights violations with impunity. Human rights groups for years
had criticized the air force’s failure to investigate or prosecute those
responsible for a 1998 bombing that killed eighteen civilians in Santo
Domingo, Arauca department. Years of inaction on the Santo Domingo case
forced the State Department, following the Leahy Amendment, to cut off
assistance to Colombia’s 1st
Air Combat Command (CACOM-1) in January 2003.[16 ]
Training and intelligence
While big-ticket items
like helicopters, aircraft, radar sites and base construction attract
the most attention, other, less-expensive types of aid perhaps have even
more impact. U.S. military trainers offer thousands of courses per year
to their Colombian counterparts in topics ranging from marksmanship to
helicopter repair to human rights. U.S. military units on Colombian soil
– usually Marines and Special Forces – trained more than half of the 6,300
Colombian military and police personnel who got U.S. training in 2001.[17 ]
The rest attended U.S. military institutions, including 151 at the U.S.
Army’s Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, the successor
to the controversial School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia.[18 ]
2001 |
courses |
U.S. locations |
1. Light Infantry
2. Riverine
3. "Miscellaneous Operations" (not defined)
4. Defense acquisition phase III
5. Coastal |
Fort Benning, Columbus, GA
2. Lackland and Randolph Air Force Bases, San Antonio, TX
3. Fort Rucker, AL
4. Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, Fort McNair, Washington,
5. Portsmouth, VA |
skills," the most frequent subject taught, make up much of the training
offered to the Counter-Narcotics Brigade. The term refers to the tactics
and capabilities necessary for small units to operate in difficult terrain,
whether for counter-narcotics or counter-insurgency: marksmanship and
weapons familiarization, ambush techniques, camouflage, communications,
map and compass reading, and similar skills.
The United States
is also stepping up one of the most controversial types of assistance:
intelligence. Colombia’s armed forces are getting more information than
ever from U.S. communications intercepts, aircraft and satellite photography,
and human sources. U.S. personnel are also offering their Colombian counterparts
equipment and training to improve their own ability to collect and analyze
A classified Clinton
Administration "Presidential Decision Directive," PDD-73, prohibited
intelligence-sharing with the Colombian security forces unless specifically
for counter-narcotics purposes. Pentagon officials told The Washington
Times in February 2002 that the PDD-73 restrictions had them "frustrated
and fuming."[19 ]
As of October 2002, the Clinton-era rule remained in effect, but a Bush
Administration revision (now known as an NSPD, or National Security Presidential
Directive), allowing the United States to share intelligence about guerrilla
and paramilitary activity without regard to drugs, was nearing completion
– and may now be in place.[20 ]
As a result, the United States may share intelligence it gathers about
non-drug threats, including such tactical information as insurgent groups’
movements and locations.
Social and economic
This multifaceted
military-aid buildup has been controversial, particularly among liberals
and moderates. Nonetheless, many would-be skeptics were assuaged by the
social and economic aid that accompanied the weapons and training. "Many
members of Congress who were really quite leery of deepening our military
involvement in Colombia supported Plan Colombia on the basis of its balance,"
said Rep. Nita Lowey (D-New York), the top Democrat on the House subcommittee
that appropriates the foreign aid budget. "I count myself among them."[21 ]
About one in six
dollars from "Plan Colombia" and subsequent aid packages has
helped coca-growers switch to legal crops, offered emergency assistance
for people displaced by the conflict, aided the judiciary and the prosecutor’s
office, provided protection for governmental and non-governmental human
rights workers, and assisted demobilized child combatants. "This
bill makes it clear that we have not forgotten the poorest people in Colombia,"
said Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Illinois) during the 2000 Plan Colombia debate.[22]
U.S. Aid to Colombia, 1997-2003
Appropriating $343
million for these non-military priorities between 2000 and 2002 indicates
that Washington at least partially recognizes that Colombia’s crisis is
too complex to solve by military force alone. It is also in line with
U.S. counter-insurgency doctrine, which – though it has brought disastrous
results in third-world conflict zones from Vietnam to Central America
– continues to guide much U.S. aid to developing countries in conflict.
Counter-insurgency is not just a military strategy: it emphasizes the
importance of winning the population’s "hearts and minds" in
order to restore government control over a guerrilla-dominated area. As
a U.S. Army field manual explains, "The successful counterinsurgent
must realize that the true nature of the threat to his government lies
in the insurgent’s political strength, not in his military power. Although
the government must contain the insurgents’ armed elements, concentration
on the military aspect of the threat does not address the real danger."[23 ]
Yet the U.S. approach
to Colombia appears to neglect even these basic tenets of counter-insurgency.
Massive aerial herbicide fumigation is fueling anti-government sentiment
in a guerrilla-controlled area. The social and economic component of Washington’s
aid has been overshadowed, particularly in most Colombians’ perceptions,
by the far larger military-aid outlay.
It has also suffered
from very serious implementation problems. Some aid programs, particularly
emergency humanitarian assistance, appear to be reaching target populations
– though, as U.S. Ambassador to Colombia Anne Patterson admits, they "represent
a drop in the bucket in relation to the real needs of Colombia’s displaced
persons."[24 ]
But other crucial efforts have struggled in the face of bureaucratic obstacles,
the Colombian government’s institutional shortcomings, and a tendency
to exclude local governments, non-governmental organizations and communities
on the receiving end.
An alternative-development
scheme in Putumayo – the epicenter of expanded fumigation – has virtually
collapsed. Aid for judicial reforms lags badly behind as well; in September
2002 – two years after the "Plan Colombia" appropriation – the
House Appropriations Committee reported that more than half of such funds
remained unspent.[25 ]
The troubling outcome is that thousands of people directly impacted by
U.S. military programs have not been reached by the economic aid that
was supposed to accompany them.
The "push
into southern Colombia" begins
While it has arrived
much faster than most social and economic aid, the 2000 "Plan Colombia"
aid package’s military component also got off to a slow start. It has
taken time to select and train 2,300 members of the Counter-Narcotics
Brigade (many of whom have since rotated to other units), improve bases,
deliver helicopters, and train people to fly them. The last helicopters
and most of the first pilots were not ready, for instance, until the summer
of 2002.[26 ]
Eight AT-802 spray aircraft are still being delivered as this report goes
to press.[27 ]
Even as military-aid
deliveries were just getting underway, though, the U.S. and Colombian
governments significantly expanded herbicide fumigation in and around
Putumayo, where the Plan Colombia-supported brigade operates. Increasing
spraying in this zone was a key objective of the so-called "push
into southern Colombia," the name that the 2000 package’s designers
gave to their aid for the new brigade and related units. A first round
of spraying in Putumayo fumigated 25,000 hectares between December 2000
and February 2001, even before the Counter-Narcotics Brigade had all three
of its component battalions.[28]
Above U.S. objections,
the government of Andrés Pastrana suspended fumigation after this first
round, in order to give Plan Colombia’s alternative development component
a chance to take hold.[29 ]
The effort to help coca-growing peasants adopt legal alternatives took
the form of a series of "social pacts," in which signers would
receive basic assistance, followed by technical and infrastructure support,
in exchange for eradicating all their coca within twelve months after
first receipt of aid. By July 2001, 37,000 families in Putumayo – just
under half of the department’s population – had signed "pacts"
and were awaiting assistance.
The assistance failed
to arrive. Alternative development money was delayed by bureaucracy, forced
to pass through several agencies before reaching the peasants: the State
Department’s Bureau for International Narcotics; the U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID); the Colombian government’s Plan Colombia implementing
agency; the Colombian government’s alternative-development agency, PLANTE;
and five Colombian non-profit organizations, with no previous ties to
Putumayo, contracted to deliver the assistance. The security situation
in Putumayo – which, despite the presence of two army brigades, a naval
brigade, and police, is marked by constant territorial disputes between
guerrillas and paramilitaries – slowed aid delivery further; the FARC
killed two alternative-development workers in September 2001.[30]
By April 2002, only
8,500 of the 37,000 pact-signing peasant families had received any assistance.[31 ]
"One of you said that our alternative crop program for some reason
is not a failure. If it’s not I’d certainly hate to see what one looks
like," Rep. David Obey (D-Wisconsin), the ranking Democrat on the
House Appropriations Committee, told witnesses at a hearing that month.[32 ]
July, though, momentum behind renewed fumigation was irresistible. Helicopters
had been delivered and sixty-six pilots and crew had completed training.[33 ]
The incoming president, Álvaro Uribe, shared Washington’s enthusiasm for
fumigation: "The goal is to destroy 100 percent of the coca crop.
We will not stop. We will spray and spray."[34 ]
Between July and October 2002, the "push into southern Colombia"
began in earnest, as U.S. and Colombian forces sprayed 60,500 hectares
in Putumayo and Caquetá.[35 ]
The two countries’ governments erased earlier distinctions between large-scale
coca-growers and small family plots. "Since July 28, there is no
longer any differentiation between ‘small’ and the ‘industrial’ plots.
If you grow coca, the Colombian Police will spray it," Ambassador
Patterson warned in October 2002.[36 ]
Since the spraying
was not accompanied by a credible alternative development effort in Putumayo,
thousands of peasants who had their crops eradicated suddenly found themselves
with no way to make a living. Putumayo community and church leaders interviewed
by CIP in November 2002 spoke of a humanitarian disaster. Since spraying
damaged food crops, they said, many families in FARC-controlled rural
areas, unable to travel to paramilitary-controlled towns, were going hungry.
Great numbers of people were leaving Putumayo, some across the border
into Ecuador and others to plant coca elsewhere in the country. Young
people, lacking other economic opportunities, were volunteering to join
the FARC or the paramilitaries.
result has been the very opposite of counter-insurgency: though "the
strengthening of the state" was a central goal of Plan Colombia,
the spraying served only to increase Putumayo residents’ distrust for
– or even hatred of – Colombia’s government. "They [the government]
broke their promises to us and now there is hunger," one peasant
leader told CIP. "Many of us believe that they want to expel us and
take our land."[37 ]
Indeed, U.S. officials’
recent statements indicate that de-populating rural Putumayo may be part
of the strategy. First, there is an open recognition that the "social
pact" scheme was a failure. Adolfo Franco, the Latin American Affairs
chief at USAID, told a House subcommittee in April 2002 that it was a
"fallacy" to believe that "large-scale assistance to provide
new sources of income to 37,000 families can be identified, tested and
delivered in one year."[38 ]
It is impossible to assist most coca-growers in rural Putumayo, a secret
2001 USAID study concluded, because of the security situation, the poor
soils, and the zone’s isolation from markets.[39 ]
Second, USAID is
re-tooling its alternative-development effort in a way that, officials
hope, will encourage coca-growers to move away from Putumayo, preferably
to town centers – perhaps after being pushed out by the spray planes.
Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Marc Grossman explained
in April 2002, "If you can employ somebody outside of the county,
and they will move there for a job, it’s something that they ought to
do."[40 ]
Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), a key architect of U.S. drug policy, observed
in September 2002 that "many of the people who are working in the
coca fields of Colombia are not native – ruralists to that area. They
are, in fact, urban people who, because of economic circumstances were
attracted to go into the rural areas and work the coca fields. And for
them, alternative development is not developing agriculture, but rather
developing jobs back in the urban areas."[41 ]
"They will have to relocate," a State Department official told
CIP in January, "though ultimately it’s their choice."[42 ]
USAID has not given
up completely on rural Putumayo. Instead of blanketing the zone with "pacts,"
its contractor, Chemonics Inc., has inked several agreements with entire
villages to deliver aid in exchange for immediate eradication. This model,
however, has only reached a few thousand Putumayo residents. The rest
– the tens of thousands whom Washington hopes will simply move elsewhere
– will receive little more than herbicides. It is not unreasonable to
imagine that many will grow coca elsewhere or make common cause with illegal
armed groups.
The U.S. Congress
has not been blind to these risks. Members of both houses have voiced
concern about the health, environmental and social impacts of fumigation.
Legislators have also expressed doubts about the Colombian armed forces’
human rights record and the danger that U.S. assistance could indirectly
contribute to abuses. Some worry about military over-commitment.
As a result, foreign
aid law includes several conditions and limitations on U.S. assistance
to Colombia. These conditions have themselves become focal points of debate,
as watchdog groups and some members of Congress have sharply criticized
the administration’s claims to have met them.
Fumigation certification
The 2002 foreign aid
law (which remains in effect until Congress passes the 2003 law) sought
to limit fumigation’s collateral effects. It prohibited new herbicide
purchases until the State Department certified to Congress that (1) herbicide
use was consistent with U.S. domestic regulations and posed no unreasonable
health or environmental risks (a conclusion to be reached after consulting
the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Agriculture and
the Centers for Disease Control); (2) procedures were available to compensate
people whose health or legal crops were damaged by fumigation; and (3)
alternative-development programs were functioning in areas where spraying
is to take place.
In September 2002,
the State Department certified that all three conditions were met. It
found that health and environmental risks were "not unreasonable,"
despite EPA observations that significant spray drift occurs and that
data about the spray mixture were insufficient to judge many health claims.
"The health and environmental analyses provided to the Congress do
not sufficiently substantiate the conclusion that the chemicals used in
the aerial fumigation of coca pose no unreasonable risks or adverse effects
to humans or the environment," observed David Sandalow of the World
Wildlife Federation.[43 ]
The certification
included a lengthy description of the Colombian government’s procedure
for compensating victims of indiscriminate spraying – but was unable to
document any results. "As of the end of August 2002," the State
Department reported, the Colombian government had "received over
1,000 complaints through the streamlined complaint resolution procedure."
Of those, fourteen sites had been physically verified, and only one had
been approved for compensation.[44 ]
The State Department
chose a very broad interpretation of the third condition requiring alternative
development availability in zones to be sprayed. It considered an entire
department of Colombia – most are as large as mid-sized U.S. states –
to be open for spraying as long as an alternative-development project
was underway somewhere within its borders. Such projects did not even
have to be U.S.-funded. Fumigation took place in seventeen departments
in 2001, though USAID funds alternative-development projects in nine;
in the rest, the State Department report cited projects funded by the
Colombian or other governments.[45 ]
"The report did not provide a serious treatment of this provision,"
wrote Lisa Haugaard of the Latin America Working Group, which has closely
followed compliance with the conditions.[46 ]
Human rights certification
Human Rights Certifications |
State Department
memorandum, September 9, 2002 |
Amnesty International,
Human Rights Watch and WOLA memorandum, September 2002 |
According to
the civilian director of the Human Rights Unit of the Prosecutor General’s
Office, the Colombian Armed Forces — in accordance with Colombian
law and practice — are suspending ... military personnel alleged
to have committed gross violations of human rights or to have aided
or abetted paramilitary groups. |
There is no evidence
to show that the Commander General of the Colombian Armed Forces is
exercising the power held by this office to suspend high-ranking officers.
To the contrary, our evidence shows that these officers remain on
active duty and in command of troops. |
During the administration
of former President Pastrana there was a steady improvement in Colombian
Armed Forces’ cooperation with civilian authorities in the investigation,
prosecution, and punishment in civilian courts of military personnel
credibly alleged to have committed gross violations of human rights
or to have aided and abetted paramilitary groups. |
Colombia's armed
forces continue to dispute the jurisdiction of cases involving the
investigation and prosecution of alleged human rights violations by
members of the military. This violates both Colombian law and a presidential
directive issued by President Andrés Pastrana. |
The Colombian
Armed Forces are taking effective action to sever links between military
personnel and paramilitary units at the command, battalion and brigade
levels. |
There is no evidence
that the Colombian Armed Forces have arrested key paramilitary leaders
or high-ranking members of the Armed Forces credibly alleged to have
collaborated with paramilitary groups. |
"Members of the
security forces sometimes illegally collaborated with paramilitary forces,"
acknowledged the State Department’s March 2002 human rights report.[47 ]
Congress, concerned about this persistent pattern of indirect abuse, placed
a human rights certification requirement in the 2002 foreign aid law.
Unlike a similar provision in the 2000 "Plan Colombia" aid package,
the 2002 law did not carry a waiver allowing the President to skip the
restrictions for "national security" reasons. It also required
the process to occur twice by withholding 40 percent of military aid for
a second round of certifications.
In May and September
2002, the State Department duly certified that Colombia’s armed forces
were (1) suspending members alleged to have violated human rights or assisted
paramilitaries; (2) cooperating with civilian investigators and judges
in human rights cases; and (3) taking effective measures to sever links
with the paramilitaries. Heavily citing Defense Ministry statistics, the
State Department’s September 2002 report names twenty-one military personnel
under suspension (seven above the rank of sergeant, and none above major),
and documents eleven incidents of combat against paramilitaries over four
months (May to August).[48 ]
Major human-rights
documentation groups disputed the certifications, presenting substantial
evidence that Colombia’s military fell far short of every requirement.
A response from Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the Washington
Office on Latin America named several high-ranking officials who have
avoided suspension and prosecution despite facing serious allegations,
and documented episodes of military-paramilitary collaboration by commission
or omission.[49 ]
"During the 1980s, U.S. officials repeatedly certified that the Salvadoran
military was respecting human rights, even when they knew that to be false.
The State Department today is perilously close to repeating that mistake
in Colombia," Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), a chief architect of
the human rights conditions, said in September 2002. "The big picture
and a close look at the facts do not support this certification."[50 ]
Troop cap
"Sooner or later,"
Ambassador Patterson warned in October 2002, "official Americans
will be killed in Colombia carrying out their duties; when that happens,
it will be big news."[51 ]
Congress has shared these concerns about proximity to Colombia’s conflict.
The original 2000 "Plan Colombia" aid package law limited the
U.S. presence in Colombia to a maximum of 500 military personnel and 300
U.S. citizen contractors; the 2002 foreign aid law changed the figures
to 400 and 400. On November 13, 2002, the Bush Administration reported,
267 military personnel and 270 contractors were present in Colombia.[52]
The law, though,
does not cover all U.S. troops in Colombia. It only applies the "cap"
to U.S. personnel in Colombia "in support of Plan Colombia."
Several new military aid programs – such as the pipeline-protection plan
discussed below – are not for counter-narcotics and thus not considered
part of "Plan Colombia." As a result, though U.S. officials
promise to continue obeying the cap, they are not legally bound to do
so if non-drug activities call for more than 400 troops on Colombian soil.[53 ]
The "cap"
on contractors, meanwhile, only applies to U.S. citizens. Citizens of
other countries working for U.S.-funded contractors – such as the foreign
nationals employed by DynCorp, Inc. to co-pilot the Counter-Narcotics
Brigade’s helicopters – are not included within the "contractor cap."[54 ]
As "Plan Colombia" gives way to "counter-terror" aid
initiatives, the "troop cap" will become irrelevant if not amended.
Lack of results
While the disputed
certifications feed concerns about unintended consequences, the policy’s
defenders cannot even claim that the ends justify the means. So far, U.S.
assistance to Colombia has yet to demonstrate progress toward its stated
goals. "The Committee is disappointed with the results of ‘Plan Colombia,’
which has fallen far short of expectations," noted the Senate Appropriations
Committee’s narrative report on the 2003 foreign aid bill. "Neither
the Colombian government nor other international donors have lived up
to their financial commitments, and the amount of coca and poppy under
cultivation has increased. In addition, peace negotiations have collapsed,
the armed conflict has intensified, and the country is preparing for a
wider war which few observers believe can be won on the battlefield."[55 ]
The White House does
not appear to be progressing toward its goal of a 50 percent reduction
in Colombian coca-growing by 2005. Coca is difficult to estimate – CIA
figures made public in March 2002 showed a significant increase, while
statistics from the UN Drug Control Program and the DANTI showed a reduction.[56 ]
Both sources seem to indicate, though, that the overall amount of coca
grown in Colombia is somewhere near 150,000 hectares, or three times as
much as it was when the United States began large-scale spraying in 1996.
[The United States will release estimates of 2002 coca cultivation in
early March 2003. Since satellite measurements will occur immediately
following the July-October fumigation campaign in Putumayo, and may not
take into account replanting and new planting elsewhere, the 2002 statistics
may show a greater decrease than probably exists.] That year, only four
(perhaps five) of Colombia’s thirty-two departments had 1,000 or more
hectares of coca. In 2001, the UN/DANTI study found that much coca in
thirteen departments.[57 ]
Fumigation has proven able to reduce coca-growing in limited areas, but
growers have been far more agile. New crops keep appearing in previously
untouched parts of Colombia’s vast savannahs, jungles and even coffee-growing

Since at least the
late 1980s, total coca cultivation in South America – perhaps the most
meaningful estimate of the drug’s availability – has remained remarkably
steady at roughly 200,000 hectares.[58 ]
The price of cocaine on U.S. streets has hardly budged.[59 ]
Though the DEA noted a drop in purity levels in 2000, Administrator Asa
Hutchinson gave the credit not to fumigation, but to law enforcement efforts
hindering the processing of "an over supply of coca production in
South America."[60 ]
Clinton and Bush
Administration officials repeatedly argued that military training and
engagement would ease Colombia’s human rights crisis and encourage the
armed forces to end collaboration with paramilitary death squads. Sadly,
the human rights situation shows no signs of improvement; in fact, it
has worsened. The Consultancy for Human Rights and Displacement (CODHES),
a widely cited Colombian non-governmental organization, estimated that
violence forced 353,120 people from their homes during the first nine
months of 2002, more than in all of 2001.[61 ]
The Colombian Commission of Jurists reported in September 2002 that political
violence was killing an average of twenty people per day, double what
the CCJ was reporting in 1998.[62 ]
Military-paramilitary linkages remain a huge problem: in January 2003,
Human Rights Watch reported that "there were numerous and credible
reports of joint military-paramilitary operations and the sharing of intelligence
and propaganda" in 2002.[63]
Clinton Administration
proponents of Plan Colombia also argued that the aid package would speed
President Pastrana’s peace process with the FARC by forcing the guerrillas
to negotiate "in good faith."[64 ]
The opposite happened: Plan Colombia gave the upper hand to hardliners
on both sides, further polarizing an already difficult attempt at dialogue.
On February 20, 2002, talks with the FARC collapsed, and a renewal seems
highly unlikely in the near term.

War on terror
Plan Colombia’s architects
also promised that they would achieve their goals without "mission
creep." During the 2000 debate, U.S. officials assured skeptics that
they had no interest in supporting an El Salvador-style counter-insurgency
campaign against the FARC, ELN and AUC. Gen. Barry McCaffrey, the drug
czar, stated the policy clearly in November 2000: "The primary focus
of this supplemental effort is to provide support for Colombia’s intensifying
counter drug effort. As a matter of Administration policy, the United
States will not support Colombian counterinsurgency efforts."[65]
At the time, there
was little debate over this point; the administration and Congress both
saw drugs as the main U.S. interest, peace talks with the guerrillas were
ongoing, and little appetite existed – beyond a few voices on the right
– for a costly plunge into Colombia’s seemingly endless war. Washington
endeavored to limit its aid to drug-war priorities by providing assistance
only through counter-narcotics funding accounts, overwhelmingly favoring
security-force units with counter-drug responsibilities, and building
"firewalls" like PDD-73. Meanwhile, watchdog groups denounced
any assistance that appeared to "cross the line" between the
drug war and Colombia’s larger war.
On a single September
morning, however, the drug war was instantly eclipsed by a new overseas
crusade: the global "war on terror." This eclipse was not total
in Colombia, though, as the FARC, ELN and AUC are all on the State Department’s
list of international terrorist organizations (with the AUC, ironically,
added on September 10, 2001). For Bush Administration officials and their
supporters in Congress, the two "wars" simply overlap.
Their Own Words: In the months after September 11, U.S. officials
began comparing Colombia’s armed groups to international terrorist
organizations with global reach, like Al Qaeda.
are doing the same thing as global-level terrorists, that is, organizing
in small cells that don’t have contact with each other and
depend on a central command to organize attacks, in terms of logistics
and financing. It is the same style of operation as Bin Laden.”
– Sen. Bob Graham (D-Florida), chairman of the Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence, September 29, 2001 [67]
“The Revolutionary
Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the National Liberation Army (ELN),
and the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), are on the
list because they participate in terrorist activities. They will
receive the same treatment as any other terrorist group, in terms
of our interest in pursuing them and putting an end to their terrorist
activities. … It will include the use of all the resources
in our power as well as those available to the countries in the
region … where appropriate, as we are doing in Afghanistan,
the use of military force, if that is appropriate to put an end
to their activities.” – State Department Coordinator for
Counterterrorism Francis X. Taylor, October 14, 2001 [68]
no difficulty in identifying [Bin Laden] as a terrorist, and getting
everybody to rally against him. Now, there are other organizations
that probably meet a similar standard. The FARC in Colombia comes
to mind, the Real IRA comes to mind, all of which, both of which
are on our terrorist list down at the State Department.” –
Secretary of State Colin Powell, October 25, 2001 [70]
“It is
not just narcotics. It has developed into terrorism and we need
to fight terrorism in our hemisphere.” – Chairman Rep.
Mark Souder (R-Indiana), chairman of the House Criminal Justice,
Drug Policy and Human Resources Subcommittee, November 8, 2001 [71]
“The terrorist
threat also goes beyond Islamic extremists and the Muslim world.
The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia poses a serious threat
to US interests in Latin America because it associates us with the
government it is fighting against.” – CIA Director George
Tenet, February 6, 2002 [72]
face it, the FARC, ELN and AUC are terrorists who support their
activities with drug money. Although they do not have the reach
of Al Qaeda or Hamas, they do have international reach, which includes
smuggling drugs out of Colombia and into the United States and Europe.”
– Rep. Cass Ballenger (R-North Carolina), chairman of the House
Western Hemisphere Affairs Subcommittee, April 11, 2002 [73]
“Some caution
us against providing assistance to Colombia, invoking the specter
of Vietnam. But the true comparison is with Afghanistan under Taliban
rule, only this time located in our own hemisphere.” –
Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Illinois), chairman of the House International
Relations Committee, April 24, 2002 [74]
The advent of the
"war on terror" has kept Washington from learning any lessons
from its lack of results in Colombia. Instead, the military-dominated
approach is intensifying. Even before September 11, 2001, the new Bush
Administration had initiated a "review process" to explore the
possibility of going beyond the drug war to help Colombia’s government
fight the guerrillas and the paramilitaries.[66 ]
In the wake of the tragedy, key officials and members of Congress began
aggressively pushing to adopt a counter-terror stance. Comparisons between
Colombian groups (usually the FARC) and al-Qaeda began to show up in the
press with some regularity.
The counter-terror
mission’s proponents gained momentum after the Pastrana government’s peace
talks with the FARC collapsed on February 20, 2002. On March 6, the House
of Representatives passed a resolution calling on President Bush to submit
legislation "to assist the Government of Colombia to protect its
democracy from United States-designated foreign terrorist organizations"
– in other words, to allow Colombia to use U.S. military aid in its war
against the guerrillas and paramilitaries.[75]
Protecting an oil
In fact, the broadened
mission’s first manifestation appeared several weeks earlier. The Bush
Administration’s 2003 foreign aid request to Congress, submitted on February
4, 2002, included the first significant non-drug military aid to Colombia
since the Cold War: $98 million to help the Colombian Army protect the
480-mile long Caño Limón-Coveñas oil pipeline. A U.S. oil company, Occidental
Petroleum of Los Angeles, owns 44 percent of the crude that flows through
the Caño Limón tube, which Colombian guerrillas dynamited 166 times in
2001.[76 ]
"Clearly we have an energy threat," warned Rep. Mark Souder
(R-Indiana) in May 2002. "Colombia is either our seventh or eighth
largest supplier of oil. Our economy depends on that. We already have
instability in the Middle East. We have more compelling reasons to be
involved in Colombia than almost anywhere else in the world."[77 ]
$98 million would go through a non-drug budget account, the Foreign Military
Financing Program, a category that as recently as the late 1990s was mainly
used to grant military aid to the Middle East. It would buy about a dozen
helicopters, training, intelligence and equipment for the Colombian Army’s
18th Brigade, based in Arauca department on the Venezuelan border; a new
5th Mobile Brigade; and Arauca-based marine and police units. In addition
to helicopters, the head of the U.S. Southern Command said in April 2002,
the units will receive "weapons and ammunition, vehicles, night vision
devices, and communications equipment."[78 ]U.S.
personnel stationed in Arauca will train at least 4,000 of their Colombian
counterparts, starting with the 18th
Brigade.[79 ]
"I think that
these brigades that we’re talking about will be very offensively oriented,"
said Gen. Galen Jackman, the Southern Command’s director of operations.
"That is focused the enemy, as opposed to a static defense around
the pipeline."[80]
Ambassador Patterson
told a Colombian newspaper that pipeline defense could be only a first
step. "There are more than 300 strategic infrastructure points for
the United States in Colombia. … But first we’ll see how this Caño Limón
project goes."[81]
As of mid-January
2003, the $98 million still awaits approval from a Congress whose budget
appropriations process is seriously behind schedule. Passage is nonetheless
likely, particularly since the Republican-dominated legislature’s haste
to approve the 2003 budget will leave little opportunity for debate or
amendments. This leaves few chances for the proposal’s many fierce critics,
such as Rep. Gene Taylor (D-Mississippi), who warned in May 2002, "I
think it is insane for this nation to spend $98 million to protect a pipeline
that Occidental Petroleum owns with American lives. I am going to make
this as personal as humanly possible. President Bush, I will send my kids
to guard that pipeline when you send your kids to guard that pipeline."[82 ]
H.R. 4775 and the
"unified campaign"
Though the 2003 foreign
aid bill awaits debate, the Bush Administration already received an early
$6 million to "jump-start" the pipeline-protection program,
thanks to another piece of legislation: a $28.9 billion "emergency"
budget outlay for counter-terrorism (H.R. 4775) signed into law on August
2, 2002. As a result, at least sixty U.S. Special Forces are in Arauca,
where training is beginning in January 2003.[83 ]
The importance of
H.R. 4775 goes well beyond the pipeline plan. A single sentence in the
bill laid the groundwork for a dramatic shift in U.S. policy. H.R. 4775
changed U.S. law to allow the Colombian government to use all past and
present counter-drug aid – all the helicopters, weapons, brigades and
other initiatives of the past several years – against the insurgents.
The legislation calls this "a unified campaign against narcotics
trafficking [and] against activities by organizations designated as terrorist
organizations such as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC),
the National Liberation Army (ELN), and the United Self-Defense Forces
of Colombia (AUC)."[84]
An attempt to remove
this provision, led by Reps. Jim McGovern (D-Massachusetts) and Ike Skelton
(D-Missouri), failed in the House of Representatives, though it lost by
a narrow margin of 192-225. With the stroke of a pen, billions of dollars
of drug-war aid suddenly became "counter-terror" aid. "This
is a major policy change," warned Rep. Skelton, the senior Democrat
on the House Armed Services Committee. "We could find ourselves engulfed
in a morass that would eat up American soldiers like we have not seen
in years."[85 ]
Added Rep. McGovern, "the United States will be plunging head first
into a grinding, violent and deepening civil war that has plagued Colombia
for nearly four decades."[86 ]

assistance: new initiatives
Removing the "line"
between counter-narcotics and counter-terrorism paves the way for a much
broader variety of U.S. military-aid activities. Indeed, U.S. officials
sound ambitious: "Our main objective is to help transform the Colombian
military to a force that is capable of defeating the terrorist organizations,
establishing presence and defense, in order to provide a safe and secure
environment and governance throughout Colombia," the Southern Command’s
Gen. Jackman told Britain’s Jane’s Defence Weekly in December 2002.[87 ]
Beyond the pipeline
program, recent press reports indicate that Southern Command is about
to help Colombia’s Army create a new commando unit. Jane’s explains,
"The commando unit, to be modeled on a US Army Ranger battalion,
will learn long-range tactical level reconnaissance and surveillance,
and direct action focused on terrorist leaders. ... Troops have already
been selected for the commando battalion and have begun preliminary training.
The unit is set to be operational by the end of FY03 [Fiscal year 2003]."[88]
In addition to the
$6 million down payment on pipeline protection, H.R. 4775, the August
2002 supplemental budget bill, included $29 million for two other non-drug
initiatives. $25 million from the State Department’s Anti-Terrorism Assistance
(ATA) account – a program that has never before provided more than a trickle
of aid to Latin America – will support anti-kidnapping (GAULA) units in
Colombia’s army and police (Colombia’s guerrilla groups, which raise much
of their funds through ransoms, are responsible for the majority of the
world’s kidnappings). The rest will fortify vulnerable police stations
in guerrilla-dominated areas.[89 ]
Another U.S.-funded
initiative to increase police presence is the establishment of mobile
"carabinero" squads to operate in rural Colombia. The
United States will help to equip and train sixty-four of these new 150-man
police units, to be deployed throughout zones where Colombia’s government
maintains little presence.[90 ]
Meanwhile, the Bush
Administration is deciding whether to seek a re-negotiation of its Forward
Operating Locations (FOLs) – sections of airports or military bases in
Ecuador (Manta), El Salvador (Comalapa), and the Netherlands Antilles
(Aruba and Curacao). According to agreements signed with each country
after the 1999 closure of Howard Air Force Base in Panama, U.S. military
planes may use these installations for counter-drug or search-and-rescue
missions only.
changes to PDD-73 broaden the United States’ ability to share non-drug
intelligence with the Colombians, the FOL agreements still prohibit U.S.
forces from acting on any such intelligence gathered by aircraft flying
in and out of the third-country bases. As U.S. military officials have
explained to CIP, if an aircraft departs the Manta FOL and spots a column
of guerrillas while flying over Colombian territory, the law would not
allow the pilot to notify Colombia’s security forces.[91 ]
The outcome of a
possible re-negotiation attempt would be far from certain. Allowing U.S.
forces on counter-insurgent missions to use their territory would mean
a large change in a neighboring country’s relationship to Colombia’s conflict.
"Our country cannot become a new Cambodia or a new Laos, in case
Colombia’s war escalates into a Vietnam," warned Juan José Pons,
the president of Ecuador’s Congress, in 2000.[92 ]
Pressures for greater
military aid
Beyond these initiatives,
it is not yet clear how U.S. activities will expand to match Washington’s
much more ambitious mission in Colombia. While the purpose of U.S. military
aid has expanded remarkably, we have not seen a similar expansion in the
amount of U.S. assistance – at least not yet.
Certainly, military
aid is rising – Colombia’s security forces will get over $100 million
more in 2003 than they did in 2002. The pipeline program accounts for
most of that increase. Yet another $100 million would have only marginal
impact on the direction of a conflict involving nearly 40,000 well-funded
insurgents. Pressures for dramatically increased military assistance are
likely to build up over the next year or two.
The fifty-four Plan
Colombia helicopters delivered to Colombia’s Army offer an example of
how these pressures will mount. Until 2002, if the Colombian military
sought to use the helicopters for a mission without an explicit counter-narcotics
purpose, the U.S. embassy was legally bound to prohibit their use. "Right
now, if the FARC is attacking place X, Y or Z in Colombia and it’s not
connected to narcotics, we don’t allow the Colombians to use those helicopters,"
the State Department’s Marc Grossman said in early 2002.[93 ]
Today, that prohibition
no longer exists – but the U.S. embassy still must deny many of Colombia’s
requests to use the choppers, for the simple reason that fifty-four helicopters
do not go very far in a large country with an armed conflict and an active
anti-drug operation competing for U.S.-provided assets. "U.S. resources
in Colombia are limited. U.S. helicopters and intelligence will not in
themselves enable Colombians to eliminate terrorism in a country the size
of France and the United Kingdom combined," explains Ambassador Patterson.[94 ]
With the mission far
broader than the resources available, U.S. officials are likely to be
frustrated by having to continue saying "no" to their Colombian
military partners. Accumulated frustrations would likely motivate a new
request to Congress for still more military hardware. The same dynamic
of expanded mission, resource pressure, and escalating aid levels could
play out for any other aspect of security assistance, from new brigades
to the number of U.S. advisors.
By any measure, then,
the U.S. military commitment to Colombia is very likely to continue increasing.
Preliminary reports about the United States’ 2004 foreign aid request
to Congress – which could be issued as early as February 2003 – indicate
that it may be at least $100 million higher than 2003 levels (and thus
over $200 million higher than 2002). Beyond this, the crystal ball is
hazy. Will military-aid levels grow to $1 billion or more by 2005? Will
we see an increased U.S. military presence in Colombia to carry out this
expanded mission? How much aid or U.S. involvement is enough to guarantee
success? Does the United States even have a definition of what "success"
would look like?
"What the administration
has not done yet, in my view, is to clearly describe what our stake is
in Colombia, what changes are needed to the current policy, and what we
hope to achieve by making these changes. … Nor has the administration,
in my view, outlined the costs and benefits of our deeper involvement
in this issue," warns Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Connecticut), the
ranking Democrat on the Senate Western Hemisphere subcommittee.[95 ]
and counter-insurgency
It is difficult to
answer these questions, because the Bush Administration is doing two contradictory
things at the same time. Decisionmakers are expanding the U.S. security
commitment to Colombia, even while they lower the country’s rank on their
list of foreign policy priorities. Top policymakers, focused on Iraq,
North Korea, and terrorist groups with "global reach," have
not crafted a coherent strategy that reflects Colombia’s complicated challenges.
Instead, they have opted for steady military-aid increases within the
framework of a blanket "counter-terror" approach.
key danger of drifting into Colombia’s conflict under the banner of "counter-terrorism"
is that U.S. policymakers may soon find that "counter-terrorism"
and "counter-insurgency" are identical in Colombia. Unlike other
second-tier "war on terror" countries like the Philippines,
Georgia or Yemen, where the terrorist enemy is a shadowy group of a few
dozen or a few hundred, Colombia’s three "terrorist" groups
are real armies. They have tens of thousands of members, control significant
amounts of territory, and have long histories. A "counter-terror"
effort in Colombia, then, risks evolving into an El Salvador-style counter-insurgency
campaign – complete with U.S. advisors accompanying combat operations
(something they do not do now) – in a country fifty-three times larger
than El Salvador, with eight times as many people.
The financial cost
of such a campaign would be staggering. Consider the potential cost of
helicopter purchases alone: "At the end of the conflict in El Salvador,
the military had 50 helicopters while Colombia, fifty times larger, has
only roughly four times as many," the Defense Department’s assistant
secretary for international security affairs, Peter Rodman, told a Senate
subcommittee in April 2002.[96 ]
cost could be even higher – and chances for success still fewer – if Washington
chooses to bail out an elite that has made few sacrifices toward its own
war effort. The Southern Command’s Gen. Jackman reminds us, "I think
it’s important to underscore that this is Colombia’s conflict to win,
an important lesson we learned from our experiences in Vietnam."[97 ]
Yet a Colombian law excludes conscripts with high school degrees – meaning
all but the poor – from service in combat units. "How do I make a
case of dumping U.S. dollars and equipment into a region here when you
can’t get college-aged kids to serve in the military, to take on the AUC
and the FARC?" Sen. Dodd asked in April 2002.[98 ]
A wealthy minority
with a history of tax evasion has yet to contribute sufficient resources
to its war effort. "They’re spending for military budget, about 3.5
percent of GDP," said Rep. Obey, citing combined military and police
expenditure. "You might be able to beat Grenada with that kind of
a budget, but I don’t see them handling their own military problems."[99 ]
Colombia’s new president, Álvaro Uribe, declared a one-time "war
tax" on the wealthiest Colombians; in the best of cases, though,
this levy would only raise an additional 1.2 percent of GDP for one year.[100 ]
"I have got to tell you, every time I come back from Colombia, I
come back with the same sick conclusion, and that is that the Colombians
are going to do their utmost to get us to fight this civil war for them,"
warned Rep. Taylor in May 2002.[101 ]
The human cost could
be nightmarishly high as well. The El Salvador example is once again instructive.
It took twelve years and nearly two billion dollars of military aid to
achieve only a stalemate in El Salvador, after fighting killed 70,000
people and exiled over a million. A central goal of U.S. policy should
be to avoid such a humanitarian disaster – especially on the scale of
a country the size of Colombia.
Human rights
Central to avoiding
further humanitarian disaster is avoiding any possibility that U.S. assistance
could benefit paramilitaries, whether directly or indirectly. This will
be harder to do as military assistance increases and broadens in scope.
aid in the Bush Administration’s 2003 request
The 2003 foreign
aid bill, still before Congress as this report goes to press,
includes more than just pipeline-protection aid and counter-terrorism
initiatives. The drug war still serves as the framework for most
U.S. assistance to Colombia.
Congress grants President Bush his entire request, the 2003 bill
would provide Colombia with $538 million in assistance, of which
$383 million would go to the police and military. (An additional
estimated $115 million in military aid would come through Defense
Department’s annual budget.) $155 million in economic and
social assistance would go toward such programs as alternative
development ($54.5 million), assistance to the displaced and other
vulnerable groups ($45.5 million), “support for democracy”
($24 million) and protection of human rights workers, witnesses,
prosecutors and judges ($2 million). It is probable, though not
certain, that human rights and fumigation conditions will once
again appear in the law.
As in 2002, most of this assistance is part of the “Andean
Regional Initiative,” the name that the Bush Administration
has given its counter-drug assistance package to Colombia and
six of its neighbors – Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Panama,
Peru and Venezuela – all of which would see military and
police aid increases if the administration’s request is fulfilled.
Much aid to
Colombia will maintain the counter-drug military and police units
that the United States has helped to create or support during
the past several years. Follow-on training, equipment upgrades,
fuel, and helicopter maintenance will be major expenses, as will
the cost of supporting a dramatic expansion in aerial fumigation
(from 84,000 hectares in 2001 to over 130,000 in 2002, with a
goal of 200,000 hectares sprayed in 2003). [102]
The United
States will use some of these funds to help create yet another
unit in the Colombian military: a second army counter-narcotics
brigade. This 1,700-man unit, which will operate in the eastern
departments of Guaviare, Guainía and Vichada, will use
some of the helicopters granted to the First Counter-Narcotics
Brigade by the 2000 “Plan Colombia” aid package. [103]
The Southern Command estimates that the cost of setting up the
brigade will be $30 million: $18 million for equipment and $12
million for training. U.S. Special Forces teams would train each
of the brigade’s four battalions over the course of a year,
one battalion per quarter. [104]
While guerrilla brutality
is worsening to sickening levels, the Colombian military’s toleration
and abetting of paramilitaries also continues in much of the country.
CIP staff visited eight departments of Colombia in 2001 and 2002; in each,
we heard denunciations from local officials, labor leaders, human rights
defenders, and church representatives of routine military-paramilitary
cooperation, such as ignoring AUC roadblocks, vacating zones before paramilitary
attacks, or soldiers and paramilitary thugs appearing together in public.
As the U.S. aid mission
expands, it remains to be seen whether existing legal safeguards will
be enough to prevent our assistance from reaching unintended beneficiaries.
In an unlikely but not impossible scenario, for instance, the United States
might tell the Colombian military that guerrillas are in village X, only
to see military personnel share this intelligence with paramilitaries
who go on to massacre civilians in village X.
The future: recommendations
for a new policy
2003 is likely to
be another grim year for Colombia. Hard-line President Uribe continues
to act on his belief that "only bullets will win this war,"
declaring a state of emergency but failing to reclaim significant amounts
of guerrilla-held territory.[105 ]
The guerrillas remain far from renewed peace talks. The FARC, its hard-line
leaders increasing the group’s military savagery and political isolation,
has increased its share of killings and its ability to operate in urban
areas. The paramilitaries, seeking negotiations with a president whom
its leaders profess to admire, continue their systematic violence against
labor leaders, human rights defenders, journalists and other non-violent
reformers. Meanwhile, as their bosses focus their attentions on other
parts of the world, mid-level State and Defense Department officials are
putting the finishing touches on their 2004 aid request to Congress.
These officials –
and the members of Congress who must consider their proposed strategy
– would do well to heed a piece of advice attributed to Will Rogers: "If
you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging."
The drug war has so far failed to yield a shred of progress in Colombia.
It is unlikely that success lies in adding a second war (on terrorism)
– with a special emphasis on helping a U.S. oil company – while lesser
amounts of economic assistance lag behind.
"The United States
shares Colombia’s vision of a prosperous democracy, free from the scourges
of narcotics and terrorism, which respects human rights and the rule of
law," reads a December 2002 State Department report.[106 ]
It is impossible to realize this vision, however, with a strategy that
overwhelmingly favors the armed, repressive part of Colombia’s state.
Security, of course, is of crucial importance, but it is achieved through
neither helicopters nor a focus on drugs and oil pipelines.
In order to achieve
true security, decreased drug production and the demobilization of armed
groups, the Center for International Policy recommends the following changes
to U.S. policy in Colombia.
• Recognize that
"security" is more than a military goal.
"We can’t have alternative development," Deputy Secretary of
State Richard Armitage told a Senate caucus in September 2002, "until
we’ve gotten a much better security system."[107 ]
The deputy secretary articulates a widespread but misguided belief that
military and economic aid must occur sequentially, one before the other.
In practice, efforts to address the root causes of the conflict cannot
wait until some future moment when "security conditions" are
considered to exist. A soldier can be stationed every few square feet
in a zone – but the zone still won’t be secure while the population is
hungry, distrustful of the state, and courted by armed groups.
The United States
should recall the dictates of its own counter-insurgency doctrine, which
emphasizes the importance of winning the population’s "hearts and
minds." This means that spending for basic needs in Colombia must
increase dramatically (easily done by cutting high-cost military-aid initiatives)
and speed up significantly. It makes no sense to avoid assisting populations
in conflictive or isolated areas – these are the zones where governance
most needs to be strengthened.
• Abandon fumigation
in favor of an eradication strategy that actually strengthens the Colombian
A government that expects to control its territory cannot enforce its
laws anonymously, from a spray plane. Few Colombian coca-growers have
had significant contact with their government, which they associate only
with military patrols and herbicides. Achieving a lasting drop in illicit
coca cultivation will require government representatives to be present
in drug-cultivation zones, explaining to coca-growers face to face that
their illegal activity must cease and that alternatives are available.
Without such regular contact, the most systematic, efficient fumigation
effort imaginable would still be tantamount to counter-insurgency in reverse,
creating new support for illegal armed groups and encouraging coca-growers
to set up elsewhere in Colombia’s vast untouched wilderness.
Nonetheless, at present
the U.S. and Colombian governments are immovably committed to expanded
fumigation. This raises a more immediate humanitarian issue: spraying
must at least be accompanied with emergency food assistance for coca-growing
families whose means of subsistence has been destroyed. Starving people
is neither a moral nor an effective eradication strategy.
governors of Tolima, Cauca, Nariño and Putumayo have developed
detailed plans for developing and pacifying their departments, but
lack funding to carry them out.
• Let local populations
take the lead in their own development and security. Washington
and Bogotá will not succeed if they dictate social reforms, changes in
agrarian policy, or security decisionmaking to affected populations. Instead
of paternalistic handouts like the failed "social pacts," the
government should follow the lead of governors and mayors, peasant organizations,
producer federations, indigenous organizations and others who understand
their communities’ challenges and needs. Ideas for local alternatives
abound throughout Colombia, from the detailed proposals issued by governors
in southern Colombia to the "life plans" of indigenous cabildos.
Some U.S.-funded programs, such as efforts to strengthen municipal governments
in southwest Colombia or the revamped USAID program in Putumayo, are making
some effort to build local capacities. These efforts are small, however,
reaching only a minuscule fraction of those affected by rural Colombia’s
violence and economic collapse, and should be significantly expanded.
• Increase third
countries’ involvement and assistance.
Helping Colombia out of its multiple crises calls for more than bilateral
cooperation. Yet most European donors and Colombia’s neighbors have distanced
themselves from the United States’ military-dominated strategy. Other
donors must be brought into the design and implementation of a common,
coordinated assistance effort. This would require U.S. officials to yield
on occasion to the priorities of European donors and democratically elected
Andean neighbors.
• Reduce and reorient
security assistance to help Colombia’s government make security a "public
good." Deliver such aid transparently and subject it to strict human
rights standards. Aiding
Colombia’s military and police is a potentially dangerous undertaking.
The United States’ often tragic history of security assistance to Latin
America is well documented, while the Colombian military’s historic role
has been to protect the interests of a powerful few, often against non-violent
Nonetheless, Colombia’s
civilian population faces immediate threats from illegal armed groups,
and it is the state’s job to protect them. Colombia and its security forces
must break radically with past patterns and make security a public good
– available to all, even the poor, the powerless, and the opposition.
This goal does not guide current U.S. aid to Colombia; instead of protecting
the weak, our assistance protects spray planes and oil pipelines. U.S.
security assistance must be decreased and reoriented toward helping Colombia’s
security forces fulfill their long-neglected responsibility to the country’s
most vulnerable citizens.
As the past has shown,
without extreme vigilance even this aid can end up fortifying Colombia’s
unjust order and worsening the human rights climate. Any military aid
to Colombia must therefore be provided in a very transparent way – detailed
information about assistance must be freely available to both countries’
citizens – and subject to rigorous human rights conditions forcing a cutoff
if human rights violations go unpunished.
• Make further
assistance contingent on Colombia paying a greater share. Colombia
is simply too big for the United States to come to its rescue. Whether
military or economic in nature, U.S. assistance will have only marginal
impact if not accompanied by a significant increase in Colombians’ own
contribution. This will require privileged Colombians to undergo deep
sacrifices, which would be another major break with the past.
• View security
and human rights as inseparable and mutually reinforcing. Human-rights
priorities must be central to all U.S. assistance. This means consistently
enforcing human rights law, interpreted strictly ("complying"
should mean "fully complying," not "sometimes complying").
Human rights measures should be seen as a useful tool for encouraging
action against paramilitary groups and for ending the impunity that allows
so much abuse and corruption to continue. Making human rights a central
priority means taking a strong and vocal stand on behalf of threatened
human rights defenders, union leaders, journalists and other non-violent
reformers – even if they criticize U.S. policy. Washington must not offer
unqualified, blanket support for President Uribe’s security initiatives,
several of which risk endangering civilians by placing them in the midst
of conflict.
• Keep the troop
cap and restrictions on U.S. personnel in combat. Pressure
to change the U.S. presence in Colombia, such as an increase in the troop
cap or a deployment of U.S. advisors to accompany combat operations, would
be a signal that Washington is crossing a dangerous threshold. Existing
limits on U.S. personnel in Colombia – whether in the law or as a matter
of policy – should be preserved.
• Invest more
on drug treatment. Studies
have demonstrated that increasing addicts’ access to treatment programs
at home is more cost-effective than interdiction and eradication abroad.
Though the Clinton and Bush administrations have raised the treatment
budget since the mid-1990s, far too many addicts cannot enter programs
for lack of funds. A significant reduction in demand at home would mean
much less money for guerrilla and paramilitary weapons and abuses.
• Recognize that
Colombia’s problems are complex and inter-related, and that focusing too
much on one aspect courts failure.
The State Department’s December report indicates that, on some level,
U.S. officials know this already. "Colombia’s problems are complex
and do not lend themselves to any easy or rapid solution," the report
reads. "The country’s present-day troubles reflect numerous, deeply-rooted
problems including limited or non-existent government presence and law
enforcement capability in large areas of the interior, the dramatic expansion
of illicit drug cultivation contributing to endemic violence, and deep
social and economic inequities."[108 ]
The Center for International
Policy shares this analysis, which we note makes no mention of oil pipelines
or "narco-terrorism." A genuine U.S. and Colombian effort to
address these "deeply-rooted problems" would be a radical break
with historic patterns and policies, more revolutionary than anything
Colombia’s insurgents claim to be fighting for.
[1] United
States Congress, Conference Report 106-710 on Public Law 106-246
(Washington: Library of Congress: June 29, 2000) <>.
United States,
White House, Office of National Drug Control Policy, "McCaffrey Praises
Senate on Approval of Colombia / Andean Ridge Drug Emergency Assistance
Package," Press release (Washington: June 22, 2000) <>.
[2] United
States Senate, Speech by Sen. Paul Wellstone, Congressional Record
(Washington: June 21, 2000): S5492 <>.
[3] Jerry
Seper, "Drug Czar Rips Clinton, Congress on Funding," The Washington
Times (Washington: December 2, 1999): 13.
[4] "Plan
Colombia: A Plan for Peace, or a Plan for War?" Letter from seventy-three
Colombian non-governmental organizations (Bogotá: June 2000) <>.
[5] These
estimates and the table on page 2 are derived from twenty-seven different
U.S. government documents, too many to list in this publication. To view
a list of sources, visit
[6] United
States, Department of State, U.S. Embassy Bogotá, "Remarks by Ambassador
Anne W. Patterson at the CSIS Conference" (Washington: October 8,
2002) <>.
[7] United
States, Department of State, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law
Enforcement Affairs, International Narcotics Control Strategy Report
(Washington: March 1, 2002) <>.
[8] United
States Senate, Caucus on International Narcotics Control, "Hearing
on U.S. Policy in the Andean Region," Hearing transcript (Washington:
September 17, 2002) <>.
[9] United
States, Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law
Enforcement Affairs, Fiscal Year 2003 Budget Congressional Justification
(Washington: Department of State: April 2002) <>.
[10] United
States, White House, Office of Management and Budget, Technical language
accompanying FY02 supplemental budget request (Washington: March 21, 2002)
[11] United
States, Department of State, "Daily Briefing with Spokesman Richard
Boucher" (Washington: May 10, 2002) <>.
[12] Bureau
of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Fiscal Year
2003 Budget Congressional Justification, April 2002.
[13] United
States, Department of State, "A Report to Congress on United States
Policy Towards Colombia and Other Related Issues" (Washington: December
3, 2002) <>.
[14] Senate
Caucus on International Narcotics Control, September 17, 2002.
[15] John
Walters, director, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy,
Press briefing (Washington: August 13, 2002) <>.
United States,
Department of State, "Daily Briefing with Spokesman Richard Boucher"
(Washington: January 3, 2003) <>.
[16] United
States, Department of State, "Daily Briefing with Spokesman Richard
Boucher" (Washington: January 14, 2003) <>.
[17] United
States, Department of State, Department of Defense, Foreign Military
Training and DoD Engagement Activities of Interest: Joint Report to Congress
(Washington: March 2002) <>.
[18] United
States, Department of Defense, Western Hemisphere Institute for Security
Cooperation, "Commandant’s Briefing: Western Hemisphere Institute
for Security Cooperation: A New Institute for a New Century," (Columbus,
GA: August 2002) <>.
[19] Rowan
Scarborough, "U.S. law bars giving Colombians data," The
Washington Times (Washington: February 26, 2002).
[20] Brig.
Gen. Galen Jackman, U.S. Southern Command J-3 (Operations), Media roundtable,
September 29, 2002 <>.
[21] United
States, House of Representatives, Hearing of the House Appropriations
Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, Transcript from Federal News Service
(Washington: April 10, 2002) <>.
[22] United
States Senate, Speech by Sen. Richard Durbin, Congressional Record
(Washington: June 21, 2000): S5496 <>.
[23] United
States Army, United States Air Force, FM 100-20 / AFP 3-20: Military
Operations in Low Intensity Conflict (Washington: December 5, 1990):
Chapter 2 <>.
[24] U.S.
Embassy Bogotá, October 8, 2002.
[25] United
States Congress, House Appropriations Committee Report 107-663 on H.R.
5410 (Washington: Library of Congress: September 19, 2002): 61 <>.
[26] Senate
Caucus on International Narcotics Control, September 17, 2002.
[27] Department
of State, December 3, 2002.
[28] Department
of State, International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, March
[29] Gen.
Gary D. Speer, acting commander-in-chief, United States Southern Command,
Testimony before the House International Relations Subcommittee on the
Western Hemisphere, April 11, 2002 <>.
Paul de la
Garza and David Adams, "Colombia stymies coca plant spraying,"
The St. Petersburg Times (St. Petersburg, FL: May 27, 2001) <>.
[30] United
States Congress, General Accounting Office, Efforts to Develop Alternatives
to Cultivating Illicit Crops in Colombia Have Made Little Progress and
Face Serious Obstacles, GAO-02-291 (Washington: February 2002): 13
[31] Adolfo
Franco, assistant administrator, Bureau for Latin America and Caribbean,
U.S. Agency for International Development, Testimony before the House
Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, April 10, 2002 <>.
[32] House
Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, April 10, 2002.
[33] Senate
Caucus on International Narcotics Control, September 17, 2002.
[34] Rachel
Van Dongen, "Legal Crops’ Damage," The Washington Times
(Washington: October 15, 2002) <>.
[35] Paul
E. Simons, acting assistant secretary of State for International Narcotics
and Law Enforcement Affairs, Testimony before the House Committee on Government
Reform (Washington: December 12, 2002) <>.
[36] U.S.
Embassy Bogotá, October 8, 2002.
[37] Author
interview with local leader, name and position withheld for security reasons,
Nariño, Colombia, November 1, 2002.
[38] Franco,
April 10, 2002.
[39] House
Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, April 10, 2002.
[40] United
States Senate, Hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on
the Western Hemisphere (Washington: April 24, 2002) <>.
[41] Senate
Caucus on International Narcotics Control, September 17, 2002.
[42] Curt
Struble, acting assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere Affairs,
Response to author inquiry at briefing hosted by International Crisis
Group (Washington: January 10, 2003).
[43] David
B. Sandalow, executive vice president, World Wildlife Federation, Letter
to Sen. Joseph Biden (Washington: September 27, 2002) <>.
[44] United
States, Department of State, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law
Enforcement Affairs, "The Government of Colombia’s Procedures for
Handling Complaints of Colombian Citizens that Their Health was Harmed
or Their Licit Agricultural Crops Were Damaged by Aerial Eradication,"
Report on Issues Related to the Aerial Eradication of Illicit Coca
in Colombia (Washington: September 4, 2002) <>.
[45] United
States, Department of State, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law
Enforcement Affairs, "Aerial Eradication and Alternative Development,"
Report on Issues Related to the Aerial Eradication of Illicit Coca
in Colombia (Washington: September 4, 2002) <>.
[46] Lisa
Haugaard, executive director, Latin America Working Group, "Analysis
of Compensation and Alternative Development Sections of State Department’s
‘Report on Issues Related to the Aerial Eradication of Illicit Coca in
Colombia’" (Washington: September 16, 2002) <>.
[47] United
States, Department of State, "Colombia," Country Reports
on Human Rights Practices – 2001 (Washington: March 4, 2002) <>.
[48] United
States, Department of State, "Memorandum of Justification Concerning
Human Rights Conditions with Respect to Assistance for Colombian Armed
Forces" (Washington: September 9, 2002) <>.
[49] Amnesty
International, Human Rights Watch, Washington Office on Latin America,
"Colombia Human Rights Certification IV" (Washington: September
2002) <>.
[50] Sen.
Patrick Leahy, "Comment of Senator Patrick Leahy on the Secretary
of State’s certification on September 9, 2002," Press release (Washington:
September 10, 2002) <>.
[51] U.S.
Embassy Bogotá, October 8, 2002.
[52] United
States, White House, Office of the Press Secretary, "President’s
Letter to Congress on U.S. Personnel in Colombia" (Washington: January
13, 2003) <>.
[53] Senate
Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, April 24, 2002.
[54] T. Christian
Miller, "Foreign Pilots Hired to Boost U.S. Drug War" The
Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, August 18, 2001).
[55] United
States Senate, Senate Appropriations Committee Report 107-219 on S.
2779 (Washington: Library of Congress: July 24, 2002) <>.
[56] United
States, White House, Office of National Drug Control Policy, "Coca
Cultivation in Colombia, 2001," Press Release (Washington: March
7, 2002) <>.
of Colombia, Ministry of Justice, Press release (Bogotá: February 27,
2002) <>.
[57] Government
of Colombia, Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes, La lucha de Colombia
contra las drogas ilícitas - Acciones y resultados 1999-2000 (Bogotá:
DNE, 2001): 2.
United Nations
Drug Control Program, Colombian government National Narcotics Directorate,
Colombian National Police Anti-Narcotics Division, "Localización
de Areas con Cultivos de Coca, Proyecto SIMCI, Censo Noviembre 01 de 2001,"
(Bogotá: SIMCI project, 2001) <>.
[58] United
States, Department of State, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law
Enforcement Affairs, International Narcotics Control Strategy Report
(Washington: March 1, 2002) <>.
United States,
Department of State, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement
Affairs, International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (Washington:
March 1999) <>.
Office of
National Drug Control Policy, "Coca Cultivation in Colombia, 2001."
[59] United
States, White House, Office of National Drug Control Policy, "Table
33: Average Price and Purity of Cocaine and Heroin in the United States,
1981–2000," National Drug Control Strategy: 2002 (Washington:
January 2002) <>.
[60] Senate
Caucus on International Narcotics Control, September 17, 2002.
[61] "¿Contra
Quién es la Guerra?" CODHES Informa 43 (Bogotá: CODHES, November
18, 2002) <>.
[62] Gustavo
Gallón Giraldo, "Esta Guerra No Se Gana a Bala" (Bogotá: Comisión
Colombiana de Juristas, September 4, 2002) <>.
[63] "Colombia,"
World Report 2003 (New York: Human Rights Watch, January 2003)
[64] For
instance, State Department counter-narcotics chief Rand Beers told a congressional
committee in late 1999 that "a stronger military will enhance the
negotiating position of the Colombian government by offering the FARC
a much-needed incentive to pursue peace." [Rand Beers, assistant
secretary of state for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs,
Testimony before the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control
(Washington: September 21, 1999) <>.]
[65] Gen.
Barry R. McCaffrey, director, Office of National Drug Control Policy,
"Remarks to the Atlantic Council of the United States" (Washington:
November 28, 2000) <>.
Gen. McCaffrey
clearly felt differently in private. In June 2002, the former drug czar
told National Journal, "There was always an artificiality
to this policy that endorsed helping a democratically elected Colombian
government against drug criminals but refused to help them when they are
threatened by people who are blowing up oil pipelines, murdering mayors,
and kidnapping politicians. It was almost an out-of-body experience going
through these mental contortions, deciding what intelligence we could
share with Colombians whose lives were often in danger. Sometimes I wanted
to ask, What was Washington thinking?" Cited in United States Senate,
Foreign Relations Committee, "Trip Report: Minority Staff Delegation
to Colombia, May 27-31, 2002," (Washington: June 2002) <>.
[66] Peter
Rodman, assistant secretary of defense for International Security Affairs,
Media roundtable (Washington: August 21, 2001) <>.
[67] Rui
Ferreira, "Las FARC se asemejan a Bin Laden," El Nuevo Herald
(Miami: September 29, 2001).
[68] Ambassador
Francis X. Taylor, State Department coordinator for counterterrorism,
Press conference at the OAS (Washington: October 15, 2001) <>.
[69] Anne
Patterson, U.S. ambassador to Colombia, Speech (Bogotá: October 25, 2001)
[70] Jonathan
Wright, "Powell Sees ‘Gray Areas’ in Defining Terrorism", Reuters
(Washington: October 25, 2001).
[71] Anthony
Boadle, "Pastrana Seeks U.S. Aid to Fight ‘Narco-Terrorism,’"
Reuters (Washington: November 9, 2001).
[72] George
Tenet, director of central intelligence, Testimony before the Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence (Washington: February 6, 2002) <>.
[73] Rep.
Cass Ballenger, Statement at hearing of the House International Relations
Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere (Washington: April 11, 2002) <>.
[74] Rep.
Henry Hyde, Statement at hearing of the House International Relations
Committee (Washington: April 24, 2002) <>.
[75] United
States, House of Representatives, H.Res. 358 (Washington: March
6, 2002) <>.
[76] United
States, Department of State, "Report to Congress: Caño Limón Pipeline"
(Washington: December 2002) <>.
[77] United
States House of Representatives, Speech by Rep. Mark Souder, Congressional
Record (Washington: May 23, 2002): H3001 <>.
[78] Gen.
Gary D. Speer, acting commander-in-chief, United States Southern Command,
Testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Western
Hemisphere, April 24, 2002 <>.
[79] Jackman,
September 29, 2002.
[80] ibid.
[81] Clara
Inés Rueda G., "E.U. cuidará intereses petroleros en Colombia, dice
embajadora," El Tiempo (Bogotá: February 10, 2002) <>.
[82] United
States House of Representatives, Speech by Rep. Gene Taylor, Congressional
Record (Washington: May 23, 2002): H3008 <>.
[83] Vanessa
Arrington, "U.S. Envoy Greets Forces in Colombia," Associated
Press (Bogotá: January 17, 2002) <>.
[84] United
States Congress, Public Law No: 107-206 (Washington: August 2,
2002) <>.
[85] United
States House of Representatives, Speech by Rep. Ike Skelton, Congressional
Record (Washington: May 23, 2002): H2998 <>.
[86] United
States House of Representatives, Speech by Rep. Jim McGovern, Congressional
Record (Washington: May 23, 2002): H2997 <>.
[87] Kim
Burger, "US Special Forces Give Colombians Anti-Terrorism Training,"
Jane’s Defence Weekly (London: January 8, 2003).
[88] ibid.
[89] Ambassador
Marc Grossman, under secretary of state for Political Affairs, Testimony
before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee for Western Hemisphere
Affairs (Washington: April 24, 2002) <>.
U.S. Embassy
Bogotá, "Palabras de la Embajadora Anne W. Patterson ante la conferencia
‘Colombia a los ojos de Wall Street’" (Bogotá: July 25, 2002) <>.
[90] U.S.
Embassy Bogotá, "Discurso de la Embajadora Anne W. Patterson ante
Fedegán" (Cartagena: November 21, 2002) <>.
[91] Off-the-record
interviews with U.S. officials with security responsibilities, June and
August 2002.
[92] Andres
Calá, "Danger of a New Vietnam," The Gazette (Montreal:
February 9, 2001) <>.
[93] House
Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, April 10, 2002.
[94] U.S.
Embassy Bogotá, October 8, 2002.
[95] Senate
Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, April 24, 2002.
[96] Peter
Rodman, assistant secretary of defense for International Security Affairs,
Testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Western
Hemisphere, April 24, 2002 <>.
[97] Senate
Caucus on International Narcotics Control, September 17, 2002.
[98] Senate
Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, April 24, 2002.
[99] House
Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, April 10, 2002.
[100] Department
of State, December 3, 2002.
[101] Taylor,
May 23, 2002.
[102] Department
of State, December 3, 2002.
[103] Speer,
April 24, 2002.
[104] Speer,
April 11, 2002.
[105] Gallón,
September 4, 2002.
[106] Department
of State, December 3, 2002.
[107] Senate
Caucus on International Narcotics Control, September 17, 2002.
[108] Department
of State, December 3, 2002.
A publication
of the Center for International Policy
© Copyright
2003 by the Center for International Policy. All rights reserved. Any
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for International Policy.